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I am a dreamer,
riding on storm clouds.
Dancing with lightning and
drifting through snow falls.

I am a dreamer,
to the wide open spaces.
Shouting from cliff tops and
swimming in rivers.

I am a dreamer,
of undulating tree lines.
Swooping through valleys,
of ancient oak forests.

I am a dreamer,
a seeker of silences.
Whispering soft words,
to the wandering waters.

I am a dreamer,
I wake with the night song,
leaving behind the,
illusions of day time.

And you are the dream,
in the deepest of currents.
Pulling me on and
pulling me forth.

Maybe some day,
we shall meet, we shall mingle.
The dream coming home,
to rest in me.

© Previn Pillay,
stranger Oct 2022
Compensez acum pentru câte n-am trăit,

O mandibulă travertin, nu-mi mai filtrează plămânii

Decât când sunt singura


Când sunt singură ajung la apogeul interogării.

Da, are dreptate acum m-am convins.

Nu mai *** spune că beau sau că fumez în plan social

Un viciu real e un viciu personal iar eu...

Eu îmi transform tot în viciu atât cât există în intimitatea propriei mele minți.

Îmi privatizez existența precum visam că voi face, un chin, o răutate de nedescris la fel *** spunea tata-totul se va întoarce când "ai grijă ce-ți dorești că poate se îndeplinește."

Tată, nu e un "poate" , vezi tu toate aceste spuse intră în contradicție;mi-ai spus că tot ce vreau, primesc și ai dreptate-nu e un "poate" , e unica certitudine.

Tată dacă ai știi că glumele despre un viitor malefic aveau să devină realitate pentru fiica ta, le-ai mai fi spus?

Și această frumusețe de a trăi și de a admira tot malefică rămâne în prisma unei existențe deteriorate, acrită de timp.

Tată dacă ți-aș fi spus că era prea târziu, ai mai fi venit?

Toată această ardoare a mea de a afla *** se poate trăi mă conduce dintr-o viață în alta.

Și așa schimb lumi, anotimpuri, oameni, existențe - eu avertizez dar niciuna dintre aceste vorbe nu sunt concrete, aceste discursuri discrete, aceste vise pe jumătate coerente-eu nu sunt poet când îmi găsesc vină, când mă blamez, eu nu sunt poet când previn oricât de frumos poate suna.

eu nu sunt poet, nu când fumez, nu când implor, nu când sufăr.

Tată, eu știu că nu mă vrei poet, ceva filozof delirând într-o râpă.

Tată, asta se întâmplă,asta se va întâmpla.
So many times I have hungered for your penetrative love. Your shirt was torn when you crashed that new helicopter. I couldn't believe that you weren't killed. The Grand Canyon is deep. I pray that your helicopter is operational. My sister is having another baby again. Can you believe it? Skipper wouldn't strip on the ship, even after I struck, with an oar, her lip. It's John Hinckley's foster love that makes me fester. I respond in attack-mode to mod attacks. I tire of me after long spurts. The pope's people-friendly, while I'm 'possum-nutty. It's true. I'm faultfully honest. Rose, like risen, is the past tense of rise. André Previn ain't bound for heaven, as I don't stick my hairy **** out when I'm going down the truck route.
So many times I have hungered for your penetrative love. Your shirt was torn when you crashed that new helicopter. I couldn't believe that you weren't killed. The Grand Canyon is deep. I pray that your helicopter is operational. My sister is having another baby again. Can you believe it? Skipper wouldn't strip on the ship, even after I struck, with an oar, her lip. It's John Hinckley's foster love that makes me fester. I respond in attack-mode to mod attacks. I tire of me after long spurts. The pope's people-friendly, while I'm 'possum-nutty. It's true. I'm faultfully honest. Rose, like risen, is the past tense of rise. André Previn ain't bound for heaven, as I don't stick my hairy **** out when I'm going down the truck route.
Your shirt was torn when you crashed that new helicopter. I couldn't believe that you weren't killed. The Grand Canyon is deep. I pray that your helicopter is operational. My sister is having another baby again. Can you believe it? Skipper wouldn't strip on the ship, even after I struck, with an oar, her lip. It's John Hinckley's foster love that makes me fester. I respond in attack-mode to mod attacks. I tire of me after long spurts. The pope's people-friendly, while I'm 'possum-nutty. It's true. I'm faultfully honest. Rose, like risen, is the past tense of rise. André Previn ain't bound for heaven, as I don't stick my hairy **** out when I'm going down the truck route.
Arlene Corwin Jul 2019
Although I wrote this with my own performances in mind, there was Andre Previn who, they say actually quit his job conducting the Pittsburgh Symphony because it was like throwing pearls before swine - people coughing, being there for the wrong reasons etc.  All experienced musicians and artists, I’m sure, have experienced the same!

    Pearls Before Swine.  
So many times I have hungered for your penetrative love. Your shirt was torn when you crashed that new helicopter. I couldn't believe that you weren't killed. The Grand Canyon is deep. I pray that your helicopter is operational. My sister is having another baby again. Can you believe it? Skipper wouldn't strip on the ship, even after I struck, with an oar, her lip. It's John Hinckley's foster love that makes me fester. I respond in attack-mode to mod attacks. I tire of me after long spurts. The pope's people-friendly, while I'm 'possum-nutty. It's true. I'm faultfully honest. Rose, like risen, is the past tense of rise. André Previn ain't bound for heaven, as I don't stick my hairy **** out when I'm going down the truck route.

— The End —