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Marshal Gebbie Jan 2010
Seldom doth man stop and stare
At the caste iron manhole cover there,
Seldom doth he analyze
The majesty, which beneath it lies.
The pipe work systems vast and long
Dark catacombs so precise and strong,
Buried deep beneath our feet
Extending forth from street to street,
Out across the breadth of town
Those secret fluids trickle down.

Laser levels carve the pathway
Through the walls of solid stone,
Shovels scrape and dig with effort
Forging hard trajectories home.
Digging, digging metal mountains
Sweat cascades upon the brow,
We lay the pipes in straight formation
Precision's satisfaction now.

An Artisan's great work is hidden
Lost beneath the earth's grey stone,
Appreciation camouflaged in that,
The cast iron manhole stands alone.
Magnificence unrealized
For deep beneath your feet,
A subterranean Michelangelo's
Sisteen Chapel, lays discreet.

Unsuspected rivers
Flowing darkly to the sea
In caverns of unwanted waste
Quite unbeknown to thee.
Vaulting brickwork chambers
Which are ancient works of art,
Carry oceans of excretement
Far from where their journey's start.

With thunder's crash and lightning flash
And torrents of cold rain,
The road's awash and gutters flow
Through roadside grates to drain.
Gushing torrents cascade down
In waves of flowing might
To the storm water system
Which promptly swallows it from sight.

Magic, you say ?
Nay, nay I say unto you
That the drain layers artistry
Is unappreciated, that's true !
That the Herculean effort wrought
In winning his great fights
Is largely lost to all and sundry
Who avoid construction sites.
They miss the planning and the layout
And meticulousness too
And the rubber seals which stop the leaks
Which really bother you.
The massive holes and danger
Of being buried in collapse
And the wondrous satisfaction
Of achieving downhill flows... Perhaps!

Apprentice drain layer
MHX Beachcroft site and Eastport
19 September 2009
Olivia Kent Sep 2013
Hatch closed.
Wall was blessed with multiple colours.
Rainbows on the table top.
Hand prints everywhere.
Angelic footprints blessed the rug.
Showed where they'd marched.
Ceiling as if Sisteen Chapel.
Minus quality of Michealangelo.
No Madonna here.
Could for heinous crimes.
Evidence been found.
They had such fun.
Paw prints of naughty pups obvious.
Oblivious to what they've done.
Only keys left.
Finger dabs of mini perpetrators.
Devil made work for idle impish hands.
Mother's audacity.
She went to water the loo.
She came back feeling blue to a world of painted hurricane.
What did mummy make of this mess.
Two minutes of children with paint pots.
Caused mummy distress!
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
ashlee allee Oct 2014
Im scared what is it going be like
When I turn sisteen
What is it going to be like
Whats in it for me
Is it going to be scary
Is it going to be fun
Or is it going to be
This and that
And your already done
I mean seriously What is it going to be like...
Are you going to meet new people
Or are you going to live be living in a house with me or live in a dungeon and play with
Rats for free
Who really knows these questions are
Easy to answer just make sure there right
But not wrong only you can deside
What your fate will be
Let's talk devils advocate..
Care plan packaged !!! carefully
Marked abstinent.
**** it. This planet won't be half as lit.
Had I chose to man up.
Admit my bad ****. And put a lid.
On burning candles *****....
Can I be candid for a moment...
Question marked...
Hazardous.... dont answer this...
But how do I stay safe...
When my brain is chemically imbalanced *****
Soaking up years of coke liquor **** and ******* cannabis ...
Grade 9 dances.
Stolen glances. At my destiny
Written the saddest script..
Since Harvey's Weinstein and r kelly.
Did remix to bebe rexhas smash hit baddest *****.....
I guess that's it...
I take compliments and criticism
Like sunshine to a cabbage kid...
Trying to help my condition
. using undercover practices

Results of broken rubbers
Being stubborn trying to ask me ****...
Making sisteen chapel look like
Painting from a ******* david banner.
Getting mad at it...
No patience like an empty psych ward.
The floor below.
Half inhabited by *** addicts.
Same amount of patience as they premature ejaculatjng amateurs.

I thought I was the man and ****....
Till tactical team six.
Swooped down and picked my *** up quick...
Manifested gravity.
Into the emptyness of black abyss...
Like trying to not rhyme the same is half the battle
Finding **** creeks paddles the other half of it
That's where I grabbed my wits....
Focus on the *** I see inside the mirror. Not the *** you practically
Have to kiss
Behind a weakness for need of approval..  *** self love
Felt cruel  hazardous and gradually cancerous....
For some reason. I cant admit
That my destiny ain't footsteps in the sand and ****...
Relying on my ego.
Pride and vanity. Like prime ingredients to make.
Horse **** sandwiches....
Would you like that with mayonaise
Deceit. Pickles or some radishes...
I want to visit past tense..
Like before this started happening
The building was scrapped. Evacuated.
In the process. Of abandonment....
Shack was built.
On drugs *** and lies
pictures of my kids are the only thing
In the entire mansion
Worth having it....
Talking about cups like I got plenty
In the cabinet...
**** I wish. But the futures
Fickle..  **** just a little..
Pickles radishes *** and ****
To make  massive gorgeous. ***** ***** sandwiches
Kevin costner with these wolves
Just gotta learn to dance with it
And I'll be glad to kiss my past goodbye
Like seal team six.
When they came and
Licked my *** and ****....
mike Jun 2021
So im crazy.
So what?
What does it do?
Does it give?
Does it love?
Does it peel the skin back to show what the world is made of?
Will it turn the inside of your skull into a sisteen chapel?
Or convince your mother
that you have what it takes?
Will it feed the hungry?
Or steal from the rich?
Or will it talk about itself long enough
to convince itself that one of them thinks itll teach them something invisible, save them from the idea of death, put flowers in their mind, growing until they dont notice one of em growing out of the space of dirt that used to be the paint covered chamber walls of the inside of their skulls.

— The End —