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Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
There are no butterfly's
in Winter but for these
hibernating ones in our
stomachs that come out
when we are touched by
those invisible waves of
vibration known as love.
Carmello Fabri Aug 2020
Remnants of her soul, broken pieces

Hope murmurs t h r o u g h silence.

The door shut,

-She screamed-

from within her essence

Hidden secrets beamed

Uttering the call of her existence.

A feigned love...

On The wall,

A butterfly's beauty

A caterpillar's innocence

Engulfed by a serpent's venom

eyes spitting deception

-she screamed-

For someone's reception.

tainted image of a silhouette

The mosquito biting ...a threat.

A feigned love...

An angel's wings amputated

Drumming sound between thighs

You celo! i am not your coquette

Don't moan me to death.

A feigned love...

-She screamed-

Mommy! mommy!

The night became day

And mommy seem to have gone away

The wall bled helplessness

Her tears wept streams

Her eyes ...painted despair

My butterfly

Are you a lie?

Where is your goodluck

Any hint of repair?

With a glare

she cursed the luck

-she screamed-

I am stuck! I am stuck!

I am not killin a part of me

Le papillion,

Wings soar swiftly to the ward

A spirit roaming above a new  Mother

Holding her flying queen with her   blood brimmed palms

She said:

'You were my strength when I was weak

A symbol of trasformation and rejuvenation that i always wished to seek.'

                         Carmello Fabri

— The End —