When greening land and the azure sea
had first appeared to bodiless me,
it was naturally quite alluring--
and precipitous down-sloping
was required.
I leveled my sights
and I dove down--
I imagined there--my new life,
emergent forming.
When at last some pre-form-idea me
had touched the ground--shock surprised,
I sprung up and I flew again.
My mother-to-be
could have been but was not
in the least alarmed.
I sensed her nearby
Below me, seawave
collapsed into seawave,
wide ocean surfaces
flashed fields of whitecaps,
each one existing only for an instant.
So brief it is to be alive, I know this is true!
Yes Yes! Adventure
be assigned to me!
In my own way I breathed in.
I was arriving.
In my own way I breathed out.