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Thapz Kolatsoeu Oct 2017
Ndivumele juba lam sthandwa sentliziyo yam
ekuseni we langa indi ku balele
incwadi Yothando Yesizulu
(A Zulu Love Letter)
Nguwe be ngi ngo #kiss
incwadi Yothando Yesizulu
(A Zulu Love Letter)
Ngifisa sengathi ungangibhalela incwadi Incwadi yothando yesiZulu Esho ngemibalabala na ngamabalabala
Axoxa indaba ejulile yemizwa nemicabango Idayimane, ngelo thando lweqiniso
Omhlophe, ngowenhliziyo engenasici Indilinga, ngoba olwethu kalunasiphetho
Oluhlaza-sasibhakabhaka, ngoba wena ucabanga ngami
Unxantathu, ngoba amazulu aphezulu Kanjalo nomhlaba nolwandle ngaphansi bayazi
Onsundu, ngoba kuyitshe kunothile futhi okwemvelo
Njengomhlabathi ongaphansi kwezinyawo zami
Noma ungawu shiya umbala ophuzi Kungani kumele ungithande ngenhliziyo enesikhwele! ?
Ngifisa sengathi ungangibhalela incwadi
Engiyoyigaxa emqaleni
Ukuze zonke izimbali zase maqeleni Ziyohawuka lapho zingibheka
Ngenxa yayo yonke lemibala egqamile Incwadi yothando yesiZulu
Ngobuhlalu bothingo-lwenkosazana Ubuhlalu base mazweni aqhelileyo Minake sengiyoba nentokozo emangalisayo
Lapho ngiphendu-phendula ulimi lwakho
Kancane-kancane, futhi ngesikhulu isineke
Ukuze ugcine usukwazi kahle hle Ukubingelela abazali bami
Ngendlela eyiyona-yona, ngolimi lwesiZulu
Molo sethandwa sawubona ngiya themba ulale ngahle?
African zulu love letter, zulu is an african spoken language in south africa, a language that originate from the zulu land, the roots of the late zulu king, shaka zulu
I always stole a glance at him, hoping that he
would ask for my name
but NO he never .... NVM
Made sure that I'd get a seat next to His,
Then I would stare at Him ...
Hoping that He would... Aahh NVM but
Not even a greeting, not even a Sawubona
from Him.
Decided to write Him a letter, then crafted it
an aeroplane, asked Jane to throw it at Him
but did He bother to even read it? Ahhh NVM
I started to convince myself that he is blind or
Long-sightened or something
I mean I never heard him utter a word maybe
he is dumb or he hates ... Ahhh NVM
I gazed at Him less, but them Feelings got
they got stronger and I decided to no longer
be a stranger to Him
I braved my heart and couraged my mouth
I went to His desk, greeted Him
He noded, Dude I'm so fucken attracted to you
'Oh you're '? Yes
'Sorry sister, I'm Gay.'
I fainted.
I never had a boyfriend again, till today.
Emmanuel S Aporu Sep 2024
Dad: Sawubona!
Ngema: Yebo, Sawubona! Were you Zulu?
I don’t seem to remember you.
Dad (laughs): I’ve always loved the Zulu!
Ngema: My name is Mbongeni Ngema
Dad: Call me Jo! Your music is loved by my son, Emma
Ngema: Oh, I know your son, he has the blood of the Zulu!
He looks like the kind that hails from Kwa-Mashu.
Dad (laughs): He longed to meet you while on earth
Ngema: Hahaha! That boy was very close to my heart.
Dad: Would you say he knows your every song?
Ngema (laughs): Every day, he discovers a new song!
Dad: He really loved Thina bant’a bamnyama
Ngema: Hahaha. Let’s just call it my last gift to Emma!
Dad: I think he’d really be happy to meet and see you
Ngema: Oh yes! He might be here soon. Let’s ask uJesu.

— The End —