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the clouds storm and stir the horizon
and swoon like a sorrowful bird,

the sun sinks the same way once risen
and deafening the fires of his word,

a lover waits hopeless and dreary,
and hopeless and dreary departs

for love not returned leaves her weary
and breathful her heart.

a vision as clear as the ages,
that reach to the soul or the heart

the storm of the clouds broken cages
long gone those soft clouds that depart

and the sea strides to shore like a viking,
and rages eternal like cloud,

for the storm now is spent and surrenders,
that once stood so proud.

the sea she will wrap me in flowers
and drown me in ivies and wine,

as the sharp winter wind blows wild showers,
that bury the aches of the pines,

and the sea i found tender with rapture
blew me back where the ages relent,

and the sea gave me back all its flowers,
for the love never meant.

desire is no pastry or pudding,
it is death, it is life, it is naught,

in its rages it cries like a blossom
that bursts from the bough and is caught,

no lover could rule or control me,
but they begged and they begged
for my love,

and the love that i gave soon destroyed me,
a lion to the dove.

yet the sea dries my eyes from my weeping,
rejuvinates like vinaigrette,

and love never once won or departing
soon buries its soul in regret,

and the sea sings like a stereotyped lover,
too broody to throw out a rose

and the rose would be tearful my lover,
seas sea e'en froze.

for the sea is a viking of passion,
strange ghost of the wind and the wave,

and knows nothing of love or compassion,
but will leave you with the dark that can't save,

i see her in the **** frost, her blossom,
the waves that still billow like sails

the foam the blue foam near the flotsam,
her song a soft silvery scale.
l tried to remember you but I couldn't
l still do have your numbers, but it's like my
hands are tied I cant do anything
Fried hearts dont pump blood
Then how come mine rejuvinates when I try to
remember you blood pumps running like flood
Are you the lover that I cant remember?
Are you the lover that I lost in December?
I still dont know who you are but Im on
For a person I dont know
Let me find you, I have sentiments I need to
Or at least can I befriend you, my self esteem
is very low
I still dont know,
who my lover is,
I still dont know,
where my lover is,
I still dont know who I am looking for
but Im looking
I still dont know who I am trying to remember
but Im reversing my memories
I have two pictures that you gave me
but this is not you
Im still trying to remember you
I have the letter you wrote me
but this is not your handwriting
I still dont know,
who my lover is,
I still dont know,
where my lover is,
but I 'll find
Emk666 Jul 2015
On this path obstructed by red rose bushes
Lies the era of our golden dreams
Whose thorns pierce every limb of our body
But whose pulchritude emphasizes on its radiant gleam

And when those thorns disseminate pain
Our eyes are reassured by the blindening red
The kind of red that rejuvinates hope
And enlightens those who simply sit and mope

But for some it may breed new selfish desires
Desires that are capable of arousing compulsion
And desires that gradually exteriorize to lust's
But when such lust's lie with in reach
They simply abrade ,
Just like the iron rusts

Despite knowing the pain it entails
We transition on this path from threshold to terminus.
Combatting incessantly in this unremitting struggle
We allow the gust to bear us along.
a little explanation :(once you have read the poem take out a few more seconds to read this)
The persona has used the "path of red roses" to signify the path of life,which comprises of both happiness intertwined with sorrow. The roses in particular are a manifestation of the enticements of life which are at times paramount to the survival of humanity. The term " blindening red" confers to the above statement. As for the thorns they represent the quagmires of life which every joy brings along with it.
S A Marshal Aug 2020
In life's war of shoot to ****;
Winner has all, that's the deal.
Mercy not for all hard work;
They just rob in day and dark.
Luck with me as always thought;
End of day there's nothing bought.
Wise are evil, not to say;
Mystery's life but what the hey?!
Found myself in melancholy,
Why should I die so harshfully?

I've lost all and can't expect;
My big ship is in a great wreak!
Is war over, I'm so weak?
At life's brink, I gave a shriek!
Always lived in dignity,
Was to reach my sovereignty.
Man within says NO! NO! NO!
I too am man to play my show.
Got to collect whatever in me.
Got to show, I'm meant to be.

Pulling slowly, gripping rope,
Dreaming again from broken hope.
Blur is destined and vague vision,
Mind, still with power to move on.
For the new day sun high rises,
Wiped all past, and improvises.
So must rise from torment of fire,
Must win to great from a mere.
Come what may, mazes or viles,
I shall walk through all these miles.

I moved on to for I have to,
Went afar to brighter new.
Saw a golden gate ajar,
Few more steps in pain and scar.
No one seen yet seemed crowded,
In new realm I seemed beaded.
Could this be? Mind in frenzy.
Hope not so it's, it's too early.
Fragrances rejuvinates,
My whole self regenerates.

Then came a breeze to soothe me up
Nothing is to matter in this new lap
All seemed nice and all seemed glee
Alpha is mine and omega is me
No time here is seen to move
Days and nights all removed
Nothing in memory, no one to know
People all around in their own flow
My last breath, heard sounds of cry
Heavens sung as I'm raised high.
A brief description of this writing:
Struggling for survival and planning to endeavour the approaching new war, unknowingly you transit into a unknown dimension.
In your first feeling, not at all realising where you are you proceed on to accomplish your planned tasks.
Then at a certain instant a chill begins to put you in a dilemma of thoughts.
How do you get to accept the new life, leaving behind all the plannings and day night handwork for a cause?

S. A. Marshal
12. 03. 2007
Sean Patrick Armstrong Mar 27

Self banished down crusty cave

reaching for the undenyable

Bridged hoping as a wounded defender,

The left arm naked, convexd

while the right is sunken casually,

eventually, patiently falling apart

haven't the strength of mind to argue otherwise

the lighted buddhist mask reveals itself, solidarity, or double false

only mindful as a shipwrecked beach ***

a stick in the sand and thankful for fruit flies

perhaps the ultimate bite has been taken, and for the use of stapled source it rejuvinates gradually, crystal liquid, gumball machine

like its underbelly is welcome, alwalys flipping like a lightswitch for kicks

a hot *** of water

or flix in a camera

perminantly borded to the take-out reason quiz

or constantly switching between dinner, lunch, and breakfast

anyways, misunderstood

as a leafing nightstand bible

— The End —