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J Walton Sep 2019
That fake *** hungry ****. I think drug dealers are morally deplorable but I'm writing this high. Here's where we are when curious. He had an eagle's talon tattooed outside of his thumb and forefinger. Eyes a blue I had never seen before. The way he sat like a delicate flower. Legs crossed effortlessly. I just need something. To talk to a friend.  My credit is getting worse. I've got no plan or idea but am wriggling a bit. I feel good, I really do. Just buckets of tears. I have to look again. I wish I had the strength to shake it all off and to forget what I felt. It was so pure it was blasphemous.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
. ha ha... they said that there were, "too many consonants in slavic surnames... just the surnames... clearly... they never read a word in welsh: ymysg y cymraeg: among the welsh.

we came,
we saw...
and then replied...

so, why, don't,
to, your,
heritage lands?

auf-auf! australia?

     north of england
the bed-rock
of the world, eh?

oh... i see...
just like my people
were displaced
by the sloth war
of economics?
that... "kind of, thing"?

i see...
you know...
right now...
i'm be called lucky...
if i were
a fisherman...
from these english isles...
if you get my drift...

i read some shakespeare
and then i start to confuse
hamlet with macbeth...
and the rest,
akin to a roman heritage...
i forget...
   if i were a body
sent ****** into this language
and subsequent usage...
i'd be tattooed from forehead
to the toes and heel
with artifacts of,

   no roman stood in these
but a norseman did,
many years after
the postponing
of the myth of Arthur...

this ****** war,
between a saxon
and a swabian,
or rather,
between a saxon and
a prussian...
the pomerian kind...
they're not even,
exactly confiscate of
the categorical
agglomerate of german...

   i said!
    german on one hand,
on these isles...
no... there is no "there"...
alles hier!
welsh: ymabod (here-being)
irish: anseobheith
                       an-seo-a-bhith -
such, veracity of the already
given variety...
                                      ac glas...

of all the people
       among these isles...
only the welsh...
    (root and tree)...


see... i respect that...
who are the scots to moan...
forgetting their gaelic...
the dutch speak the lingua franca
of the english...
but they still, retain...
their native spreschen...
like the welsh...

   oh i'm pretty sure i can
say those words...
i'm used to...
   'there are too many consonants
in slavic surnames
from paul-land' -
ever think about looking
at welsh?!

bagpipe *******...
take your pick...

   this is going to be my future
drink... and...
speak welsh words...
like a slav, i know what a "hollowed"
Y sounds like,
with no help of crutch vowel...
the **** was i doing
in Edinburgh?!
i could have spent a well earned
time in Caerdydd
   - k(a/e)rd(Y)d "dyd" /
                             not 'did'.

if the vikings didn't get rid
of these sax leeches...
i'll give it a shot...
   all i have to lose is...
a worth of an hour,
to sober up to.

— The End —