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Garrett Lydecker Nov 2012
What are we search for?
Up sleeve cigarettes and better living through chemistry.
Looking at the stars, inaction we fall for the grifter's pitch
Didn't you hear? The search is over
A man in white found the stone
The elixir

Promising perfection the politician pours pompous profanities while princes pause for prudence and the purser pushes prophetic pleas of profit. Pure precedent presented fresh to the world.

And we cry "what say do we have in these matters?"

I will cry no more
No more will I feel helpless
For I have all the power in my world
If the heavens would rain fire
I shall command the seas to rise
I will stretch out my limbs
roots growing deep, deep down into the raw earth
And when the star appears in the heavens
Reach to chant its praise.
Diverseman2020 Dec 2009
What makes a drink so evil?
As holidays turn into dust
While payment fails a purser
One can feel
A collision pressing
As beings collided
Dismantle by ignorance
To run through an illuminating radiance
Without showing a sudden stop
Drooling tongue
With utterly words
As a voiceless child
To damage
Cause by a drink
Unknown to the spirits
As one life is spared
By a bag of air
Who can drive a drink of evil?
The purser can still hear the cries
on that night, on the cold seas
the haunting shouts in the darkness
muffled shouts of help the helpless

That terrible night that the lady sank
when the lights went out replaced by stars
waiting and praying in the darkness
waiting for rescuers some just for release

In a distant lifeboat a child was sobbing
Mummy please wake up Please
and they turned her over the side
giving a hand to the next in the water to survive

The ship unsinkable
was a ship sinkable
made to the depths of the sea
with chilled patrons liken to you and me

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
The Catering officer
Once upon a time, I was a ******; I began as a galley boy
and after six months was promoted to the second cook,
What dizzying height. At home, I went to a catering school for cooks
and later on, a course to become a chief steward.
For three years I slaved as a chief cook on ships it was
hard and boring and then I was promoted to Chief steward
they use “chief” a lot in the merchant navy, this to make you feel
important, but in the end, you are a ******* slave.
My job was that of a purser doing the books buying what was needed
as cheap as possible and see to it the cook was reasonable sober.
This new job gave ample opportunity to read I wore a white shirt
with three silver stripes on which caused me endless embarrassment
as I dislike uniforms in civilian life. The first ships I was on had a selected crew,
proper people saving up to buy a house with a big garage when
I was dreaming of going ashore and meet exciting people.
This entire nicety unnerved me, and I tended to be rude one can
say I didn't fit in, so my next ship was less posh and from
there it was downhill all the way until I ended up on rust buckets
that birthed at small ports in South America, and I loved it.
Gone was the uniform, but I used a blazer over my T-shirt when
the officials came onboard, served them whisky till they
staggered smiles and handshakes ashore.
But it didn't last the old ships were replaced with container ships
which is nothing but floating barges, so I jumped ship
swam to the Algarve in Portugal and stayed.
The writers

Autodidact I read not entirely I'm a trained chef
a purser and a milker of cows on a farm
Which the literary cognoscenti find amusing.
A leading newspaper invited some famous
intellectuals to talk about the future
of which they knew nothing but showed
the arrogance of people
far removed ordinary people's life.
I have noticed when they talk about democracy
they mean their rights
when it comes to the man in the street
they think some restrictions of freedom are needed
as their freedom leads to chaos.
That is why when the famous talk about Israel
they wrap their opinion
in several woolly scarves as not to upset anyone.

— The End —