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Butch Decatoria Feb 2017
defined as "existing or being everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered."*


he craves online hook-ups.

...but this isn't me
or that intrepid,          
torrent trampoline
                   on wireless ether engines
zone on in  .nets & .coms
                   searching fiber-optics for sight
browsing rooms of M4M to fantasize delights
to itch to fix
to sit transfixed as if
subliminally attached
digitally to a electronic felatio
yet all the while detached
reading pretend profiles  explicit
with ***, sexified,
dreaming up new fetishes
with misspelled texts
                        tandem testimonials as if written
by a Compaq-machine-head
or Microsoftened lust
                        as now we are turning to dust
with iBooks & faraway Dells on our laps
scrolling lists and Adams with "anything goes"
remonstrating our vicious
                           cycle - blank with un/trust

this isn't me...
where is the warmth
       of feelings, emotions,
I am not that talented
          to be in two places at once,
but he has the faces
and genius of multiple personalities
   of sabotage with grace.

he says it isn't him.

my anger has only one trait. two eyes.

and he has too many faces
doppleganger hatreds
where  does  one


(The rubble or the sin?)


DOPpLEGANGER­ (2016)--[Rewrite]

he craves online hook-ups.

But this isn't me
nor am I that intrepid        
a torrent trampoline
                   on wireless ether engines
                   cyber silver surfin'
zone on / in  .nets & .coms
                   searching fiber-optics for sight
browsing rooms of M4M / in-fantasized delights

an itch to fix
to sit transfixed
as if
subliminally attached
digitally digitized digi-man
                            to a electronic felatio soundtrack

yet all the while detached
                            lurking duplicitly
reading pretend profiles  explicitly
for ***, sexified mind
dreaming up new fetishes
with misspelled texts
                        tandem testimonials as if written
                        by a Compaq-machine-head
                        Microsoftened lust
currents electric now as we turn into dust
with iBooks & faraway Dells on our laps
scrolling lists for Adams
status' with "anything goes"
                        remonstrating our vicious cycle
alive & blank with un/trust
gone viral...

this isn't me.

where is the warmth
       of feelings, emotions,
malleable and infallible / love??

I am not as talented
as he
          to be in two places at once,
but he
          has the many faces
and genius of multiple personalities
   of sabotage with Mommy Dearest grace.
        Beautiful strangers his acquired

he says it was not him
(doing ****)

my rage has only one trait.
two eyes                              (once wide asleep in the lies)
and velvet-rope-burned
my feet learn to fly
my heart un-breaks
my wings reanimate...

he has too many faces
doppleganger hatred
none to care for or embrace

When did I go blind,
         and leave my many strengths?
Where do I now

(The rubble or the sin?)

Every night adieu
Every day anew
                                        once again...
Butch Decatoria Jan 2016
he craves online hook-ups.

But this isn't me
nor am I that intrepid        
a torrent trampoline
                   on wireless ether engines
                   cyber silver surfin'
zone on / in  .nets & .coms
                   searching fiber-optics for sight
browsing rooms of M4M / in-fantasized delights

an itch to fix
to sit transfixed
as if
subliminally attached
digitally digitized digi-man
                            to a electronic felatio soundtrack

yet all the while detached
                            lurking duplicitly
reading pretend profiles  explicitly
for ***, sexified mind
dreaming up new fetishes
with misspelled texts
                        tandem testimonials as if written
                        by a Compaq-machine-head
                        Microsoftened lust
currents electric now as we turn into dust
with iBooks & faraway Dells on our laps
scrolling lists for Adams
status' with "anything goes"
                        remonstrating our vicious cycle
alive & blank with un/trust
gone viral...

this isn't me.

where is the warmth
       of feelings, emotions,
malleable and infallible / love??

I am not as talented
as he
          to be in two places at once,
but he
          has the many faces
and genius of multiple personalities
   of sabotage with Mommy Dearest grace.
        Beautiful strangers his acquired

he says it was not him
(doing ****)

my rage has only one trait.
two eyes                              (once wide asleep in the lies)
and velvet-rope-burned
my feet learn to fly
my heart un-breaks
my wings reanimate...

he has too many faces
doppleganger hatred
none to care for or embrace

When did I go blind,
         and leave my many strengths?
Where do I now

(The rubble or the sin?)

Every night adieu
Every day anew
                                        once again...
Retitled... once UBIQUITOUS
Chris Nov 2018
As I smell your manly scent, I slowly move my lips to yours
I closed my eyes and put my right hand to your chest
Feeling every heartbeat of yours, then you hug me tight
Every pause of moment, I genuinely smile coz I know you are mine

Your pleasure becomes mine, and mine are yours
Your stares my love, delights my heart
You sexified me in every content, nevertheless, caresses me
You rest in my arms, I kissed your forehead. You are mine.
Love session memories.
Sean Stull May 2015
We are surrounded by shadows of all those in pain,
whose bodies have withered,
till they decay.
Fear, depression, and hate,
these are our demons of fate.
I wish their was a solution,
but it may be too late.
We've become animals of fear,
caged and trapped,
challenged by the choices made by our peers.
Racism, hate, seperation....pain.
Must we always take the bait?
All around us we are divided,
because of skin or how we love,
why cant we just be united?
The boy hated because of being gay, the girl being judged on her anatomy,
this is the price we pay?
For the freedom to choose our lives,
we just sit here and lie,
while others DIE?
We've cheated ourself out of our innocence,
chosen to hate and push away,
is there a end to this wickedness?
We have hope,
we can change this world,
we don't have to just mope.
We are creatures of love and beauty,
divinly given to us all,
can we use these gifts to find unity?
The gay boy saved by a straight,
the sexified girl rescued by a gentleman,
it's NOT too late!
We've perserved through tyranny,
we've rescued those in need,
we can stop the villany!
We are the heros of our earth,
we'll stand united,
because we have been since birth.
Race by race, man by woman, gay by straight, we are brothers and sisters all,
and if we don't come together,
who will stop our fall?
first poem i EVER wrote please leave suggestions
Glenn McCrary Sep 2012
Raspy, sexified tones began tightening
Like nooses around my throat
A trail of corpses appeared nonexistent
To millions of natural eyes
Catastrophically I was yet another victim
In the pages of ****** that she had composed
She must be found

— The End —