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Ive made many mistakes
But this is the one
for which i harbor the most hate
She was there right in front of me
The one i was destined to meet by fate
I let her go; no... i drove her away
Wrapped up in my own shelfish
self perpetuating ways
Shes out there i know. and i pray shes okay
But in the world shes in; its just a matter of counting days
You cant help others before you help yourself I accept that now
LefaNdlovu Dec 2018
She opened her warm arms for you Smiling and welcoming you deep into
Her heart, tears of joy filled her eyes, she
Hoped for not so much but just love, she
Trusted you to respect her and never to Break her heart and you promised never In your sober senses to hurt her
And she felt for it

You looked straight into her eyes,
Knowing very well you feeding her lies,
Manipulated  her mind and She only Believed you felt the same, not Knowing You brought her nothing but shame,  
When you came and played her
She thought  that You Were the one but You were planning to hit her behind and run leaving her behind

She treated you with kindness but you Were so heartless you stinged her  with Your bitterness you  came and change
The game took her innocence planing to Leave her in pain although she was with You through the rain you chewed and Threw her in drain, although she gave You all she had  you still took from her more than she gave, then you left

She never complained because she had Faith in you but you took advantage
With your fake love, you won her mind And her heart, she gave you more her soul But all you did was bruise and hurt her Then you left her in pain she could have Sent you to jail or prayed you to burn in Hell but instead she chose to forgive you Because she love and she cares for you

You injected her with lies and false hope She accepted you  with all your flaws but
You rejected her after getting what you wanted, not only you fooled and failed her
To fullfil your own evil shelfish feelings  
You played her.

— The End —