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brandon nagley May 2015
Cherry nosed serapth,
Is there room on thy pinion for me?
For canst I dream?
As all other flutters,
Worse/off or for better I'm tired of such shudersome tarry,

For art thou any to marry who won't  abscond?
To pull me from ponds?
Wherein zealots doth not percolate.....

For I guess I'm late..
Terry Jordan Dec 2015
The strings of my heart have snapped, said Job
Have I had sorrow like that?
That return trip I take to anguish
All my energy is sapped

It feels like too much sorrow
No hope of coming up clover
Like the tongue to the sore tooth
Replays it over and over

My broken heart cannot stay away
From what has hurt me the most
It takes up hours of my time
While I’m hosting my own roast

Lamenting, regretting, I'm busy
Ruminate, perseverate, too
I disconnect from reality
Not seeing how I’ll make it through

Composing clever conversations
For a moment I see light
When my heart opens wide to recover
Making all things turn out right

But, no, it’s not meant to end well there
I must suffer for all my crimes
And relive how my heart got broken
Once again till the end of time.
look divide separate perseverate
alleviate alone groups filled with emptiness
families without relatives
social climbing down a cliff
with nothing to hold
climbing the endless journey
away from evolved us
taking involved us
shaking our roots from the dirt
the ground we once had with us
roots will search forever
in darkness
water is somewhere to be found
we will never give up
by design
contrary to the common enforcement
of reality that separates perseverates
polarity sincerely and honestly
without remorse
a discourse
of course life sustains the death
you dream of so vividly
just like when woke up
by awake people
with so much at stake
they cannot wait to sleep again
on the memory foam of America
frothing into nature
white water rapids ******* math
engineering with no one steering
stretching for the light
that enforced he was the son of god
but that was not originally the lightning rod
of Zeus
who was also blacker than Olympus lead on
and Medusa turned your reality into stone
from liquid fluid intake of love
Unfortunate Inception
Reminiscence of yesteryear washed my cheek with tears
with legs crossed and palm on cheek,
listening to aves as they squeak
Could this be a mere irony or the genesis of slavery
but which and whatever,
should our ancestors be blamed for being non Challant?

Albeit drained in love,
love which can't be given to its offspring, a dove
but once the heart has a hole, it affects the body as a whole
our ancestors can much more perseverate
They did even give us memory, this late
memory which is consequentially painful and mesmerizing
oh woe to the serpent in Eden!

Through her comfort and ease vanished, and we got banished
making us aliens on our own land
oh woe to the serpent in Eden!
Tears dropped like the drizzling of rain for our eyes was opened
and our blunt heart now sharpened.
To know and think like olodumare as the serpent said

so, this is a deceit?
repentance? too late
Genesis of strives and struggles,
oh woe to the serpent in Eden!
Now victims of faded hopes,
slaves of confusion like a **** on a rope
But in HIS infinite mercy, someday the serpent's head will be bruised
                                                 -'Bintan Ola
Rebekah Crews Mar 2020
As I perseverate about how much
I try and try to change they say I’m a monster
As they come closer their walking on egg shells
They wake the monster they try to run
But the beast got to close
And they start to stab the till the monster go far far away
And it can’t do this anymore the beast try and try
To change but as it changes it can’t because
it try to find why it alive
If they don’t want the beast then beast
Don’t want it self as the monster go to sleep
It doesn’t wake up
Because nothing can ever help that horrid monster

Rebekah Crews Apr 2020
It was like a gasp of air when I was born
My sister wanted a sister
but when she saw me she didn’t want that baby
Days turned in to month into years
My sister never wanted to play
I tried to make friend
I thought I had some
I guess she was one of my best friend
It was her birthday
I worked ******* a card
She said she wasn’t have a birthday party
But if you look on Instagram
She did
By 6th grade they all had changed
I moved schools
I thought I was going to get a chance to start over
But the kid they didn’t lie the told me the truth
The truth about how I look
The truth about how annoying I am
They torn my apart
By texted message
I would be the one who got in trouble
When they would tell me
if you where skinny and had long hair I would like you
Write notes about me
And laughs
For 4 year I had to deal with that
I work hard to get back to the school where everyone lied  
I thought it was going to be sun shine and rainbows
But when I go back
I thought they would change like I did
But no…
They where worst
Everyday I would come in with a smile
Do my work
But when I talked
One girl said thank God I’m out of it so I don’t need to listen to her
When I went to lunch I would try and try to make a friend
But they would walk away or start saying rude stuff
Or shoving water bottle up they throat and make noise till I left
I would talk to someone one about this he was one of the guys at the lunch table
He said I’m sorry
He said people cared
He said people love you
3 Month go by with out a word from me
I stared text him again
He says sorry I can’t do this anymore
You can’t just do this to me
I have no one
He says his sorry
But I was stupid
So I open up about everything
I shouldn’t have
But I did…
He said ill meet you before class
I was happy for ones
But when I was going to class
One of the teacher grab me
And said let go
I was confuse
But know I now what happened
He told someone something
I started to text
And I see
That he was done with me
He bloke me
I was gasping for air
It was like I was drowning
I couldn’t breath
He was the only friend I had
At the stupid school
My life was ruined by people at school
Everyday I perseverate
Over and over about school
And what I could have done
So I wasn’t the girl called annoying girl
Or the one who lost everything because of her
And that me.


— The End —