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samantha storm Feb 2015
roses are black
thoughts are dark
look what has become of this little girls soul

rainbows are gray
unicorns are magicless
dreams are nightmares
lollipops are sugarless

this little heart is crippled and laced with scars
from all the times it was abused and hit by cars

a soul once so bright
has now become so dark

when people see it they run in fright
afraid of what they might come to fight

oh look at this fragile little soul
*could you be the next to feel its toll?
Matthew Liddell Dec 2016
they've got no flavour
they've got no soul
they got no oumf-
they whimper on in a magicless fashion
like it's all been laid before
again and again, word after word
made of magic, every one of them they say
i don't buy much of anything they say
they can throw words like water cascading down rocks in waterfalls
and play on me until i'm red and raw,
but i don't see the magic in it
like a crawling on the skin
they all reek of arrogance with their 'finesse'
and they're dancing, like tongues around the dinner table
slapping away at happy faces, ******* without touching
crying without tears, asking without caring

i'm used to it by now, as sad as it seems
the proverbial ******* that we get everyday
although no actual ******* has been had
lawyers and school teachers alike
they all get theirs,
they slowly push in their throbbing manhood
with their, "how have you been?"
which of course - is just a form of foreplay
after that is when the real ******* begins
"me and Jerry have been holidaying in Peru"
which each word getting closer and closer to the ******
and when it's over and done they discard you
like some cheap emotional ******,

i avoid them now, in bars and cars
and shops and homes, at parties and at all places
whenever i see a good ******* i know what it is
i smile and watch.

— The End —