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Poetic T Mar 2014
When the wolf was around people would stare,
he would take a breath in a huff and a puff ,
and in the distance people would run scared.
not knowing if blown to the four corners they
didn't want it to be there turn to be blown away.

He gave a grin with his teeth showing bare, people
did stare imagination ran wild that if opened
swallowed whole with only there toes sticking
out, as a final gulp of air and then no more eaten
with out a care.

But as he approached they were with fright and a
scare, not knowing what he would do or where.
Then he spoke and looks turned to stares.

He explained to all around he was a vegan,
and meat did he frown, the reason he had to
huff and puff was the asthma medicne made
him less wheezy and could breath out with
out a care.

Not to judge a book by its cover till you have
talked and got to know the person, so people
appoched even three pigs who were the reason
that everyone whispered and apoligised for
what they had spread around and they did care.
Rachel Nov 2013
Coyote saw the ducks.
He was trickster but toaday
He was creator.
We all agree here
That something is wrong.
He said to the ducks we dont feel
Rite about this.
Brother duck wise knew
He needed to dive and see what
Rested under the deep water.
The second he had roots is bill.
Coyote knew what he wanted.
I will make companionship
Between every creature.
And give man the tools
To live with us.
Coyote made arrows and spears.
Man will hunt us but he will honor
What I gave him.
With music of flutes
And a boy will chase for medicne elk.
With my arrows he will miss and find
Wind blowing through the wood peckers
Hollow branch with holes.
We will dance and celebrate his marriage
When ever the suns resting heart shapes the
Clouds into the ducks sioulette.

— The End —