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Jacob Lewis Jan 2014
Cloudless confusion blows through the dead mind's sky
All eyes envying the ever nearing end of time.
This constantly reccuring thread.
This secret sentence meant to reinvent this magic.
It is a morbid mirage.
Murdered marriage
A massacre, unmentionable.  
Mesmerizing sobriety,
Majestically marauding science.  
Mindless moon born madness.
Inner sinner-inner sanctum.
Sheltering some malevolent Mysterium.
This thoughtless thirst for sanctity.
The shapeless shadow wisps which whisper.
Shock of spewing blood against a backdrop of white.
A keenly edged knife ******* grins into milky skin stretched tight.
The shifty sorrow of quick fading light
Deep down dig of fright
Straining: fighting with the last vestiges vanquished
The swallow of sentience, this last candle scarcely alight.
Burial romance.
This slow turned page.
Slow revelation of cumulative age.
Empty vessel volition withering onstage.
Don't weep this ****** burned
This solace we've earned
Good sense long past spurned.
Sadistic disaster our honey and sugar.
Outlined by the end
The smile of evil men.
Sad string stung, star struck spirit spun.
The voice of Us long undone.
Screaming chorus Kingdom come.
Seance chorus all wanting some.
This cracked Kingdom collapses
Each moment which passes
One last squandered synapse and then all falls quiet... at long last.
My lunar goddess
Murderess that got it
Illformed uninformed. I crept through my cerebrum, took the path of some parasitic worm
Real4God Nov 2013
In the night this woman becomes a little girl.
She feels mighty small in this gigantic world.
Alone in the room. No one sees her there.
Just a quiet ghost sitting in an empty chair.
She's seen sunny days and cloudy rain showers.
Over time she's seen the growth of these beautiful flowers.
But with the reccuring events she has grown so bored.
It's like some ancient object that was once adored.
The item is precious and makes up her dreams.
But from her sleep she awakes with heartbreaking screams.
Fear sets in. It takes its toll.
It devours her heart and leaves a hole.
Her God. Her solution. He's very close.
And in His hands she places her highest hopes.
She looks to her right and to her left.
She realizes God is the only One left.
She prays for a change and a brand new flame.
With everything she has, she calls on His name.
Of course she bruises. She's only human.
But in the morning this little girl will become a woman.

sound one

sound two

i stand near a figure by  water; in water

leaded grey seamed as soldered. we stand together, there is no gender, no one mentions it no more


they did in the tate


gigantic genitalia

liking autumn, our fall  & liking travelling

i visit winchester today  near an old home no longer home. i fear to return there nightmares reccuring

the flat, the trap

the madness

those days i escaped  to the sea,  gently floating for hours becoming spongy avoiding the need to return until dark, when turning the key opening the door found chaos screaming


in this crypt i find

all is quiet par the dripping in a quickening rhythm ; a storm outside .

water seeps in drips from my clothes pools the floor

feel the rain pour through me scouring  pain and it is better this way

i look across; it is taller than me by a foot with head bowed

stands before me silent

i stand before it silent

two of us

just two of us

some may say one of us

dripping settles

i do not know you

i do not know anyone really

only think i do

you cannot know me

secrets never told not to be told




enough to be here in this place of quiet

water rises to its knees while i move higher


a while to think remember you and you and you

all those that left

everyday some one dies.                                          we do not know them all

i have found solitude   and like it;  have achieved my solo flight a quiet life

hear a noise in the distance turn and walk away

it looks down into its hands


sound two

sound eleven

three hundred and more

— The End —