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Poet B Lee Apr 2010
This is past due like the rent paid on the thirteenth
Late better than never-- and I got this here forever
Flow like rain during any kinda weather
Keep this here close to my heart
And when the block comes, I don’t know where to start
Beat-beat Thump-thump
I'll just let the words flow from my heart
But you ain’t feelin me’-- You ain’t hearin’ Queen
So I got to bring you back to the forefront with my so⋅lil⋅o⋅quy
I remind you of all the things that had you fearin’ me
This Army of One, brighter than that star He created we call Sun
Under its blaze, us two can become one
(lets make our Son under His)
While I lay with fragmented words.... spoken
Promises I made to myself remain unbroken
And my gift is as natural as the slender ducts of my abdomen called fallopian
I am Woman
The prototype made perfect and pure
Whose prose is as tight as my kegels allow my femininity to be
Wrath your ******* may not be able to endure
Thought you knew a good Woman and tight ***** make you surrender on your knees
And dream dreams about your seed taking root in this royal vessel
I am Mother Earth
And this is my Gift—my Gyft
I am Myself and such a present I present to thee
For I AM Queen Poetree
So when I seem silent
When you think you hear nothing but your heart beat
Nothing but the cool air enraptured in the breeze
I am the Life that flows from you
I am the Wind rustling the trees leaves
I am the fragrance left in the air you interpret as another
I am the overwhelming sensation made between two lovers under duvet covers
I am the softness of lips and the sensation made by the flick of a passionate tongue
I am that empty space you try to fill with another one
So when you think you hear nothing
When you think you’re all alone
I am every word, every adlib of your favorite song
Every stroke every morning when you brush your hair
I am your deep breath because, baby, I am your air
I am everything pleasurable—every pleasure experienced since your creation
And it all stems from the balance of my concentration during this poetic intrapersonal conversation
I am everything virtuous
I am the eye of the storm
I am your hope, your future
I am the pages of your favorite novel whose cover is worn
I am air, I am sky
I am the clouds, and the Sun’s heat
But most importantly, to my core
I am Queen Poetess B…
Queen Poetess B Copyright © 2010 All Rights Reserved
He could speak fluently
He was eloquent
He proved an elite
So he came to my foolish sister
And poured enough English
She was lured enough
And she was won
I told her to wait.
She could not believe me.
Enough she was convinced
"I am in University
A pursuant of analytical chemistry"
My sister loved beyond love
I took her to the science laboratory
Like for love
She invited him
A handsome well knit guy
He had careful steps
His hair style was fitting
He was a "gentleman"
I could not believe him.
I gave them apparatus
I gave them papers
To do the naming
The results were surprising
The quy could not name any.
I told him
"Ok what name is this apparatus ?"
He replied,
"Ok ,its been some time since I used that one."
I smiled ...
"What is the use of a pippete?"
"It is used for pippeting !"
My friend was disturbed
I pitied him.
I pitied my sister,
She held a degree in political science
But was lured by a form two dropout
They were dead into each other
Inseparable and loving
I told them one word
"Be true to each other,
You are the best that be."
He was a clever mind
And duped my dear sister
And she died to his true love.
I found this laughable
But I congratulated him
He was a clever man
Got my sister's weak point.
They loved each other inseparable.
Andrew Duggan Sep 2018
I met two Vietnamese
men this morning,
just outside my hotel.
They invited me to drink tea
and flexed about philosophy.

One of them told me that
Le Quy Don was the greatest scholar
that Vietnam has produced.

The other one disagreed
and wanted to tell me about
Tran Duc Thao

“He’s a Marxist and traitor”
Said Le Quy Don’s man.
I just drank some tea and listened.

Now some say how can this be?
You cannot speak Vietnamese,
and their English is poor.

So I tell them I keep searching the streets
and I wonder about words.
And the next thing is that everything is still there.
A blast of colour is a silent world.
Nick Levesque Jun 2020
"you want a version you made up in your head that will never satisfite quy

I waddle inversion turned sundering sault without a mind to abide by

the we we both reach somehow

it's fundy how time settles simply little solutions sprinkled about

but in the mean is where we live ty."

dark delved into doesn't dabble as well as it could if it knew just how much er it gets as it sits on the test
vol-de-plume ink lights whimsy in the wack-a-more many
what made it this in the first place? can the bridges keep up the pace or is the integration too great?
are you too late?
apostrophes are only as good as their comma separation

— The End —