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jeffrey conyers Mar 2013
We all hear the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
And it could be applied to anything in life.
If God gave his only begotten son so unselfishly.
Then a selfish heart should be seen.

Don't let evil control your love.
It only tear your heart apart.

If someone ask you for a dollar.
We probably be skeptical about given it.
Because we'll be concern on, what they would spend it.

Which is understandable.
But if it went to the correct thing.
Then we wouldn't say a thing.

A selffish heart hadn't done any good for anyone.
In many cases it has done more harm.

We instruct children to share.
And advise them that selfishness don't get you anywhere.

Who knows?
Just by giving you might receive back more
God gave us Jesus and received a lot more than before.

Always remember in life.
To leave your selfish heart at the door.
Love of giving needs to be explore.
The devil claws at me to **** him and let him go
But I can’t I love him too much to **** him,
A beautiful soul, that is so pure
and innocent with a purpose,
If only that purpose is me,
But, when he looks at me it feels as if
I’m being born again, only in his eyes
Why . . . Why can’t I stop Loving him

It’s as if he has a gravitational pull
Too powerful to escape, and it just keeps
Pulling me in till I just want to stop myself
it felt like I have been hit by a train
Rolling down tracks at racing speeds
Trying to find a propose

I want to stop caring for him
But every time I try to push away
I just get closer and again
I can’t help but feel lonely
When I’m not by him.

I know he is better off without me
But I’m selffish and  I loved him, but I’m
Scared I’ll drive him away forever. forever
I don’t know what to do

But keep to myself that I am in love with him
I will be there by his side as long as he needs
But for now, I will just hide in the bottom of my heart in order to survive

If I didn’t hide I wouldn’t be able to
Help myself from telling him everything,
And showing him how I feel,
This love is too powerful to understand

But if I were to die tonight
Would he cry, or at least remember me.
Would he carry on my memory?

And if he were to remember me why
Could it be he secretly loved me as well
No way . . .  wait, Nah, but maybe, eh
Doubt it
To the ones who love somebody and are to scared to say.
Its not Strong enough.
I want to feel it all the way.
These thoughts are eating up my brain. My only love?
He's doing his own thang.
Cause he Doesn't care.
Says he does, but baby you ain't really There. Your actions show the opposite of what you claim.
It's Fine. You have always Been that way.
I Wish I wasn't using When I met you. The drug blocked all The negative That poured out of You.
"Idk how to love"
You learn. You search.
You don't have to live in a certain household To know how to be a good person. Your careless & selffish. You deny all your blames and Victimize the pain im feeling towards you. Makes no sense!
That's why.
I want Stronger. To forget all these ****** up Convos.
A Ligter, cotton , a Spoon & needle.
Yes,  I'm getting near.
I can't put up with feeling more sadness!! I'm suffering & you let me. Your letting me Continue wanting to use by You feeling dissapointed & ignoring me.
Pretty ****** up
I'm killing me slowly & all you want is to get over me.
Cause "I talk to much ****"
Well **** Popa stop giving me reasons and stop pointing the finger at me !!

— The End —