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Fair Warning this does contain explicit language and ****** content if you are under the age of 18 please click exit, If you are offended by ****** prose please don't read this one either......LOL

Meet Me at the Holiday Inn  He said

she of course said yes without hesitation

Make sure to check in a room in the back He said

He did not want anyone disturbing their time
Nor for anyone to hear the noises that might sound disturbing to some

her body quivered as He explained why a room in the back

she would never defy Him, it was not in her nature to do so

every part of her just ached to please Him to make Him happy

When you get in the room leave it unlocked and undress I want you ready for me as soon as I arrive

her heart hammered hard, pale flesh went crimson, nerves were causing her to fidget and He hated fidgeting

I can't wait to see you naked waiting for me

Your pale bountiful flesh bare of clothing waiting for my eyes to roam from top to bottom and back up again

How does that make you feel girl?  He asked

Very uneasy but excited to, afraid, desired, wanting  she said

His laughter was unmistakable He knew the effect He had on her and He reveled in it, He got tremendously hard just thinking about the power He exhorted over her

Oh god, how am I to undress and wait for Him to enter the room, what if He waits an hour before coming in, I will die from embarassment and desire all mixed together

You are my good girl aren't You ****?  He asked quietly

Yes I am  she responded

The conversation ended and she began to dress with care unsure why as she was just going to remove it anyway

Having showered, pulling the razor blade over the flesh between silky thighs, making sure no hair or stubble was present

See she knew He just might have a piece of duct tape that He would place between the cheeks of her *** and pull just to see if she shaved everywhere He desired

Her hands moved steadily along the crack, her juices were already flowing from the heat of the shower, thoughts of Him at the hotel, His voice a few moments ago

The pleasure nub at the Y section of her petals was throbbing dying to be touched, yet she knew better, to touch without His permission could land her in big trouble, shuddering at the thought

Fingers slid between the succulent petals making sure they were smooth, washing with the sweet aromatic soap moving up her body over the large globes of ivory with the pale areolas, ******* hard already

She was going to lose it before ever getting to her destination

The phone rang and she nearly jumped out of her skin

You finish Your shower girl?

Yes I did

Did you get excited and remember I always know when you lie?

Yes I got excited but I stopped myself from relieving the ache

Very good girl, You have come a long way I am very  pleased

Are you still naked from the shower?

Yes just drying off

Get the 8 inch toy I bought you and lay on the bed

Her heart beat so hard she thought it would burst from her chest
Doing as ordered, grabbing the 8 inch vibrating ***** that filled her so tightly that it almost hurt

Lay down on the bed my girl

Securing the door, svelte flesh lay upon the soft bedding, hard tipped globes ached, as well as the nub between the shaved rose petals, even her *** throbbed

Where should we play today my little *****?

Anywhere, it matters not, just pleasee take this ache away  

He chuckled knowing she was dripping wet by now, she was His little waterfall, always wet just at the thought of Him or the sound

Pinch your ****** hard and make sure I hear you

Awwwww yesssss!!!

He began to give her quick instructions moving things rather quicker than usual

Harder girl, slide your other hand around that hard ****, begin rubbing it fast

Moaning loudly as her fingers fluttered over the pleasure nub like a butterfly kissing a flower, other fingers pinching and pulling upon the hard ******

Hurry girl I thought you said you were dying of need

Ohhhhh I am I am pleaseeee don't stop

He chuckled at that she was going to be a delight this night, He just might not let her get dressed for a few days and let her sleep with Him buried deep inside her

Release the ****** and get the toy, spread those thighs wider, I want you to take the toy deep inside your tight wet tunnel all at once and all the way

His **** was hard and He began to stroke it in earnest as her sounds were maddening to Him, man her voice was like a **** siren, He already had the first drop of moisture revealing itself from the tip

Ohhhhhh YESSSSSSSSSSS, ahhhhhh, pleaseeeeee, moreeeee oh pleassseeee

You know what to do **** yourself hard without mercy but don't your release unless I say so

She was already close before He said to use the toy harder and faster, biting her lower lip hard to keep herself from exploding, ramming the silicone **** deep into her silky wet folds, she could feel the dripping honey between her *** cheeks knowing that area would no longer be virginal after tonight, shivering as the pressure began to build

He continued to move His large hand up and down, hell yes this **** drove Him wild how He got so lucky to find her He had no idea but she was His and He intended to make sure she knew it in every way tonight

Her well was so tight around the toy, but it slid in deep an easy due to her soaking wet desire

Moaning louder, she began to beg, and plead, oh pleasee let me release, I can't hold it much longer, pleaseeee I am begging you

Nope not yet He chuckled

Ohhhhhhhhh nooooo pleaseee, whimpering and whining as the pressure increased driving her mad with desire

His hand moved up and down as images of her tight *** wrapped around His thick length filled his brain, ahh oh yeah mmmm He could hear the ***** going in and out from the wetness surrounding it which further incited His imagination.   Mmmmm yes that tight ***** and then He was claiming that cherry ***

she was sweating holding back, oh pleassse she thought as her mouth let screams of pleasure, whining, and whimpers escape, hips lifting off the bed meeting the toy ****** after ******  

He felt his **** hardening to where He could have hammered a nail into a board, and suddenly He could feel it ready to explode

Now ****!!! and don't you hold back on me

Ohhh yes!!!!

Her body bucked and muscles clamped down as fluids exploded forth from her well soaking the bed, her thighs, and draining down the crack of her ***, her screams nearly deafened Him but He did not care

Ahhh yes baby here it **** just for you oh **** oh **** **** girl

His hand tightened around His shaft a little harder as suddenly the stream of thick white cream spewed across the table where He was sitting, shooting thick goo over and over as He let loose.  Oh He so could not wait to get a hold of her

Very good girl now clean up and get your *** to the hotel and don't forget the paddle as you have a punishment yet before any enjoyment

Oh, she had hoped You forgot all about that

Oh no I remember and unless you want more added I suggest you not forget anything I have instructed of you

Unbeknownst to her after He hung up His girlfriend walked in having seen His performance and the evidence marking the kitchen table as His shaft was still hanging out of His jeans

I am going out for the weekend be back on Monday

His girlfriend nodded her head and didn't dare say a word even when He said
Oh and clean up that table no hands, rags, just your mouth

He chuckled as He heard the sharp intake of breath, oh how He loved His women, so compliant, obedient and they never questioned His demands.  He headed out the door with His duffle bag full of things to titillate the brain and body
Written by Jennifer Humphrey  all rights reserved
James Jul 2012
If you go
Then come with me
We can do
Just as we please
We can love
With peace & ease

In a little dream

You and me
And that is it
We can lay
And we can sit
And we can touch
And we can feel
And it will be

So unreal
Krystina Curry Mar 2013
Okay. Straight up? No *******?
It was you.
Mr. Out-of-the-Blue. You.
With your piercing eyes
With your persistent tries to create those ties
and to pacify my cries.
You, were the one who came at me
as a complete and utter surprise.
But as I tried to hide behind the length of my arms
To protect myself from all your charms and harms,
You pushed past my steel wall
And got me to make the call.
Not text. No, not like all the rest.
Because it was your tight hold in the midst of the cold
It was your soft voice that got me to make the choice
To take that godforsaken risk
Because with each and every single kiss,
You brought me the most euphoric bliss
That I have ever reached.
And all this? …in a single week.
Alright alright. Straight up, though. No *******.
I gave you my ******* all.
I let myself whole-heartedly fall.  
Now if you had even knew
What I had said to be true.
If you had listened with your ears rather than your eyes.
And had tried
With something other than what’s between those thighs,
You would be able to see
That I never give this away so easily.
I usually test the best
And pick and choose
The ones that never let their morals to loose.
I make them race and chase,
Make them burn and ******* earn
What I have to offer.
Because I know,
I always make the wait,
NO. The work worth while.
Straight up and NO *******.
“So passionate… so real and raw”
Was what you said you saw.
Yet here we are
With me supposedly not up to par?
No, no, no.
YOU'RE the one that let it slip.
You had me in your grip,
Yet her in your heart
And ultimately, you let it tear us apart.
Pleasee, just straight up and NO MORE *******.
How dare you just sit there and stare
How dare you give ME that ******* glare
And have the audacity to tell me
No, have the ******* nerve
to say that I deserve
ANY of this
After I gave you the love you supposedly wanted
And the support you supposedly flaunted...?
Alright. Fine. Straight up, no *******.
I’ll be the one to step up to the plate.
I’ll be the one to grab the rake and clear out what’s fake.
I’ll be the one to man the **** up.
Because clearly.... someone never fully developed.
Alright, I ****** up.
I ****** up because I stood by and let you lie
Let you spit in my face
And put me in this place
Let you drag me behind as you tried to find
Out if I’m worth the fight,
But soon enough, you’ll see that I was right.
Just straight up and no ******* already.
I am done watching someone be so weak
Running around with nothing to seek.
Playing games with different names.
If this is how you want to play
Okay, I can be the one to toss you away.
Because I will never stand to take this ******* day by day by day.
I’m one to cut my losses and move the **** on.
So you know what…
Don’t ever consider me another one of your pawns.
Journey forth if you dare

There is always more than one way to go

One is simple, just go with the flow
It is straight and even keeled
No bumps, twists and turns,
All green, flat, as far as the eye can see

Second is hard, you must work at it for the prize
Twists and turns,
Ruts, bumps, no visibility in places
Sometimes you can't see past your face

Third is most difficult you see
We make it that way
Harder than it has to be
Mountains are high, rivers rage, oceans pounding

Each road we take puts us on another one then another
Even the simplest can turn out to be the worst nightmare of all
The most difficult can end on easy street
We are told we pick our own road and we do
Yet there is the twist
It does not matter which of those first three you pick

Why? why does it not matter?
Because life is never simple
It is never all green pastures and rosey days
Life is sometimes harder, many times we can't decide what to do
Decisions we make put us in deep ruts that seem impossible maneuver
Other times it is so difficult we get stuck
Can go no further

I have been told  it is all in the choices you make
This is true yet it is not
Our choices affect but we are tested repeatedly in life
What do you mean? you might ask

Life is what you put into it
If you pick the easy road something always happens
A flat tire, the flu, overdrawn checking account

Pick the harder path
You might go for days without a mishap
Smooth road ahead, no problems
Suddenly the road floods

Pick the most difficult path
One day you are in hell
The next you are sailing on easy street
The choice of roads matters not

As long as you put your trust in God
Or the God of your religion
He is the one that puts the ruts, storms, and smooth sailings into your life
Trust in him to get you through the day
Sometimes when things are truly bad
You think I won't make it another day I just can't

Ask Him, Tell Him how you are feeling
He is listening even when we think He is not
If your path follows Him and you trust in Him
You will find every obstacle is conquerable
Every wave is rideable
Every mountain is crossable

Instead of thinking God hates me today
Remember He is challenging you for a reason
Strenghtening you for times to come
He knows the future we do not

Right now at this moment I write this
Because I am at my breaking point
Instead of going off the deep end
Going crazy

I bow my head
God, You are the power, the love and light in my life
Please I can't take anymore
Please I beg Your mercy

I know in my heart and soul
He heard me and will remove an obstacle
He will send me help
A sign of some sort will arrive

Instead of saying I should have picked the other road
Simply say
Written by Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved
Yenson Mar 2019
He ran like the wind up the gangway
saw the door  still open
ahead near the door stood four Port attendants
gasping for breaths he reached them
with hands outstretched they stopped him
No, No, No, he cried
I've got to get on, I've got to get on

Sorry sir too late, their voices rang out
I'm afraid Sir, you're too late
What! look the door is still opened
Please, let me in, pleasee for heaven's sake
let me in, I've got to get on board
Sorry Sir, against the rules, you are just too late
but the door is still opened,please I beg you let me in

Afraid can't do that,you are just too late,
just too late today
What Jobsworth you lot are
how inconsiderate can you lot be
the ****** door is still open,why are you being so obstructive
isn't your job to help passengers,isn't that what you're paid to do
do you realize how inconvenient this is, do you realize what this
will cost me'
Sorry Sir, we are only doing our job
You are too late for this flight,go back to the departure Lounge
They'll help get you on a later flight,sorry but Rules are Rules
And with that   the plane doors were closed he hated these *******, ****** unhelpful inconsiderate
Jobsworth, ****** idiots, the whole lot of them, arseholes!

Dejectedly,he walked back to the ****** Departure Lounge
Fuming, dragging his ****** attache case, he sought out the
help desk
Cursing and muttering, he rued the ******* two minutes delay
that cost him this flight.
Angrily, he marched to the Air Ethiopia Check in desk
Sullenly he explained his plight!
Its a two hour wait for the next flight out, they informed him.
Still upset, he handed in his ticket and they did the necessary
Handing back his ticket, he walked away and sat in Departure
why, oh why did this happen to me, he muttered angrily
He sat miserably, he cursed again under his breath. **** God!

He had been sitting for about an hour when he noticed
people suddenly running around, something was happening
There was a real air of panic around, Officials were running
helter skelter, people were huddling in pockets, he saw
Police Official barking orders and Airport Staff talking excitedly
He heard some people shouting in a group to his right

He stood up alarmed
he stated walking towards a group to his left
Then he saw one of the Jobsworth that had stopped him from boarding his flight, the Jobsworth had a look of utter alarm
on his face, he was also sweating.
What's happening, what's wrong, he asked him, now alarmed himself.

Oh Sir, ooh Sir...the Jobsworth exclaimed, looking at him wide-eyed.

That Plane you missed has just crashed, killing everybody on board.....!!!
This is a true Story that happened very recently. The Ethiopian Airline that crashed about two weeks ago.

When we think or believe all is lost, we may not believe that more is given!!!!
dennis drain Mar 2019
I know that I'm a peice of ****,  an thats ok I can handle it..
But the 1 thing that was keepin me here,  was the though that some1 cared..
now i see... that all the time I, spent chasing you was 1 big game
And thats ok it was fun 2 play... but now ive got a say good by to the fake embrace the pain...
Pleasee lord send me on my way, drop my body onto the floor... I have never fealt this way b4.. but I know it'll be a better world with out me wasting everybodys ****** time.
A tool is only worth. What it can do and I don't see What the point is in going a broken one 2 you....

Please just take me down a path of nothingness.. I relze that you've lost your sanity waiting on this kind of **** but i won't be around much longer now ...  please take my words 4 what there worth.. and remember that I was born a curse ... unwanted and probobly better offending it all so as a load i can fall from  somewhere that never end..losing myself in the darkness of my own sin

— The End —