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Dnlbllrd Jun 2020
I drag my noose wherever I go
In an obtruse way, I don't even know
With the raven that's always near
Will the curtains of death will appear?

Corrupted by the remnants of the past
Contemplating till when my life would last
For even death has abandoned me
Headless, I can no longer be free

Help me for I just want to quit
For even the reaper won't commit
Bring back me head
And ready my deathbed

Glenn Murawski Dec 2017
There comes a time when rushing streams
Meet their end on outstretched crops
The clatter heard from all obtruse
Defies the senses foregone in lust
Maelstrom it has came to be
Winded piles of ash and dust
Sacred tombs of gutter snakes
Trampled, onward sunset falls
The grips of tangled blight unknown
Shall pass the moment, just ajar
As open doors and unmarked steps
The willow branch comes faded green
Happenstance to raging fires
Light is given, unbeguiled
This too,  will pass or so was said
Begone the miles yet ahead

— The End —