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When children are abused I cant help but feel so bad and cry for them. When children are abused they dont know what is happening especially if its your own parents or parent. They dont know because of the shock and **** they are going through. All they know at that moment is that they are getting yelled or or getting charged at and they know they are going to be beaten with something. They have the shock and there heart is racing very fast. They dont know whats going to happen next they dont know if they are going be in horrific pain to the piont they cant move or not. All they know what to do is do exactly do what the person is doing to them what they say with out answer anything but yes and  do it. If they dont there will be more horrific pain. With all this happening to them knowing that right then all they feel is physical pain. Later in life they figure out that it wasn't just physical it was emotional and mental to. How was it mental and emotional by knowing that there own parent or parents did that to them. It haunts them for the rest of their lifes more so if it happens more then once. It makes them feel like they can never trust anybody in there lifes ever again. They build a wall up and dont let alot of people in because they are afraid of getting hurt again. Most kids end up in fostercare for what there parents did to them. So when they are there in the fostercare home do you think they feel safe and happy? If you thought yes you are wrong they are more scared then ever because they have strangers around them and no one they know. The foster parents may say your safe and hug you but you still dont feel safe and loved because  they dont have people around them that they know love them. Most of the time they just want there parents although they just got abused and but through all that pain. Its becuase most of the time they are not themselves. They are either drunk or high. The kids know that and they know that there parents must be nice when they are sober becuase they have seen there friends parents nice to them. When children are being abused when they are young they most likely dont ever wanna go home they want to be at school or somewhere they are happy. When all that is taken away from them all they want to be is home in the abusive place becuase thats where they realized was the most comforting safest place is at home in there room. Most of the time its either friends or a sibling that calls the police becuase thats all they know what to do. Usally its a sibling that is either scared and wants help or is treated better then the one that is getting abused. If the child that goes away to a foster home with out a sibling. She is more likely to get scared and put a shield up towards anybody that she doesnt know and trust. She most likely wont talk to anybody. She will cry most of the day because she feels like she is alone and doesn't have anyone around her. Even when the other foster kids and parents are there and willing to calm her down and comfort her. She wont let them because she wants someone she can trust and she knows to calm her down and comfort her and hold her. The simple words coming out of someone they knows mouth "Its going to be ok I am here for you to hold you comfort you to calm you down when you are upset." Those simple words to a child meen the world to them when they got abused and are taken away from the situation. Those words may seem nothing to you but to that child it meens everything more then you can imagine unless you went through it. You went through it like me I wrote this because I know people that have got abused just like me. I wrote this because I know how it feels to be be abused by your parents and then feel like you have no one until those words are said then you feel like you have someone. That its going to be ok and someone is finally going to treat you the you deserved to be treated loved cared for and supported no matter what you do in life. When you have the right people in your life you dont realize what your life was like back then until you have the right people in your life and they show you the true meening of life happiness and love and trust. Although you have the happiness love and trust your past abuse or abuses still are there for the rest of your life. Its ok though because you know what not to do to your children and what to do to your children. You can raise them right by showing them you care love and want happiness for them and they can always trust you for anything. If its for those special words of if its for adivce. They will always know you are there for them no matter what. even if you think they dont because they are doing something you dont like they still love care and want happiness for you. So what you can do is stop child abuse from happening with your kids!!!!
Thank you for reading this it meens alot to me and the people that i know that have gone through this.
Hal Loyd Denton Oct 2012
How do you fit when you’re just pieces? The stage was set it just needed his entrance they were all
Seated boredom played on their faces he had seen it all before he strode to the stage picked up the long
Neck Guitar he strummed the strings then he laid his voice over the music that rose and drifted across
The room a wooden floor rafters bare his eyes were soulful they seemed to read the crowd what ever
Story they told he knew it well then he infused a golden melody in the cold gray darkness he sang of
Dreamy green forest that danced and swayed in the Colorado wind he threw a ranch house in he built it
Strong and his voice rose and rattled the window pane maybe even a few drops of rain fell and slid
Down the glass the song related a widow and her sons it was sad enough it could have been tears and
Not rain his words ran like a train it picked up speed it squalled through the valley as the mountain
Loomed high over head it slowed on the curves did you ever see lighting flash all darkness briefly slashed
By light and then you were woefully back in the dark he spoke from his own heart and he made a
Connection with the crowd they had known the dark shady places you find in life’s journey he took them
Through the seasons made it clear and inviting they set among the scenes he created with his voice they
Drew comfort as one person and many smiled at each other it was good to distance trouble for a period
Of time in detail he gave riveting stories of hard times then filled it as a cold picture of ice water on a hot
Summer day they drank deeply the water took sloping sliding turns ever deeper it ran until the well
Springs of the spirit were found even the old and haggard found new birth looked spry and smiled
Broadly it could only be explained by a sea captain because he brought the wind up on a still and dead
Sea the sails ballooned out and seemed to creak with joy off they ran toward the far horizon new
Adventures now would be found experience only the boundless waves could create the gloom of
Darkness was swallowed by light his grin broadened as he splashed them with fun and pleasure that
Some had not known for a period of time hope rose as a great unfurled flag it was waving in the distance
Pride and exuberance charged the room he had seen it before knew the thrill shared the joy but he
Lifted his eyes and saw the door he knew in a few more treasured moments the place he stood would
Be Bare he would leave them full of joy and sweet dreams but for him it was only the dark road there
Was a time when he was naive he thought he would be accepted he drew near felt the greatest feelings
He had ever known then killing words spilled from sweetest lips that he thought was a friend when she
Said this is an acquaintance of mine his heart lost all of its magic that he spun for others he sought the
Resplendent free coursing memories of happier times they would have to do for now stranger is the
Hardest real bonds there is to break it comes with many names but they covey one meening you are an
Outsider and the great old saying applies know your place well its least a good thing to know that life is good
if don’t weaken and try to lay claim to that which will forever lie out of reach the fall is to great the pain is harder to bear loneliness brings it’s
Own dead comfort.
Hal Loyd Denton Apr 2013
How do you fit when you’re just pieces? The stage was set it just needed his entrance they were all
Seated boredom played on their faces he had seen it all before he strode to the stage picked up the long
Neck Guitar he strummed the strings then he laid his voice over the music that rose and drifted across
The room a wooden floor rafters bare his eyes were soulful they seemed to read the crowd what ever
Story they told he knew it well then he infused a golden melody in the cold gray darkness he sang of
Dreamy green forest that danced and swayed in the Colorado wind he threw a ranch house in he built it
Strong and his voice rose and rattled the window pane maybe even a few drops of rain fell and slid
Down the glass the song related a widow and her sons it was sad enough it could have been tears and
Not rain his words ran like a train it picked up speed it squalled through the valley as the mountain
Loomed high over head it slowed on the curves did you ever see lighting flash all darkness briefly slashed
By light and then you were woefully back in the dark he spoke from his own heart and he made a
Connection with the crowd they had known the dark shady places you find in life’s journey he took them
Through the seasons made it clear and inviting they set among the scenes he created with his voice they
Drew comfort as one person and many smiled at each other it was good to distance trouble for a period
Of time in detail he gave riveting stories of hard times then filled it as a cold picture of ice water on a hot
Summer day they drank deeply the water took sloping sliding turns ever deeper it ran until the well
Springs of the spirit were found even the old and haggard found new birth looked spry and smiled
Broadly it could only be explained by a sea captain because he brought the wind up on a still and dead
Sea the sails ballooned out and seemed to creak with joy off they ran toward the far horizon new
Adventures now would be found experience only the boundless waves could create the gloom of
Darkness was swallowed by light his grin broadened as he splashed them with fun and pleasure that
Some had not known for a period of time hope rose as a great unfurled flag it was waving in the distance
Pride and exuberance charged the room he had seen it before knew the thrill shared the joy but he
Lifted his eyes and saw the door he knew in a few more treasured moments the place he stood would
Be Bare he would leave them full of joy and sweet dreams but for him it was only the dark road there
Was a time when he was naive he thought he would be accepted he drew near felt the greatest feelings
He had ever known then killing words spilled from sweetest lips that he thought was a friend when she
Said this is an acquaintance of mine his heart lost all of its magic that he spun for others he sought the
Resplendent free coursing memories of happier times they would have to do for now stranger is the
Hardest real bonds there is to break it comes with many names but they convey one meening you are an
Outsider and the great old saying applies know your place well its least a good thing to know that life is good
if you don’t weaken and try to lay claim to that which will forever lie out of reach the fall is to great the pain is harder to bear loneliness brings it’s
Own dead comfort.
Hal Loyd Denton Jun 2013
How do you fit when you’re just pieces? The stage was set it just needed his entrance they were all
Seated boredom played on their faces he had seen it all before he strode to the stage picked up the long
Neck Guitar he strummed the strings then he laid his voice over the music that rose and drifted across
The room a wooden floor rafters bare his eyes were soulful they seemed to read the crowd what ever
Story they told he knew it well then he infused a golden melody in the cold gray darkness he sang of
Dreamy green forest that danced and swayed in the Colorado wind he threw a ranch house in he built it
Strong and his voice rose and rattled the window pane maybe even a few drops of rain fell and slid
Down the glass the song related a widow and her sons it was sad enough it could have been tears and
Not rain his words ran like a train it picked up speed it squalled through the valley as the mountain
Loomed high over head it slowed on the curves did you ever see lighting flash all darkness briefly slashed
By light and then you were woefully back in the dark he spoke from his own heart and he made a
Connection with the crowd they had known the dark shady places you find in life’s journey he took them
Through the seasons made it clear and inviting they set among the scenes he created with his voice they
Drew comfort as one person and many smiled at each other it was good to distance trouble for a period
Of time in detail he gave riveting stories of hard times then filled it as a cold picture of ice water on a hot
Summer day they drank deeply the water took sloping sliding turns ever deeper it ran until the well
Springs of the spirit were found even the old and haggard found new birth looked spry and smiled
Broadly it could only be explained by a sea captain because he brought the wind up on a still and dead
Sea the sails ballooned out and seemed to creak with joy off they ran toward the far horizon new
Adventures now would be found experience only the boundless waves could create the gloom of
Darkness was swallowed by light his grin broadened as he splashed them with fun and pleasure that
Some had not known for a period of time hope rose as a great unfurled flag it was waving in the distance
Pride and exuberance charged the room he had seen it before knew the thrill shared the joy but he
Lifted his eyes and saw the door he knew in a few more treasured moments the place he stood would
Be Bare he would leave them full of joy and sweet dreams but for him it was only the dark road there
Was a time when he was naive he thought he would be accepted he drew near felt the greatest feelings
He had ever known then killing words spilled from sweetest lips that he thought was a friend when she
Said this is an acquaintance of mine his heart lost all of its magic that he spun for others he sought the
Resplendent free coursing memories of happier times they would have to do for now stranger is the
Hardest real bonds there is to break it comes with many names but they convey one meening you are an
Outsider and the great old saying applies know your place well its least a good thing to know that life is good
if you don’t weaken and try to lay claim to that which will forever lie out of reach the fall is to great the pain is harder to bear loneliness brings it’s
Own dead comfort.
when I am all alone in my room it's peaceful physically. Although mentally my head is so busy and loud its not funny. I tend to stare off into space and think about my mom and and dad actually my whole biological family. How there not there for me and never have been unless it was to have something to be blamed on me even if I didnt do it. I would take the blame for it and move on hurt in everyway you could imagine. Hurt to the piont where I could let go of them and never look back again. Although I just keep going back back to get there approval over every little thing. So I can just feel there love even if it hurt me I knew it was still love love from them. As I live with a non bio family member I think I am wasting alot of time by hurting myself and them alot. When I have a family right where I am that loves me like I was there biological family memeber. There child and there sister. I dont need to go through all the pain I put myself into to get the love I am looking for I have it right where I am. The parents treat me just like there children. The kids they treat me like there own sisters and brother. I believe I was sent through all the things I was sent through so I could know and feel what a real family feels like. Like conconditional love and disapline. They consider me one of there children when they introduce me to someone they already know they introduce me as there daughter. I know that they love me and would do anything to protect me from any harm at all no matter what I know if my husband was beating me or my children my mom would kick his *** tell he couldnt move and would go to jail for it. I know thats how much they love me and same thing with my dad. Of course I still love my biological parents I always will but I know 100% I am safe, wanted blame free when its not my fault and loved right where I am. For me to be able to move on and heal my wounds my biological family did to me I have to let them go. That doesnt meen I wont ever get to see them it meens not putting myself out there to see them and in the end getting hurt. I have to remind myself if they want to see me they will call me I don't have to call them and set myself up for hurt. Even if they don't call me and don'twant to see me I now that I didnt do anything wrong. I have a family right here to love me and give me the attention I need that I never had. To give me advice when I need it to guide me in the right path to disapline me into a strong independant women. So when its time to flap my wings and fly I can do it on my own and do strong. Stronger then I even imagined I can ever be before I met Kelly and Carl my true parents. The ones that have shown me the true meening of life, family and love. They have shown me I don't need the extra baggage on me and need my biological parents to approve every little thing I do. That I don't need to get hurt by my biological parents and family and be blamed for every little thing my parents did while I was a child I can live through life not feeling guilty for taking the blame for that because I know it wasnt my fault I was just a child being put through hell and back. Shoved from one home to another and blamed for my biological parents drugs and alcohol abuse. I can let all of it go and live and soon flap my wings and fly my life the way it should have been flown in the begining. How do I let go of all the extra baggage is support from my true family and my true friends. I would never be able to get through life without them.
Hal Loyd Denton Dec 2012
How do you fit when you’re just pieces? The stage was set it just needed his entrance they were all
Seated boredom played on their faces he had seen it all before he strode to the stage picked up the long
Neck Guitar he strummed the strings then he laid his voice over the music that rose and drifted across
The room a wooden floor rafters bare his eyes were soulful they seemed to read the crowd what ever
Story they told he knew it well then he infused a golden melody in the cold gray darkness he sang of
Dreamy green forest that danced and swayed in the Colorado wind he threw a ranch house in he built it
Strong and his voice rose and rattled the window pane maybe even a few drops of rain fell and slid
Down the glass the song related a widow and her sons it was sad enough it could have been tears and
Not rain his words ran like a train it picked up speed it squalled through the valley as the mountain
Loomed high over head it slowed on the curves did you ever see lighting flash all darkness briefly slashed
By light and then you were woefully back in the dark he spoke from his own heart and he made a
Connection with the crowd they had known the dark shady places you find in life’s journey he took them
Through the seasons made it clear and inviting they set among the scenes he created with his voice they
Drew comfort as one person and many smiled at each other it was good to distance trouble for a period
Of time in detail he gave riveting stories of hard times then filled it as a cold picture of ice water on a hot
Summer day they drank deeply the water took sloping sliding turns ever deeper it ran until the well
Springs of the spirit were found even the old and haggard found new birth looked spry and smiled
Broadly it could only be explained by a sea captain because he brought the wind up on a still and dead
Sea the sails ballooned out and seemed to creak with joy off they ran toward the far horizon new
Adventures now would be found experience only the boundless waves could create the gloom of
Darkness was swallowed by light his grin broadened as he splashed them with fun and pleasure that
Some had not known for a period of time hope rose as a great unfurled flag it was waving in the distance
Pride and exuberance charged the room he had seen it before knew the thrill shared the joy but he
Lifted his eyes and saw the door he knew in a few more treasured moments the place he stood would
Be Bare he would leave them full of joy and sweet dreams but for him it was only the dark road there
Was a time when he was naive he thought he would be accepted he drew near felt the greatest feelings
He had ever known then killing words spilled from sweetest lips that he thought was a friend when she
Said this is an acquaintance of mine his heart lost all of its magic that he spun for others he sought the
Resplendent free coursing memories of happier times they would have to do for now stranger is the
Hardest real bonds there is to break it comes with many names but they convey one meening you are an
Outsider and the great old saying applies know your place well its least a good thing to know that life is good
if you don’t weaken and try to lay claim to that which will forever lie out of reach the fall is to great the pain is harder to bear loneliness brings it’s
Own dead comfort.
Hal Loyd Denton Feb 2013
How do you fit when you’re just pieces? The stage was set it just needed his entrance they were all
Seated boredom played on their faces he had seen it all before he strode to the stage picked up the long
Neck Guitar he strummed the strings then he laid his voice over the music that rose and drifted across
The room a wooden floor rafters bare his eyes were soulful they seemed to read the crowd what ever
Story they told he knew it well then he infused a golden melody in the cold gray darkness he sang of
Dreamy green forest that danced and swayed in the Colorado wind he threw a ranch house in he built it
Strong and his voice rose and rattled the window pane maybe even a few drops of rain fell and slid
Down the glass the song related a widow and her sons it was sad enough it could have been tears and
Not rain his words ran like a train it picked up speed it squalled through the valley as the mountain
Loomed high over head it slowed on the curves did you ever see lighting flash all darkness briefly slashed
By light and then you were woefully back in the dark he spoke from his own heart and he made a
Connection with the crowd they had known the dark shady places you find in life’s journey he took them
Through the seasons made it clear and inviting they set among the scenes he created with his voice they
Drew comfort as one person and many smiled at each other it was good to distance trouble for a period
Of time in detail he gave riveting stories of hard times then filled it as a cold picture of ice water on a hot
Summer day they drank deeply the water took sloping sliding turns ever deeper it ran until the well
Springs of the spirit were found even the old and haggard found new birth looked spry and smiled
Broadly it could only be explained by a sea captain because he brought the wind up on a still and dead
Sea the sails ballooned out and seemed to creak with joy off they ran toward the far horizon new
Adventures now would be found experience only the boundless waves could create the gloom of
Darkness was swallowed by light his grin broadened as he splashed them with fun and pleasure that
Some had not known for a period of time hope rose as a great unfurled flag it was waving in the distance
Pride and exuberance charged the room he had seen it before knew the thrill shared the joy but he
Lifted his eyes and saw the door he knew in a few more treasured moments the place he stood would
Be Bare he would leave them full of joy and sweet dreams but for him it was only the dark road there
Was a time when he was naive he thought he would be accepted he drew near felt the greatest feelings
He had ever known then killing words spilled from sweetest lips that he thought was a friend when she
Said this is an acquaintance of mine his heart lost all of its magic that he spun for others he sought the
Resplendent free coursing memories of happier times they would have to do for now stranger is the
Hardest real bonds there is to break it comes with many names but they convey one meening you are an
Outsider and the great old saying applies know your place well its least a good thing to know that life is good
if you don’t weaken and try to lay claim to that which will forever lie out of reach the fall is to great the pain is harder to bear loneliness brings it’s
Own dead comfort.

— The End —