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Melissa Mutch Mar 2012
Freedom encapsulated,
Wanting to expand in every direction
And let each particle take off
Flying free;
Escaping the meaning of me.

And they say we're free

So anxious for the future
Yet I procrastinate against it
Working backwards into walls;
And here I am waiting for the paper to respond,
The ink to form words from the pores of the page
Swallowing me
Enchanting me
Switching me like a blade
Cutting down and slicing open
In every direction
To free them

Melissa Mutch
A hard north-easter fifty winters long
Has bronzed and shrivelled sere her face and neck;
Her locks are wild and grey, her teeth a wreck;
Her foot is vast, her bowed leg spare and strong.
A wide blue cloak, a squat and sturdy throng
Of curt blue coats, a mutch without a speck,
A white vest broidered black, her person deck,
Nor seems their picked, stern, old-world quaintness wrong.
Her great creel forehead-slung, she wanders nigh,
Easing the heavy strap with gnarled, brown fingers,
The spirit of traffic watchful in her eye,
Ever and anon imploring you to buy,
As looking down the street she onward lingers,
Reproachful, with a strange and doleful cry.
Melissa Mutch Mar 2012
The walls are soft, smooth
Almost porcelain, almost perfect
Until my hand runs over an imperfection
A flaw then another, and another.
A ceramic cave encloses me on all sides,
Making the space cramped
And a deep midnight shade of blue.
So in twilight I am entwined
And instead of hearing the ocean,
I feel its reverberation echo in waves
And it’s not liberation I feel
   It’s devotion
    Or just raw emotion
It’s difficult to divide the difference…

Blurring oneiric spaces
I’m not drawing any more, just erasing
Stuck inside this metaphorical shell
It gets tighter as you go further,
Deeper as it winds and coils
Almost like a trachea to the heart.
You can’t survive here.

Now the pulses begin to deafen,
The sand itches the skin
And not only exfoliates but sheds its tough outer layer
I think they call it pride
It’s something everybody hides.

Upon a red flaming dragon she rides
Trying to tame it, control it,
And harness its beauty and strength.
At first she is cautious and gentle, and the creature bows with respect
For granted she abused the tender beast,
Wasted, jaded and scarred
Now it bucks and resists at every command
Waiting for a chance to escape, to be free.

And the ink dries up in the pen before it gets a chance to bleed on a blank page
And leave its imprint in time
The focus is shattered now, paintbrush bristles hard and brittle
Crumbling to ashes as soon as they kiss the paint
The Moist dye ingests the ash which mixes with the poet’s tears
To become a sticky and vengeful monster
That haunts me in my dreams.

In vivid strands, like a dewy spider web
Dreams entangle my mind
And the full moon causes the tide to ebb.
Time is an orange, peel back the rind.

And memories float on the surface of the mist
In the calm before the storm
And explode in bursts of thunder and jagged light.
You shield your eyes and you raise your fist
Hoping that the beast within will soon resist
And with inspiration be reborn
And blast in undulations of a second sight
And together look to the sky, run, and take flight.

Melissa Mutch
I know the game with out my name,
****** get the fame boii thiss ***** lame.,
in this world whats left to blame.
all this fake!
built up feals great?.
your at steak cause you're too late...
You took my plate with my meat heart and you ate it....
like dude,
you ate it.
it's behind me it's in side you.
it's my making .
                      you your FAKING.
YES!.   you tookit . _ .
bless bless bless. YOU BOOKIT
--------***** fit yuu tookit >_<.

When i was loe, .... mind to flow,  you mutch too blow cuz ..
waz-a -***! haha :)
and.           when i was High back in my fligh
there was no sorrow for yOOO to barrow..
                                        whatever tho I got doe ,
1 more thing, YOU. Need. To. Know.
steal my thaught and you'll get shot,
i am me and can't be baught :)
says the white girl that wants to be a rapper ha. ha...
Melissa Mutch Mar 2012
A whisper
A spark
A crackle in the dark
A fragment of electricity warming up the wire.
The essence full implodes
Then reloads
And clicks the next bullet in place
Now falling. Screaming. Failing, to fill the void left by your space.
Suicidal lust figured in the expression on your face
Just a coward hiding from destiny
Fear yourself
And that is something that can be tamed with thought
The mind is our universe, not a wild animal,
and yet the theory is paradox
Explore it, search out its mystery, it’s patterns
Control it
and with a thought move Saturn
Out of orbit, out of space, out of mind, just blink and erase.
But the looming threat of neon lights is invading our minds
The mechanical encrusted upon the living
Used and worn definitions
With no room for originality or inspiration
Or in the poet’s case no water or air
And we speed through life, with no acknowledgement of either
Pretending it’s a hyperbole, simile or metaphor
While Artists drowning in paint, poisoned poets drop to the floor
Spinning in cycles like seasons seems pointless
Frustrated with feeling, life is a mess
Slow down and recover
Pull over and wind down the window
And the wind blows softly in your ear
All the things you needed to hear
Were found within
A whisper

Melissa Mutch
Dj Jan 2018
But how can we allow the ones we love and love us, to cause us so Mutch pain and suffering for so long.... I fully understand the concept of truly loving someone to the point you would be willing to try anything to make it work..however if you acctually loved another would you not want to coexist in happiness and harmony as opposed to; deceit, neglect and underappreciation.... take someone in an abusive relationship persay why do they continue to go back, why dose the  abuser continue to abuse... or the freind who's all for constructive criticism, but leaves out the constructive part... So what is this "love" that allows us to walk into situations blindfolded.... And allows us, to allow the same people to continue to cause us harm...
fibro Jun 2018
If you don't wanne be a part of my life,    
                 stay out of it
If you don't love me
                don't make me love you
If you don't need me
                don't use me
If you don't mean it
                don't say it
I'm not a battery you can drown and recharge, i'm a human just like everyone else and I don't know about you but I have feelings and I think about what someone says or does. Maybe I think to mutch but thats just me and i'm not changing
fibro Feb 2020
I always thought love was enough
I thought things didn’t mather that mutch as long that you love each other
I’m not saying I thought it would be sunshine and rainbows all the time

But you get thru it whit love and for love, right?

But you sed you loved me, you say you still do?
So are you lying or do I have so much wrong

doesn’t every couple make sacrifices for each other?
isn’t everybody scared of what’s coming?

or am I so hard to live whit? maybe it isn’t love maybe it’s just me?
is a future whit me so much more scaring than a future alone?

Just tell me you don’t love me
because it’s so much worse to love me and not wanting to be whit me than just not loving me at all.

— The End —