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CR Sep 2014
it was the hooded-sweatshirt, sit-close-and-pretend-you’re-cold, bleacher-seat,
whiskey-and-coke homecoming that you never had when the leaves changed.
but the leaves changed anyway.

the damp grass smelling vaguely like your fireplace as the world got quieter,
your nose in your precalc and your foot tapping and how-many-years-left
of solo fridays, you counted the suburban stars but didn’t tell anybody
how ******* beautiful they were above your head, because they were yours.

when you wore your high school colors, you were cold for real. no pretense
in your shivering, no flutter in your abdomen because he wasn’t gonna talk to you,
and you didn’t really care, you shrugged. but the leaves changed anyway.

and you changed, slowly. grew taller and smarter and prettier and then the
remaining solo fridays shrank to none, and you left. big sweet snowdrifts turned to spring
and you shared whiskey-and-coke with the city, your stars dimmer but abdomen
finally fuller, and limbs warmer and no sweatshirt because you didn’t need one,
and hands all over to hold and feeling all three kinds of love at once.

and then the accidental homecoming, and the changing of the leaves
and the hooded-sweatshirt shivers and knowing you’re so much bigger now than the
suburban stars and the backward glances of the bleacher-seat kids, but the damp
grass still smells like your fireplace and suddenly you’re small again, just for a
second but god that second, you shiver and turn around again. you’re so much
bigger than this but homecoming, this whiskey-and-coke homecoming still isn't yours.
Julia Jan 2013
It's been 4 weeks exactly.
That's 28 days.
but in these past 28 days,
you've crossed my mind
more than 28 times.
Far more.
I pretend to listen in AP Lang,
but, really, i just sit there
and wonder how you are,
if you're moving on,
or if you're already there. . .
i worry that you're not getting enough rest,
and that you're having bad dreams.
i wonder if you see beauty in the world
like you used to.
I wonder if you're keeping up with precalc,
and taking your melatonin so your pesky
won't keep you up..
Remember how you never used to take it?
Because you could fall asleep without trouble
as long as you heard my voice
that night.
You fell in love with
a voice,
and then me.
It's really kind of silly.
But then again, so did i.
I've read your latest poems,
and they both made me cry.
My eyes have leaked many times
since I last heard your voice. . .
But don't worry,
I'm not angry.
I just wonder about you,
and hope you're well,
or at least getting there.

*But most of all, I wonder if you ever think of me.
I'm not sure that I would even call this a poem... Perhaps, it could be a very loose freeverse. Honestly, it is a raw, unedited outpouring of emotion. Feel freeto criticize.
Mica Wood Feb 28
One fifth of my day
was spent on precalculus.
I want to die now.
Time I cannot get back

— The End —