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It just doesn't seem the same,
Yet I still look for you to blame,
I made haste laying waste
In the face, fetched silk lace,
To my own heart's melted case.
Lingering lingerie from last night's nameless stranger,
A horrible serenade when I thought your body surrendered,
I called your name when I came like I used to,
A mistake most irate, through my eyes I see you,
Every disbelieving belief in my cynical mind,
I have tried jerking off but just get close to crying,
Pathetic as it seems, a seemingless reality,
I write in paradox and ****** hope to bring to me,
The groundless belief in asinine wonder,
I think of you smiling and realize the sunder,
The corroded attempts of finding someone new,
Someone as smart, as gorgeous, as lovely as you,
I often lose sleep with a painful thought,
How long did it take to forget me?
Cassidy Jul 2013
It was like the flames
around the sun had lit up
the irisis around my eyes,
creating such flawless,
seemingless beauty was too easy;
the sun had it's way with me,
lighting up my day after
the clouds had shed a few tears;
the rain drops had fallen off
of the tree from above and danced
around the corners of my tea cup,
the sun finally had reached the top of the sky, letting light shine through the clouds over the mountains, creating a beautiful day;
after all, that is nature's purpose,
to compose such beauty
Milyan McKissack Mar 2015
Only the eyes of an artist could see
the mistake I am,
and yet still think of me as his masterpiece.

Flaw by seemingless flaw
I was created.
Sewn together with intricacy and care
from my delicate skeletal structure
to my foundation of muscle and fats.
Knowledge and hard logic
corresponding with feelings
and favorable decisions.
Pain and tears,
blood and sweat;
is what I am.
And who I am
depends on the crowd I'm in.
Aligned perfectly in body and soul
just like the planets dancing around the sun.

And in all of this
he signed his name
in MY fingerprint;
looking past all my flaws.
Making it obvious
that I am his
and he, truly is, mine.

— The End —