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Nick Jan 2018
Luscious lemons in your silky hair waving as you saunter down the gilted avenue. From my seat, all buckling unsturdy, your redlovely lips upon pearl face gaze my way. The old women on wooden tables kneading their Orecchiette with daughters all drawn and hasty. Brahmana passing by in tight little groups. Proverbs whispered from sealed lips. The Sun near the Gondolas passing en plein air. Pigeons splayed upon the etherized Sky all-atwitter with thought. And I see you passing through the marketsquare: afire with meadowsweet dress. The violins quivering a crescendo of Baroque notes as you turn a sorrowful glance, but, alas, it's lost in the crowd.
Ryan Jul 2021
in a land not so far away
people daily sit down and pray
for about an hour, to a higher power

many believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster
His noodly appendages gracing the world
as goodness comes with each noodle unfurled

others call these people fools!
shouting "no way He's made of spaghetti!"
they think He's made of orecchiette

"spaghetti believers chant worthless cheers!
orecchiette is able to quell all fears
responding to prayers with His little ears"

as tension grows amongst both tribes
violence arises and peace subsides
each sect fights for nothing but pride

and up in the sky, the true Lord knells
She's British and made of Campanelle
staring sadly at the fighting, She loudly yells:

"you ****** lot are all goin' ta' hell!"

— The End —