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Ottar Jan 2014
It matters not the hours,
The quick five minute showers,
to rinse and wash the sweat away,
from the workout or just the day,
rinse the dust of worldliness,
to finally rest in peacfulness,
let quiet be your hepa filter,
bring you away from off kilter,
body breathing, absorbing calm,
healing those weary bones with balm,
a time balm,
my pillow, my friend,
my head is full of poisoned thoughts,
wrong bill of goods the I cheaply bought,
I need a time balm,
if when it goes off silently,
and there is nothig left of me,
the self that came through the door,
at the end of the work, plusiers choses,
tying my smile back to a grimace,
clothing fused to my skin,
I have become the job,
help me step away for my job is in trouble,
it tried to rob me of my soul,
my pillow, my friend, add a bubble,
push the button, light the fuse,
for it is noisy in my head and refuses
to go quietly and seriously
I need the relief, not grief,
of the time balm.

This poem does not promote the product "Time Balm", any similarity to a real
product out is purely coincidental, all manifestations and manifesto's are pure fiction,
not meaning to cause friction, if any occurs, find your **** balm.
George Ellison Mar 2010
my thoughts on money aint nothig but paper with a number on it.
make the world eager and power and money hungry.
money makes the world go around but after awhile you end up in the same spot.
forget money just live for the fame.
i would be happy i the world even knew my name.
but people still acting the same.
not caring about your thoughts
worry about what they bought.......
or must have......
they dont give a crap about "US" little people or how we feel
the still do them act the same way....
living there life on what the pay..........
but remember this is the root of all evil.....................
comment if like!!! do not comment if you do not like it please!!!!!
This is a battle, a war, and the casualties could be your hearts and souls.
Victims of emotion, eruption of life lust
to die for nothig is unjust
we'll never surrender
we're people of the words
writing a guidebook to love
love your friends
love your family
love your life
love yourself

yourself is all you have and all you'll be and by the end of this journey, you'll set yourself free.
Paula Lee Jun 2014
Tonight my mind is silent
memories gone away
my lips are sealed
with nothig left to say

the blush has left my cheeks
the light has left my eyes
my heart stops its beat
tonight my soul dies!
anu Sep 2015
Life constantly teaches onething
Nothig is stable
And I'm not able
To take everything..
Claire Ellen Apr 2014
Some of my hopes flew away,
some of my dreams met reality.
Some of your wild left with the wind
some of your maturity grew again.
This humanity blind,
is unfortunately bound to a life,
with no passion.
Only Pintrest and dreams,
But our eyes are not shut,
the can see into the vast, open, waiting,
We  can make imagination run free
           In this world.
Your smart and I'm by your side.
Lets fly away and realitize all around us.
Give 110% at everything eve if its nothig.
The wild is ever entreanching,
and the tames is ever defeating.
Secrete lover lets get out,
and do, our thing.
Leave this drama,
Leave this behind.
Grow in love, is the only way.
The light is shinning and I'm
getting there fast.

— The End —