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JaxSpade May 2019
The bed you lie in
Determines your sleep
Bill True Apr 2013
do you read poetry? what
do you know of poets? we
are a distracted lot. yes. I write
and call the scribbles poetry,
call it prose. it flows from
the pen in my hand in long ribbons
to suggest ideas and emotion or
maybe meandering descriptions
of places that we have seen. that
I have seen without you. that you
may have seen without me. the world
outside my window changes with
the position of the sun, with the time
of day. like Monet’s cathedral painted
day after day to capture the light changing.
i am no Monet. but i capture light
if not of day then of night, of dreams
and wishes rising above beds or fountains
that collect the coins of dreamers
who wish a dream real. a million
pinocchios wait in the shadows
for a blue fairy to wave her
wand so they may breathe.

i don’t mean to ignore the world
and especially not you. maybe I
should apologize. instead i withdraw.
hide as if I were rude or unwelcome.
and stumble along arguing by jiminy
with a cricked in my head who
suggests the most outlandish adventures
that only take me farther afield, farther
from you. ironically posing that it will
bring me to wholeness and what i most
want in the world. the butterfly’s wings
open and close like a colorful heart
taking the spring sun. the fluttering
tickles and brings a laugh, joyous noise
that rises into the blustery blue air, winding
through leaves and buds now emerging
from the gray skin of branches.

jeffrey robin Jun 2013
Early mornin dream of a prayer


I seek the blind man from the long ago street

Who held my hand

I remember the billy club policeman's face

And you too were there


An invented state that does not contain
Even one ounce of real emotion
We the lovers prowl the night
By the millions and billions below the stars

But we never see eachother there!

How is THIS even possible?
The prayer gets twisted into a SCREAM




Yes I LOVE you
As you know
We'll meet for certain if you want

We'll make the impossible a reality

We'll make eachother ---REAL PEOPLE


not just puppet-like Pinocchios!
"Do you remember that time when you did that thing,
that thing you did when you were king?"
"Of course I remember that thing I did when I was king,
but please, let's speak of anything but that thing."

"Ok, do you know that I know that my father knows about a king,
a king who died long ago by a slow buffalo with a nose like Pinocchio?"
"no, I didn't know that you know about your father knowing a king,
a king who died long ago by a slow buffalo with a nose like Pinocchios."
"Now you know!"
"now I know."

"How about-"
"No more, please."
"Aw, you're a cold sore like Louise."
Created by me on October 22nd, 2019.
My first "funny" poem. no, it doesn't make sense but that is the point. I really enjoyed making it, a bit too much. it was going to be a lot longer, but I scrapped it and made it shorter. good times..
I see the disc spinning off of NY my oh my
Used to watch the fly guys double spies eyes
Set on the ultimate prize undercover disguise
See the words that lies to the jury ties pies
Being slung drugs hung got dope fiends sprung
Kicks like Chung Lee Bruce entered the dragon
Intellectual stabbing bleed out the nonsense
Focus tense ****** and suspense clear the bench
Too many straddling the fence tryna *****
Over like Tim's nosey neighbor behaviors
Chosen off the worlds spectrum idioms to slums
Succumb to the sloppy patterns mindful slatterns
Just follow the people see the hallow evils
Shallow waters so I can't drown holding the crown
Black misfits thrown in the circus tyrant circuits
Tripping I'm still ripping off the sinner ladies
It's crazy how they **** the black imagery
Hip hop is my ancestry dna paved the way
Peter Piper made ya grow hyper cypher snipers
Sitting on top the scrapers took the biz"s vapors
Degrade tha black queens to kings siblings
Still tryna cling to ocean of sings waves craves
I'm sitting at the graves shedding tears hoping
The universe will save but the pains too deep to shave


Take a look through my cannon flashing Manning
Pass through a tunnel of murders views avenues
Yo sitting at the bottom of the spiritual doors
Out pours pain and blessing suckas guessing
Is it a 357 or a smiff and Wesson learned lessons
Since embryo watch for the Pinocchios Oreos
**** those hidden wisdom that was chose out rose
A boy out the concrete jungle hard to be humble
See my critics mumble stay humble to honorable
Scholars who died for not chasing the dollars
It makes me wanna holla presence a rottweiler
Junk yard dog still chasing out hogs layin' w/ pawgs
You are what you eat say ya love ya own but dont greet
Each other in streets tensions of beef no steaks
Cooked on the road open mind shy from the sublime
Media playing us with out the dimes limes
Up in the light delight see chaos excite fights
Spiritual rites done daily psyop made for gravy
Trains with no tracks epitome of the jack black
Living a motionless cinema grazing ya interior
Don't ask me why black folks is inferior
We superior fearless ferocious warriors
Explore ya terrains of terrors throughout era
Above the clouds with the gangsta cnote imperials
Kiss the sky caught the glimpse of wisdom vessel

— The End —