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Jordan DuBree Aug 2014
he said only angels have scars
im an angel with scars
he said they'll go away someday
but said they wont go far
they'll stay with you forever
all markings on your arms
reminding you forever
of who you really are

cuz only angels have scars
im an angel with scars
he said they'll go away someday
but said they wont go far
they'll stay with you forever
all markings on your heart
telling your secret fears
and tearing you apart
sheading all your tears

im an angel with scars
yeah an angel with scars
I know they'll go away someday
if I push the blades away
they wont stay with me forever
no markings on my arms
trying to tell me who I am
thank you Romeo for helping me through all of this
I watch the water on the glass.
And wonder how long this will last.
The clouds sheading tears.
When will they realize their fears?
Are just a premonition.
I've been in that position.
Droplets stream down the window panes.
I can't help but feel the same.
Perhaps the clouds lost someone they love.
Someone we can't see, someone above.
That's why I shead these tears I cry.
I hate to say goodbye.
BUt the clouds tears only last til they move on.
While, mine, I feel will never be gone.
I wish there was a sun in me to break through my mind.
Like the one who is the clouds' one and only bind.
Stíofáinín Oct 2018
A complacent snake in the grass has a venomous tounge
He's coiled and clever, and highly strung
Compressing self-worth into a form of bigotry
Where on earth is this vipers dignity?
Claiming deniability as he chokes on  all resolve
A flaky body of conflict who thinks he has evolved
sheading the flesh with a promise of lies
These delusions have overgrown
Snakes do not possess a backbone
Corrupting good nature he still can't follow through
Pigeon hearted little serpant, is that really you?
Devouring your own head in means of escape
We see the lies are now taking shape
Loosing front while you slither on  through
Short on the ***** now what on ever will you do?
If you lose your face, you'll grow another two
Megan s May 2017
When I was just 2 years old my parents pushed each other to the point of breaking,
My house hold was a war zone for at least 5 years… no happy smiles and no giggling after dark
I sat in my room dreaming about what it would have been like if I was the lawyer that ruined my life…
If I could have let this little girls life fall apart right in front of her.
If I could have been the one to say yes to her parents leaving her in a room for longer than should be accepted.
If I could have just sat there looking at her crying mother and done nothing

Now im 15, im older… its whatever now
I guess im used to seeing my mom cry and my dad yell for no reason
I guess ive adapted to not having a perfect life like all my so called “friends” do
Sometimes I wonder how that lawyers life was affected like mine was 13 years later
I guess little girls crying every night isn’t a big enough trigger warning…

17, I still lay down and think how heartless you must be
You’ve made me wonder, what if its my fault….
What if they didn’t want me, what if I was the one to cause the fights?
No that cant be I was just a child, you said they loved me…

I turned 25 today,
I guess I forgive you, you were just doing your job…
And I cant hold you accountable for the pain i've felt for the last 23 years.
I cant blame you for having my life crumble beneath my feet,
I cant tell you how much im sorry for screaming, how sorry I am for sheading all of those tears…
And how sorry I am to tell you that my life line is in your hands…

Im going be turning 26 in less than five months!
Guess that means a new begginning, new life for me, but trust me your not getting involved in this one
Not the best but it explains a lot
Simba Feb 2020
Roses are red violets are blue.
It's been four long years
since I've been missing you.

God took you home
on this 16th day.
I ring your bell as,
I give you
your three kisses!
Saying, "I love you".
There's not a day that goes by.
That I'm not thinking of you.

Time passes by.
You're still in my mind
and in my heart.
Till the day I die.

The last time I spoke with you.
Was on Valentine's Day
Feb 14 2015.
Seven whole minutes,
was all that was spoken
that day.
Never thought that God
was going to take
you away.

I wake up every morning,
where you laid.
So peaceful and comfortable,
I have to say!
I laid beside you and held
you so tight.
"I called you Mommy"
Wanting you to wake up
that night.

I'm writing these words,
sheading my tears.
Missing you so much.
My Mother dear.
Until we meet again.
Heaven so bright!  
When it's my turn,
to pass in the night.

Until then mother,
I'll keep ringing your bell!
Giving you kisses,
3 in a row.
Meaning that I love you so.

Roses are red
are blue
sugar is sweet,
just like you!

From your only son
and your sunshine too!

I miss you and love you still,
as I always will.

Rachel Mar 2019
In the First of Days,
Before Death was made up to be an intruder, a mistake or a message wrongly delivered,
Death was temporary.
Like a Snake sheading its skin.
A crab crawling from its shell.
Death was a Renewal.
We Live, dying.

— The End —