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Quinn Kaley Apr 2012
“The news told me,” she said, like we were close, “the news said nearsightedness isn’t just genetics, isn’t just luck of the draw.” I’d never been a gambler. My interests were absorbed in my spoon’s inverted picture.
“What I mean, is clarity is in the hands of the person.” Or in the eyes. “You look at things too close when you’re young, and you lose focus forever.”
Her arms crossed over her uniform, a seafoam apron. She looked through her bifocals at her thoughts. Four kids in seven years. Her body was tense and doughy from the push and pull of life.
“Now imagine that,” her roadrash voice rumbled. “If I had just looked at the horizon more I wouldn’t need these **** lenses. My whole life could’ve been different.”
I pushed my empty coffee cup in her direction so she had a better reach, and gave her a half smile. “Yes. Imagine that,” I said.
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

O modern Christ
Your garments Lotto parted
Your cross is slow
devoured by worms

O modern Christ
Your plaster face is cracking
Your feet are scorched
By roadrash burns

O modern Christ
The Texas rangers love you
In the stadium aspire

O modern Christ
Your side's a bullet wound
Your crown is made of razor wire

O modern Christ
Your tears are falling
Turning your nails red with rust

O modern Christ
Your bread has moulded
And your wine has turned to


Catherine Jarvis
(C) October 19, 2014
What is happening to churchs
In this country is appalling

There are actually
And don't get me started on

Now that the Catholic church
Has relaxed it's doctorine
The Christian church will follow suit
kfaye Mar 2024
the roadrash of the path ahead
mars the viable skin graft of
her tender side-
haunch forward,
too towards the future to care and

— The End —