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Downtown is toned by streetlights on Saginaw St.,
tracing her cobbled backbone—

on the corner a pool of light is a lullaby,
but clearer to see brick by brick,
layers of calloused palms,
callous shadows cross-hatching;
blue-collar, white-collar, police-collared,
all with matching steel jewelry—

We place the blame of an abandoned city
like hands wrapped around each other’s throats,

I hold my breath.

Buildings straighten themselves to look up,
our *****-mouthed, thieving, empty-pocket,
sole-less shoe, unapologetic town looks up,
both feet on pavement residued with used to be,
timeless like a good pair of jeans,
we all look up.

We whisper the secrets of a town unmoved
when hitting rock bottom.

We whisper to one-another an unwavering gaze,
a fight, a consolation, and stroll with heavy feet
under the sky of flickering city stars
with corporate automotive names,

We whisper all or nothing
     To dark windows in tall buildings,
     close our eyes for sleep;
     the sun comes up tomorrow.
modelb0nes Dec 2013
I'm writing with butter stained lips
and popcorn residued fingertips.
I'm looking at the ceiling, watching
frosted rain fall from the clouds
and onto my window (the curtains
looked rather nice).
i want to be angry
so ****** angry
but i’m not sure
if it is at myself
or at your ****** blue eyes.

i just want you.
to the point where
i feel like someone else
will end up here to replace
you and those blue eyes

i just want this.
i want it all to work.
i want it all to be perfect.
when right now.
i’m the farthest from perfection
that i have ever been before

i want to be face down
on a mirrored  table
coke in my nose
and THC in my system
klonopin residued
i was doing better then
than i am doing now

— The End —