“You are an island of reality in an ocean of diarrhea” —Jason Mraz
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"Talk to John about your ****."
"Got fired for that ****."
"Got paid to do ****."
"No ****, really"
"Its all the same ****, different day"
" Words are only words, you ain't ****."
" Time to get woke, and get **** done."
"oops, just Sharted"
" You'll pay for that criminal ****, if you didn't know"
" Don't sleep where you shat"
" Don't **** where you eat"
"Quit the **** if it don't help your **** or better your ****"
"Ain't that some messed up ****"."
" **** has hit the fan. "
" Is this **** legal? "
" That's some racist ****. "
" I didn't sign up for this ****. "
" Don't blame your **** on gin & juice. "
" **** is dope. "
" What a **** hole they live in. "
" What kind of **** are you trying to sell now? "
" Call that **** for what it is. "
" You lying *******. "
"why not enjoy the Go?"
"It was like getting **** on."
"The **** that comes out of some mouths, i swear..."
"Don't you touch that ****. You get hooked on that ****. "
" At a hundred dollars a plate, that **** better be delicious"
" ****'s better on paper. "
" What's all this **** about? Who did that ****?! "
" This is my ****, get your own ****. "
" Yours smells like everyone else's ****, it ain't roses. "
" Bury the sticky ****. "
"That **** hurt, but once you're numb you can't feel ****"