unravel all over
your bent back,
to the brunt force of nature,
fire so ravishing
atop, maybe a little more adjacent,
similar to yours, my long, but not forever long, lost dear -
cut it out,
spit it to the foggy mirror image
of your vulnerable self
splattered all over this ******* room,
prancin’, yellow in grip,
around these basic things
you call yourselves master’s to,
(u n d e r),
“say it again, baby,
say it again,”
‘didn’t catch that (tone) the first go ‘round -
must be rough on the skin,
skin aching to mend
from the splitting of your tainted souls -
in to mend
that softest spot
where no stranger’s **** can console,
no love that does not want love back
can control,
no cry, just shy
from that being the rescue..
even still,
wouldn’t it, even if I could it