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Devon Baker Aug 2011
The fuzzy hug that never loosens its grasp
Clutching as a barbed wire hugs and puppies cuddle and love,
whiskers and noses nuzzling, the straitjacket loves your mind,
wishes it could just squeeze the nightmares out and streaming as juices from an orange,
but its might only pressurizes, the more you fight the more you hurt,
bruising our precious straitjacket heart, he’s here to help us
take the tasks of fettering hands
just to hug and coil about us
Learn to love them, the society blanket,
the crazy snuggler, the bunny constrictor
Crazy’s not useful and our little straitjacket cures our woes
strangling us within linen cotton folds
simmer our fires
breaking our bronc
hushing our tantrum cry
It’s the mother we Learn to love
Kin that keeps us in heavenly grip
The Straitjacket’s here for all our insanists
grumpy thumb Nov 2015
A moon claw of light
ripping thin cloud skin.
Illuminating the thicker swell
with halo bright.
Not enough for stars to perforate and accessorize the night.

One trudging through old mulch
shuffling for a truffle
worth its weight in ink.
Should have looked up sooner,
but who can think
when the gravity of necessity
pressurizes you to remain grounded
and weary eyes to sink.
Azra Ajmal Jun 2019
I  have many a time wondered
Why do they ,
They  the; bond sharers
Unknown to each
But well known to each  
Shared by the core of love
THUS; the dilemma in me

My fingers pressurizes on these letterpads
The dilemma is cleanse  cleared factually,
Falling in it
Theamage Jun 2020
Complicated,phases of life and unstatifaction,
Pressurizes oneself, silly mind,
Oneself wants to get rid of it,
Oneself get lost and is no more,
Freedom but sorrow in it ,complicated.

Outlandish,people's  questions and answers,
Concern at peak,didn't want to listen yesterday,
Parade of silly people,sympathetic for selfishness,
What a shame or not, thses days people are unmoved.

Misery for people who actually cared,
Unsaid things as many as the stars,
Shall hold no gulit, if couldn't be there,
Nothing can be done but memories cherished.
Travis Green Oct 2021
He pressurizes me
Into passionate
And pleasing positions
That thrill my world

He fuels my body
Keeps me lost
In his ****** nature
As he penetrates my enclosure

He makes my moans deepen
With his super ****** strokes
He places his hands
Upon my budding *******

He holds me tighter
He enters me deeper
He flexes his manhood
He taunts my back
With his luscious licks

He is so excitedly fetching
He has me so dickmatized
I don’t want his touch
To ever leave from me
I need him to stay with me

— The End —