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Sumit Bhaintwal Jun 2015
Chocolate Milkshake!
Sweet love-child of milk and chocolate;
Drowsing inside my extra large take-away tumbler,
after a tiring roller coaster ride.

Chocolate milkshake!
Dark and delicious; Derived from the **desserted
district of dreamland.
Destroying me internally, you devilish seed of cacao tree.
Today, you are mine; And I’ll be the proud receiver of your sweet nectar.

Chocolate Milkshake!
You proudy  liquidy miracle of nature.
You self obsessed syrup of supremacy.
You won’t ever get over yourself, will you?

Chocolate Milkshake!
I have loved you enough, you mean juice of Zion.
Next time, I am gonna order a vanilla milkshake.
It might not be as magical as you are;
But again, I can’t hold onto you forever.

— The End —