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Pour faire sourire ma muse
Malgré elle je fais le pitre :
Je me fais animal en extinction
Tamarin lion de jour
Et Ara cobalt de nuit
Et je fais constamment la mue
Entre Anodorhynchus leari
Et Leontopithecus rosalia
Et à force de mues
Je perds le Nord
Je me pends par la queue
Aux branches de mon nid
Je fais des grimaces
et je lèche le bec des femelles
En rut.
Mais ma muse raffole
Non pas de ma race folle
De tamarin-ara métis
Mais des gorilles, bonobos et magots
Et autre faune libertine...
Elle adore !
Elle est admirative !
J'ai beau lui sortir ma généalogie ascendante de mandrill
Mes trois seizièmes de sang bonobo,
Mes trois seizièmes de gènes de gorille,
Mes trois seizièmes d'âme de macaque de barbarie
Et mon blason d'argent à quatre fasces de gueules
Ma muse n'en a cure.
Elle n 'a d'yeux que pour ces bonobos,
Gorilles et magots légitimes
D'authentique Afrique mythique.
I use to have a friend but my she is DEAD
dyed with 16 butterflys in her head
she was starved and skinny
bleached and blond
but she NEVER smiled...

Her brother was a gansta WANNABE
when ever I saw her, he looked at me
I never knew why she hated him
I never understod why he call her MAGOT
or why being her friend ment i shall
NEVER look at him...

Her mom left 1 week after her was birth
she wished she was barried in the dirt
I guess she never held her
I guess she never loved her
all I know it is she ONLY called her *****
and only saw her 1 time
the 2 of them and crystal in there lungs...

Her dad was kinda scary
he drove a big big truck
he was a big big ****
he showed her how to play getar
and how to fight
he showed her how LOVE him
and how to HATE gerself...

But now this girl is dead
choked on her  blood
drowned in her  tears
cut in to SO meny pices
broken like she allways was and now to Roth...

I had a friend so beautiful
so fun and so alive
and the truth is she is not really dead
we only wish she was...
Is this a poem?
After nine months of slumbering
I awoke in tears as i wept
I never wanted to dwell here
where pain and sorrow endures
Here where all we do is dig our own graves
Here where greed and creed for wealth tread upon our self-values
Here where we mourn in agony and despair

Here where sands and magot tell the worth of men.!
Here we hunt and labour all to vain gain!
Why all this?

Why the fight to live when life's but walking shadow
I never begged for space,
why then the need for shelter?
I never had the world of my own!
I never had the belief of mine
All that i met i'm but a follower.

The lived before who were part of the status quo
teaches of no different life to live
They teach me my actions.
Yes! Children of freedom we're called
Yet! but to freedom we're but strangers

We're bound in our own prison.
I never was given to choice
I never wanted to be part of you!

I never chose my way,
I never chose my colour
I never chose my religion
i never chose nothing of mine
But fate did!
Fable XIII, Livre II.

En Chine, un animal, singe de son métier,
Crut, comme bien des gens, que, s'il changeait de cage,
Il changerait de personnage.
Profitant donc de l'heure où le saint du quartier,
Chez le peintre où le charpentier,
Se trouvait en raccommodage,
Il se loge en sa niche ; et, composant son ton,
Du béat qu'il supplée affectant l'air paterne,
Il se dit, on le croit le patron du canton.
Le petit peuple se prosterne ;
Mainte dévote aussi. Cent fois j'ai rencontré
Mainte dévote aux pieds de saints de moindre étoffe.
L'exemple avait gagné quand un jeune lettré,
Fils de Confucius, apprenti philosophe,
Avisant le magot, qui, toujours méconnu,
De sa guérite parfumée
Humait les vœux et la fumée,
Lui donna cet avis, qu'on a peu retenu :
« Hors d'ici, que l'on ne te chasse,
Sot qu'un plus sot vient adorer ;
La place ne peut t'honorer,
Et tu déshonores la place. »
Nain qui me railles,
Gnome aperçu
Dans les broussailles,
Ailé, bossu ;

Face moisie,
Sur toi, boudeur,
La poésie
Tourne en laideur.

Magot de l'Inde,
Dieu d'Abydos,
Ce mont, le Pinde,
Est sur ton dos.

Ton nom est Fable.
Ton boniment
Quelquefois hâble
Et toujours ment.

Ta verve est faite
De ton limon,
Et le poète
Sort du démon.

Monstre apocryphe,
On sent ta griffe
Dans ces buissons.

Tu me dénonces
Un rendez-vous,
Ô fils des ronces,
Frère des houx,

Et ta voix grêle
Vient accuser
D'un sourire, elle,
Lui, d'un baiser.

Quel vilain rôle !
Je n'en crois rien,
Vieux petit drôle

Reprends ta danse,
Spectre badin ;
Reçois quittance
De mon dédain.

Où j'enveloppe
Tous tes aïeux
Depuis Ésope
Jusqu'à Mayeux.
Before the Euro, you were -- swirling light, sitting pretty.
We kicked it at night along the grungy lanes of Ile de la Cité.
Notre Dame loomed large and long, a battleship on the Seine.
An exoskeleton of Gothic bones, what could it ever do but win?

Hunger hung out among us, an unwanted dog on a wayward walk.
Frenchmen directed us au centre. In those days, I could talk the talk.
Still can, still do, but who needs "J'adore vos diamants de luxe,
calme et beauté
" when you must bow down in a row sans your ducks?

Serendipity, man, that's what la Cité seeped. Evening an ermine
blanket tossed effortlessly over the spires of the medieval vermin
that Haussmann hacked into Euclidean lines of parallel charms:
more ordre, beauté et calme. Organic geometry. What's the harm?

Dusk draped us in l'amour du mystère. Cafe awnings as exotic
as Flaubert's Egyptian tours, plump with mistresses for the neurotic
novelist who poisoned Normandy with naturalistic despair. He's
no Parisian, no architect, no monk. We absorb le mot juste; a star flees.

On the sidewalk, a 50-franc note calls out beneath the weeds.
We look for an owner, see nothing, feel nothing but the need to feed
on crepes, chocolat et confiture de fraise. I imagine Camus and Sartre
at Les Deux Magots, nursing black café, pouring noir into your heart.
Simeon Oct 2024
(this thing is a bit wild but I became obbsesed wwith the concept , apoligies if it makes no sense)            

                        Death be proud||du O R pe B hta E d
                               Forever lost||T s O lre VERO f
                      all has said truth||H t URT dia S s A h LL a
ghost magot and buried nun ||n UNDE i R ubdnat O g A m T so H

— The End —