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Alice Morris Feb 2015
Tonight was the night,

me and my husband were going to set the world a light,

We had everything planned,

even how to aim our clothes at the night stand.

Kids packed off to stay at their nan's,

nothing was going to ruin our plans.

I cooked up a romantic meal,

lit candles to get the right feel.

Everything was going fine,

until I started on the wine.

Hubby was running late,

this wasn't turning out to be that perfect date.

Three bottles down,

my head was spinning around.

Finally he walked through the door,

I screamed I couldn't take any more.

I knew he was telling a lie,

I could smell the perfume as he walked by.

I turn to him and scremed, tell me her name,

but the curtain touched the candle and started to go up in flames.

Suddenly the house was a blaze,

when it was all over, I was amazed,

I had to get closer, because I couldn't believe what I saw,

next to his ashes, a brand new bottle of perfume was lying on the floor!!
Ariel Taverner Oct 2013
The first time I cried
I said it all
I opened up and hoped she would help
But all she said was
it gets better

I hoped yet again and reached out
Please help me my heart cried
My soul screeched
All she says is
it gets better

Please I cried silently
it gets better

I scremed shouted lashed out
Please let this end
Please just talk to me
Please help me
I screamed to her surpise
stop it it gets better

I let it all out
All my secrets
All my lies
All my questions
All my anxieties
She talked
And I hope she would finally listen
Finally help
stop pitying yourself *


it gets better

it gets better

*well *******
Lies are all around us as they Lie

— The End —