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I never knew what it was that I wanted, but now I do,
to queue, to queue, to stand in a queue waiting quietly for you and as the queue snakes it breaks and reforms and takes the form of a snake and the best bit is where the start of it disappears into the end.
As I bend and writhe the snake comes alive spitting but missing hissing and hitting the mark, in the dark you can't see who's in the queue, but you hear them,
old men, young men, men when  the ale house turns out and lots of females too join the queue, I can sense them among the old and the young men, their perfume leaves little room for doubt.
And who knows where the queue goes, but we queue anyway, one day we'll queue our life away and
I'll be in the queue for that.
Kyle Andree Ore Oct 2014
one day i will swim that ocean.
i will brave the currents.
i will tame the sharks.
i will slice and dice through the gigantic waves.
for roads are too cliche and the sky is just boring.
i want my journey towards you be filled with adventure.
i'm no knight.
knights don't swim.
they'll drown with all that armor.
i don't wanna take flight too.
there's just nothing to bump into.
well except planes.
and migrating birds.
only if the carebears still sit on the clouds.
i'll gladly ask for that rainbow.
but no.
i'm all eyes on the sea.
i'm no Atlantean.
i don't bow down to King Namor.
but the waters just the temptation i need.
i want it to devour me.
so i can get out of it alive.
i want it to take me to the abyss.
so i can tell you who lives in there.
maybe Hades.
or Snow White.
who knows.
maybe Pikachu.
nonetheless, no obstacles too great that i cant fathom.
a mans love can break through time,
space, illusion, even death.
but i don't wanna die.
not just yet.
that's why i need to take this adventure.
one day.
one day when everything's in chaos.
why go when everything's in chaos?
i love ironies, that's why.
i want to find my oasis in you.
with you.
or you can find it in me.
with me.
and even if the world crumbles.
even if the sun burns a thousand degrees hotter.
hey love,
will you be my shade from the scorching sun?
life is
but the pretence and
wingin' it
consequence of it,
it is
the me in it and
because of it,

a constant theme running
through me
is poetry

a journey through emotions

skylarks above oceans.

but don't you confuse me with a poet
I'll know it is wrong,
I'm just a chancer who chances his arm
all along I knew this to be.

I read avidly, prose, free verse poetry
and it feels there is some of me
in there,

It could be so or just so it could not,
life, the pretence is the life that I've got

I also read comic books,
looks like Superman, but
sinks like Prince Namor.

Orwell, room 101
and hell follows on
shooting the angels who dance at
the flip end of in

I begin or began when I ran away
tomorrow may come,
but it's just another day

Scarlett has a lot to answer for
when there's famine and war where
the victims want more
than two rhymes in a bowl
with their rice.
Classy J Jun 2023
Multiversal war but I'm out here surfing silver,
Fiercer than Galactus or any other heavy hitters.
I'm not a monster or a killer.
Imma Upper echelon rocketing raccoon, but don’t mess with the fur.
But if it came down to it,
I'd even strangle baby ******.
**** got dark, like some vampire thriller.
Call over Blade, to douse it with some holy water.
Stakes are high, like a mad titans slaughter.
Guess gotta burn some rubber, like the spirit of vengeance; Ghost Rider!
Collect a cosmic stone, but in-turn lose a daughter.
Some are afraid of death, others try to court her.
You may think you’re a conqueror like Kang,
But could still get cancelled.
A stank worse than the Blobs that never leaves ya.
Think I’d rather get Sentineled.
Or face off against the punisher.

Ring the bell,
Time to avenge the masses.
But only time will tell.
If we’re actually able to save they *****.

Multiversal war is on the horizon,
Fight till the last breath.
Like it was for the last remaining Bison.
Even if like Namor we are out of our depths.

— The End —