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Santa's Lazy Elf

Five more days till Christmas,
Santa and his crew
were working overtime making
children's dreams come true .
Singing carols, whistling tunes,
as the hours ticked away,
except for little Edison
the elf that went astray.
Instead of making toys
in Santa's assembly line,
he was hanging out with Rudolph
beneath the snow capped pines.
As Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus took
a look around,
they noticed lazy Edison
was nowhere to be found.
They decided they'd had enough
this elf will surely be fired,
scratched their heads and
realized another must be hired.
Dasher heard them talking
and thought this can't be so,
never in elf's history has
someone had to go.
He searched the winter wonderland
and under the Northern Lights
Edison and Rudolph were
frolicking in flight.
He said "Come down from there
your behavior's a disgrace,
Christmas Eve is almost here and
you're about to be replaced.
Edison soon realized his days
of slacking were done,
that there'd be consequences
for goofing off and having fun.
He knew he had no place to go
if Santa didn't let him stay
his heart began to pound,
as Rudolph ran way.
He hurried as fast as he could
to tell Santa he was wrong,
beg him for forgiveness
and show him he belonged.
As the other elves were caroling
he tried to sneak inside,
but Santa saw him coming out of the
corner of his eye.
He placed his hands upon his hips
and firmly shook his head,
"What shall I do with you
my elf," Santa firmly said.
"I see you when you're sleeping
I know when you're awake,
did you not read your history book
he said for goodness sake!"
Santa soon forgave him cause
his heart is made of gold,
and Edison became the
hardest worker I am told.
The moral of this story is
we all must do our part,
and jolly old St Nick has always
had a heart.
Merry Christmas to all of you
on this holiest of days,
may all your dreams come true
as you gather and celebrate!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © December 2013
All Rights Reserved
Yucky Chucky Tucker

Yucky Chucky Tucker was smelly as can be,
he never took a bath and hardly ever brushed his teeth.
Everywhere he went he left an odor in the air,
and Yucky Chucky Tucker never combed his hair.
His hands were always ***** cause he played with stinky worms,
he never cared if he got sick, he wasn't afraid of germs.
He didn't have a lot of friends except for one or two,
till Yucky Chucky Tucker met little Linda Sue.
Linda was quite pretty, an awesome sight to admire
and Yucky Chucky Tucker would give anything to sit by her.
But he'd have to make some changes and what I mean by that,
Yucky Chucky Tucker would have to take a bath.
He'd have to wash his hands and scrub his ***** face,
and to clean his stained up yellow teeth would take a tube of paste.
He'd have to wash his hair at least a dozen times,
to remove the terrible build up of sticky greasy grime.
Then Yucky Chucky Tucker would have to change his clothes,
sprinkle on cologne and find a bright red rose.
And maybe if he's lucky little Linda Sue,
might take another look at him and think he's really cute.
Funny how a pretty girl can change the way you think,
cause even Yucky Chucky Tucker washed away his stink,
All to catch the eye of little Linda Sue,
besides, her daddy owned a toy store, now what's a boy to do?

Written By  Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
The Robin And The Crow

A robin and a crow were perched upon a fence,
an unlikely combination but they seemed to be good friends.
Standing in the mid-day sun each on a separate picket,
basking in it's rays while staring at a cricket.
The crow looked very hungry the robin seemed content,
so he flapped his shiny wings and to the ground he went.
The cricket saw him coming and jumped away in a flash,
searching for some camouflage in an open field of grass.
The crow was disappointed outsmarted once again,
so he flew back to his perch and asked his feathered friend.
"Have you had your dinner tell me would you mind"
"I wondered if you'd share with me, could you be so kind?"
The robin fanned his wings and said "come follow me"
To his nest they flew at the top of an old oak tree.
Together they shared a feast the robin caught that day,
then they fell asleep passing the time away.
There's a lesson to be learned from the robin and the crow,
and carry this knowledge with you where ever you may go.
Friendship is a special thing it's always nice to share,
it shows the good inside of you so people know you care.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
When my children were growing up I wrote them poetry to teach them lessons of love and kindness. This is a poem about sharing and how important it is to open your heart to others less fortunate than you.
Remember Me

If I were to leave this world today I'd want to be remembered its true,
for going that extra mile just to show my love for you.
I'd want for you to be proud of me and know I always tried,
when you hurt I did too, your tears I also cried.
I'd want you to be compassionate to never turn away,
from someone who might need a hug or encouragement one day.
I'd want you to know I'm sorry if I ever caused you pain,
I hope you'd learn from my mistakes and
forgive me just the same.
There are no second chances when God
says it's time to go,
we only have today to let our feelings show.
Remember this when you say your prayers and count your blessings tonight,
and treasure every precious moment God gives you in this life.

Written by Kathy J Parenteau
copyright © Sept 2013
All rights reserved
Second Chances

How many out there believe
a second chance awaits,
tomorrow will soon be here
what your heart could have changed
you put off today.
How foolish we can be
the future we do not own
if only we could see
a glimpse of our heavenly home.
The message would be quite clear
there's lessons in this life,
second chances fools await
now's the time to make things right.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/12/2014
All Rights Reserved
A Prayer For Mama

My dear sweet heavenly father I come to you today,
with hope and faith I ask send an angel Mama's way.
I know her time is near and soon you'll take her home,
to stroll along the streets of gold where other angels roam.
It's hard to watch her suffer and slowly fade away,
help us all to understand give us strength I pray.
She means so much to all of us forgive me for my fears,
life will never be the same without her presence here.
My mother is my angel she taught me how to love,
and told me about you Lord and heaven up above.
When she crosses over and steps into the light,
tell her that I love her and when the time is right.
Meet me at the pearly gates where everything's brand new,
we'll walk across God's meadowlands where skies are always blue.
Somewhere beyond the sunset every now and then,
I pray she watches over me until we meet again.

Written by Kathy J Parenteau

Survival ignites our every breath
a force that dwells within,
no matter your situation
the fight for life will always win.
It lights a fire inside of you
giving hope in your darkest of days,
keeps your head above water
while riding life's turbulent waves.
Proof we're somewhat the same
in the master scheme of things,
I am me you are you
everybody dreams.
That time will never be over and
survival out reaches it's hands,
faith is a gift that keeps on giving
beyond what the heart can comprehend.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/15/2014
I'm in survival mode, I dream and hope just like you.
Black and White

Imagine what the world
would be like,
if there were no colors
only black and white.
Could we still see beauty
would life be the same,
if the sky wasn't blue
and the leaves never changed.
The amber sunset's
luminous view,
that rose in the garden
kissed by the dew.
Eyes that sparkle
with blue and green,
God's pallet of love
never seen.
Imagine what the world
would be like,
if there were no colors
only black and white.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 07/19/2014
No regrets

Be who you are
let your purpose unfold,
there's nothing to fear
as your story is told.
May you walk in peace
and your conscience guide,
every step you take
in this journey called life.
Count your blessings
one by one,
when you've gone the last mile
and time is done,
may you walk into heaven
having done your best,
leaving this world with
no regrets.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 02/20/2015
Ace Of Spades

This is your life, the hand
you've been dealt,
dance the dance live it well.
They'll always be others
less fortunate than you,
who've walked into fires
you've never been through.
Yet still find hope in
the darkest of days,
taking time to celebrate.
Counting their blessings
one by one,
knowing when the day
is done.
Tomorrow will be here soon
it's course may be rocky
the road may be rough.
You may not hold the
ace of spades,
and things you dream of
might seem far away.
Nothing is ever out
of your grasp,
faith can move mountains
erasing the past.

There is always hope!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/14/2015
How Grateful I Would  Be

If I could have just one more day and
wishes did come true,
I'd spend every glorious moment
side by side with you.
Recalling all the years we shared
and memories we made,
how grateful I would be
to have just one more day.
Where the tears I've shed are
not in vain and only fall in bliss,
so many things I'd let you know
about the days you've missed.
I wouldn't have to make pretend
you never went away,
how grateful I would be to
have just one more day.
When that day came to a close
and the sun began to set,
a million times I'd let you know
I never will forget.
The heart of gold you left behind
when you entered Heaven's gate,
how grateful I would be to
have just one more day.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 10/5/2013
All Rights Reserved
The Power Of Self Worth

Love yourself and see your beauty
before others take a glance,
let your light shine always don't wait for a second chance.
You only have today
who you are can change tomorrow,
go the extra mile forget
about life's sorrow.
The things you work the hardest for
have a pay off in the end
learn first to love yourself,
because then and only then.
You'll finally understand
your purpose here on earth,
love yourself and celebrate
the power of self worth.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
My Treasure Box

My treasure box may never
precious metals like
silver and gold,

It's contents are simple
worthless to most
but still I'll cherish
until I grow old.

My mother's voice
on an old cassette tape,
I listen as I journey
to work every day.

A butterfly pin made
only of brass,
that once was my Grandmother's
way back in the past.

To the world they're worthless
but for me a treasure,
no price tag attached
mine forever.

My Grampa's poetry every
verse he wrote,
though the lines have faded
I remember them so.

My treasure box may be simple
it's true ,
filled with gifts from the heart
and memories too.

The things that matter most
in this life,
can never be bought
no matter the price.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/28/2014
What You'll Reap

I got stabbed in the heart today
not the first time in my life,
betrayal stepped into my world
and cut me like a knife.
Forced to understand
the nature of my pain,
struggling to overcome
the past and what remains.
My soul is different than yours
I still love you and forgive,
that's how I make sense of this
life, I've only one to live.
Today my heart might bleed
tomorrow heaven knows,
Life's to precious to harbor anger
what you reap you'll surely sow.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/16/2015
Mighty Oak

Stand tall oh mighty oak, for all the world to see,
your strength and undying beauty forever amazes me.
Though storm clouds hover above you,
your branches span the sky,
in search of the radiant sunlight you
count on to survive.
When the winds are high and restless and
you lose a limb or two,
it only makes you stronger, we
could learn so much from you.
Though generations have come and gone
and brought about such change,
quietly you've watched them all yet still
remained the same.
I only pray God give to me the strength he's
given you,
to face each day with hope, whether
skies are black or blue,
Life on earth is truly a gift
every moment we must treasure,
it's the simple things we take for granted
that become our ultimate pleasures.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau

Family Friend Poems
Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones will
surely break bones
leaving scares we cannot hide,
but words can sting like bumble bees
when two wrongs simply collide.
Fractures can be fixed
while broken hearts reflect,
walls are built around the soul
if only to protect.
Sorry's such a simple word
though seldom ever said,
pride most often wins
harboring anger instead.
Sticks and stones we need not fear
it's the bruises we cannot see,
that hurt us must of all,
I honestly believe.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/13/2014
All Rights Reserved
Echoes Of Yesterday

Echoes of yesterday are glorious
memories it's true ,
frozen moments in time
shadows of love shining through.
Pathways to our future leaving
footprints guiding tomorrow,
by those who've walked before you
through times of joy and sorrow.
It's easy to sometimes forget
as we struggle day by day,
the heart is a constant reminder
every beat an echo of yesterday.
When you least expect it an image
can instantly flash,
bringing a smile and tear at times
remembering those who have passed.
Maybe that's our greatest treasure
it's no secret what God can do,
echoes of yesterday are beacons
of love that carry us through.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Feb 2014
All Rights Reserved
Prayers Unanswered

Prayers that go unanswered are heart
breaking it's true,
understanding comes in time
God has a plan for you.
Remember your first love
you prayed would never end,
look at what you have
today, far greater than back then.
Prayers may go unanswered
because what your asking for,
couldn't hold a candle to what
God has in store.
Every day we climb the staircase
one step closer to eternity,
prayers unanswered will be understood
yesterday's sorrows are windows
to perfection I believe.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Pay It Forward If You Can

A true gift comes from the heart without
any expectations,
wishing nothing in return, no thanks
or admiration.
It doesn't have to be monetary for a
gentle warm embrace,
could offer hope to the weary,
and place a smile on someone's face.
The things we remember most in life
are gestures along the way,
that others have made to help us through
life's challenges each day.
Remember the shoulders you've leaned
upon and pay it forward when you can,
this world could be a better place,
I believe that giving was
God's greatest plan.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © November 9 2013
All rights reserved
America So Beautiful

From the snow capped mountain tops
glittering like diamonds when kissed by the sun,
to her golden shores with crystal blue
waters, amber sunsets when the day is done.
America so beautiful land of the brave
and the free,
I'm proud to call her home
and defend her liberty.
One nation under God
that shines above them all,
united by our differences
remembered and feared
standing tall.
America so beautiful God
give us strength I pray,
as you gave the mighty eagle
that lives to fly another day.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 02/26/2015
Under The Willow Tree

Under the willow tree,
my childhood secret space,
dreams were born
I was free 'twas the
perfect hiding place.
Beneath her cascading branches
gentle breezes whispering,
songs of hope and wonder
the willow tree did sing.
Awe those days of youth
where innocence was born,
under the willow tree
I found shelter from the storm.
What I wouldn't give
to visit once again,
that secret space
my hiding place
that gave me peace back then.

Under The Willow Tree

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 11/14/2014
My Mother My Angel

Once upon a time an angel held my hand,
She wiped away my tears and helped me understand.
Our time on earth is brief, there's lessons to be learned,
Each precious day God gives us another page is turned.
Every chapter full of memories, times of joy and tears,
Triumphs and defeats, through every passing year.
She loved us unconditional, always by our side,
When no one else would listen, in her we could confide.
With gentle words of wisdom she led us on our way,
Down the paths of righteousness if ever we did stray.
She saw the light in everyone and gave with no regrets,
Always from her heart let's us not forget.
Angels come in many forms, for me it is my mother,  
With love I cannot say in words there'll never be another.  
Every day I turn the page in my heart will ever remain,  
Everything she taught me as I stroll down memory lane.  
Thank you God for giving me the most priceless of all treasures,
Help my Lord to keep alive her memory here forever.
I pray that I can some day be everything she hoped I would,  
That's she smiling down from heaven knowing she did good.  
As we gather here today there's no ending to her story,
Another chapter has begun full of grace and glory.
Gods called her to his heavenly home, part of his great plan,
Although it may be hard, we all must understand.
Faith is what is hoped for, things we cannot see,
Heaven is promised to all of us if only we believe.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2012
I wrote this poem for my mother and read it to her right before she died from cancer. I miss her so much. She will always be my angel
The Story Of The  Littlest Angel

As Christmas Day draws near
I get lost in memories,
of colored lights, mistletoe
and loved ones by the tree.
Of all the priceless moments
I fondly do recall,
a story that was read to me I
cherish most of all.
The Littlest Angel was the title,
and through the magic of every line,
I learned the value of life on earth
that a gift from the heart was truly Devine.
Even though a lifetime has passed
the angel who read me this treasure,
dances in my heart this Christmas
and always will forever.

In Memory Of
My Auntie
Marion L Fowler Rose

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © November 30, 2013
Fred's Wearing My Slippers

I woke with a particular feeling
I was floating on top of the ceiling
a little surprised
when I opened my eyes
at the sight my room was revealing.

I saw things I'd never seen
I knew this must be a dream
there on my bed
was my dog Fred
watching the TV screen.

He was munching on chips and a coke
I thought this must be a joke
as he took a big slurp
he let out a burp
and I felt a big lump in my throat.

He was wearing my slippers and pj's
closed all the windows and shut all the shades
It was clear to see
he thought he was me
as I starred at him shocked and amazed.

My mom brought him breakfast in bed
then kissed him on top of his head
fried eggs and ham
with strawberry jam
that should have been me instead!

Then I woke up trembling with fear
while Fred was licking my ear
I threw off the sheets
and looked at my feet
then thought to myself oh dear!

Fred scratched at the door to go ***
then turned and grinned at me
when I looked at his paws
the sight that I saw
was more than I bargained to see.

There before my eyes
wearing my slippers with pride
Fred's tail was wagging
just like he was bragging
and off he went outside!

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
I love to write funny poems for adults and children. I wrote this years ago for my children to enjoy. It also helped them enjoy reading. I hope you enjoy as well.
A Soldier Died Alone

Amidst the desert sands dawnings just begun,
battle rages on bombing veils the rising sun.
A boy not yet a man holds a picture to his heart,
of loved ones not forgotten though oceans keep them apart.
Called to serve his country land of freedom home of brave,
risking his existence for the lives that he may save.
Concealing his dismay he holds his head up high,
his arms embrace a trusted friend watching him slowly die.
A boy he is no more on that day there stood a man,
his heart filled with rage his mind fights to understand.
Raised to be a man of God taught thou shalt not ****,
now placed upon the battlefield where there tis his only will.
Resting beneath the sunset wounded he dreams of home,
lying on the desert's floor a soldier died alone.

Written Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
Once In A Lifetime

It doesn't happen often
maybe once in a lifetime,
someone comes along
a friendship is born
by the Master's design.
You may not realize now
but soon they'll come a day,
when out of the blue you remember
that special person God sent
your way.
Leaving imprints on our hearts
memories of priceless measure,
singing its melody time after time
frozen moments
we all will treasure.
The tears shed now
will be replaced
remember the good old days,
give thanks for the time you were given
and the friendship that you made.
Once in a lifetime comes along
for a reason I believe,
those who make a difference
never ever leave.

Dedicated to my dear friend  LT

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/03/2014
All Rights Reserved
To Old To Be Young

I'm to old to be young
to young to be old
stuck somewhere in between,
looking in the mirror
I know I've aged
but looking back at me,
is the child that once
frolicked through youth
not a worry nor a care,
every line on my face I've earned
as well as my silver hair.
I'm proud of who I am and
the person I've become,
a soul I hope the world will remember
to young to be old
to old to be young.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 01/30/2015
All Rights Reserved
In An Instant

In an instant my life
gone without warning
came round like a flash.
Did I do what I came for
accomplish my goal,
live my life's purpose
when God made my soul?
I hope he knows I tried
my best,
when I step into heaven
I must confess.
On earth I made mistakes it's true,
but I always believed and trusted
in you.
In an instant we're here
a snap we're gone,
life's about change and moving on.
Letting go of the past
mistakes we've made,
everyone's human
we cannot escape.
There's right and wrong
black and white,
our conscious guides us
making it right.
In an instant we're born,
another we die,
but we live forever
on the other side.
The one that teaches
our ultimate goal,
to live and let God
take control.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 01/13/2015

They take us away,
on a voyage through time,
dancing silently
in our hearts and minds.
A sweet release from life's sorrow
and pain
a treasure a gift
as we stroll down that lane.
May you take a moment
and remember today,
those times of the past
that slipped away.
The smell of the ocean
or a rose freshly bloomed,
summer nights and
the light of the moon.
A star you once made a wish
offering hope as you journeyed along.
This life you live
every goal you've achieved,
forever survives in
your memories.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 01/27/2015

Uncle Sam my hat's off to you
for ******* up the US of A,
creating debt that surely
we have no hope to repay.
The example you've set the
American people is a shameful
display of incompetence,
buy now pay later, and pay
you will, to me it makes no sense.
My job is based upon credit checks
believe me I've seen it all,
from doctor bills to college debt
watching the beacon score steadily fall.
Wake up America remember your
don't let politics
stick it to you.
For every dollar, there's something
to save,
don't be a fool sock it away.
When hard times surface, and
surely they will,
you'll have what you need to
pay your bills.
Excuses mean nothing
and the message they send,
we watch every day on CNN.
Promises broken
as we're led to believe,
casting our votes
to those who deceive.
Remember and trust what made this
great nation,
wasn't about debt,
but invention and creation.
When American's worked for Americans
and made in the USA,
meant billions of people united
paid their bills that day.
Why can't we just go back to that
give credit where credit is due,
if you can't afford it today
then debt will surely catch you

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 08/14/2014
Walmart Heaven

You can find them coast to coast
from the north and to the south
a chain of retail stores we
could never live without.
For the majority it's Walmart,
but Wally World to some,
a place we visit often
to get our shopping done.
There's always a surprise as you're
greeted at the door,
some of them unpleasant
some you simply can't ignore.
From bedroom slippers to stretch
pants you hoped you'd never see,
there's always something different
such endless possibilities.
You can get your hair and nails done,
eyes examined too,
cash your paycheck, file your taxes,
Walmart does it all for you.
Maybe that's the beautify of this
famous retail chain,
that keeps us coming back
time and time again.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Jan 2014
All Rights Reserved
Happy shopping!
Because He Lives

Because he lives we celebrate
the gift of eternity,
promised to every soul
if only we believe.
Because he lives we need not
fear nor worry about tomorrow,
when we stumble he carries us
through all our pain and sorrow.
Because he lives there's always hope
for miracles today,
when Jesus died, crucified,
his blood was shed to light the way.
The light that shines above all
the hands that open each door,
for the moment might be closed
faith turns the key to something more.
Because he lives I raise my hands
toward heaven with the ultimate praise,
the son of God has risen
and lives inside my heart today!

and Forever

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/19/2014
All Rights Reserved
Yep I am a Christian. A child of God who celebrates, proud he LIVES within my heart!
I'll See You In My Dreams

I wished upon a star
first one I saw shine bright,
I also said a prayer
I'd see you in my dreams
Since you went to heaven
my life's not been the same,
memories of years passed by
in my heart will ever remain.
When I look into the mirror
I'm starring back at you,
proud of who I am
and everything I do.
I'm a reflection of your soul
the legacy you left behind,
to show the world how to love
and stop to take the time.
The way you always did when you
went the extra mile,
I miss you Mom so much, I hope
you're proud and I've made you smile.
I'll see you in my dreams until
God says it is my time.
please know you're always with me
in my heart and in my mind.

In Memory Of Shirley A Fowler

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © Jan 2014
All Rights Reserved
Suddenly With The Blink Of An Eye

The sun was brilliantly shining
it was a picture of a day,
when I starred outside my window
and watched my son at play.
Funny how quickly time passes
suddenly with a blink of an eye,
my little boy is all grown up
there's no more need for lullabies.
I remember when he was an infant
how I wished that he'd turn one,
for my sleepless nights were endless
and my chores were never done.
At two I wished that he'd turn three
so I could put the diapers away,
I never dreamed that by wishing
he'd be all grown up today.
This is the year he goes to school
how I wish he was a baby once more,
maybe I'd learn to let little things go
like dust on the furniture or
dirt on the floor.
Oh how I'd treasure each moment
if given a second chance,
but life just isn't that simple
and this is a wish that no one can grant.
Why is it we never learn before the
clock ticks away the time
to celebrate each new day
in our hearts and in our minds,
instead of looking back and asking ourselves why,
our children are all grown up
suddenly with the blink of an eye.

Written by Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © All rights reserved
I Gave All I Had

I'm a giver not a taker I may
die poor but that's ok,
there's not a thing on this earth
but my soul
I'll take back to heaven anyway.
When I reach those pearly gates
my pockets may be empty it's true,
but my heart will know, as
well as my soul,
I gave all I had
because I loved you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 12/03/2014
All Rights Reserved
This poem defines who I am. The ultimate truth in my words alone.
God's Will

Once upon a time many years ago,
an angel was sent to the earth to let all God's people know,
that love and only love is the key to all life's sorrows,
opening doors once closed, promising brighter tomorrows.
The angel traveled the globe to spread the wonderful news,
but people wouldn't listen and the angel was confused.
In the heavenly land she came from this message was quite clear,
there is no sadness there, anger, pain or fear.
All of this is promised to those who do believe, a savior who is Christ the Lord
shed his blood to set us free.
When the angel went back up to heaven to tell God we didn't listen,
she noticed on her back her tiny wings were missing.
She cried "Oh heavenly father I did my very best, but people on earth have their own free will
I sadly must confess."
Only moments later from her shoulders hung with love
were wings of solid gold, a gift from God above.
God knew his little angel did all that she could do,
to show the world what matters most, this rest is up to you.

It's our free will that will cause us to stumble, but if we do God's will we shall fly!

© Kathy J Parenteau
Slow Down Life's Not A Race

Have you ever watched the sunset and
colorful leaves of fall
dance upon each other
and thought you'd seen it all?
Hurrying through this journey called
life to make it one more day,
taking time for granted trusting tomorrow
is on its way.
Slow down life's not a race,
and our future God only holds,
there's nothing wrong with slowing
down to stop and smell a rose.
Take a long look at the souls you love
count your blessings one by one,
rest assured there's a bend in the road
we all must overcome.
To worry changes nothing
yet robs us of life's pleasures,
let faith hope trust and love become
your greatest treasures.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © November 17, 2013
All rights reserved
The Point Of No Return

Does it exist, I wonder at times
the point of no return,
when every soul must answer
all the lessons they have learned?
Is there a light we enter,
where love is the ultimate key,
unlocking, revealing our souls
where everything's meant to be?
I walk by faith not by sight
storms will always rage,
I'm here my heart still beats
and proud to turn each page.
Death comes to us all
and the point of no return,
unconditional love
from our father above is
our greatest lesson learned.
Written in the book of life
our names are forever known,
thank God for the opportunity
to call this earth our home.
Only you can make a difference
place a star upon your crown,
live this life give your all
head held high not looking down.
The point of no return awaits
us all it's true,
for every deed you'll answer
to the one who created you.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 01/08/2015
Broken And Abused

Twinkle twinkle little star
how we wonder who we are.
Mommy and daddy live happy
promise to love and cherish
Vows are broken
children suffer,
time doesn't heal, you
only get tougher.
Behind close doors
secretes they hide,
with smiles on the surface
a clever disguise.
Battered and shattered
the hurt remains,
futures altered
tarnished and stained.
By the ones they trusted
it's all so sad,
led to believe it was them
that were bad.
Broken and abused
in silence they cry,
concealing the truth as
their childhood passes by.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 07/04/2014
Remember When

Life takes us through many changes like the seasons of each year,
Some so unforgettable we sometimes shed a tear.
I remember when I was a little girl, it seems not long ago,
My mother would shelter me in her arms,
A feeling I thought I'd never outgrow.
Maybe I really haven't because hidden inside of me
There's still that need to hold her,
Though are chances are few and far between.
We live our lives looking back on memories of the past
Ones we often cherish, for time moves along so fast.
I remember my teenage years, rebellious as they were,
Though I'd made many mistakes I could always count on her.
Oh the times I'd hurt her with the hateful things I'd say,
I hope she knows how sorry I am and how much I love her today.
As children we don't realize how words can break a heart,
Leave scars that last a lifetime and tear two lives apart.
Though forgiveness isn't easy we've found it through the years,
My mother and I are closer than ever,
Our love has washed away the tears.
So let me tell you that I love you mom, in this message that I send,
Though time is ever changing, I'll always remember when.

© Kathy J Parenteau

Silence awakened by a
newborn's cry
treasured moments,
frozen in time.

Autumn's colors
dance with delight,
like snow kissed trees
on a winter's night.

Moments remembered
in a life ever changing,
skillfully guiding
and rearranging.

Leading us gently
through our journey on earth,
one that was planned from
the moment of birth.

There's a time to be young
a time to grow old,
for every soul
a story is told.

All about moments to
each it's own,
mountains and valleys
leading us home.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 12/27/2014
All Rights Reserved
Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall
catch me quick before I fall.
Help me see just who I am,
to walk in peace and understand.
Why life has to be so hard,
and we often question who we are.
I stand on tip toes but cannot reach,
things I've hoped for love I seek.
So I close my eyes and hide in my dreams,
cause I'm happy there in make believe.
But dawn always comes and my eyes open wide,
reality awakens there's no place to hide.

Written by Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2000

— The End —