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Thapz Kolatsoeu Oct 2017
Ngiyakuthanda. Ukuba nginepeni nephepha ngabe ngihlezi phansi ngidansisa ipeni ngaphandle komculo ngikubhalela lenkondlo yothando!

Kondlo lena akuyona inkondlo.
Lena into ephuma kimi uqobo.
Ngoba inkondlo ikhuluma ngamaphupho necabango engasoze yafezeka nothando oluhambiselana nemigomo nemibandela.
Manje mina angiluphuphi uthando lwami ngawe ngiyalwazi lukhona. Angicabangi ukuthi ngyakuthanda kodwa ngyazi ngyakuthanda ingakoke ngi
Ngeke ngiqambe amanga kuwe ngithi ngeke ngiphile ngaphandle kwakho, ngingaphile, ukuthi nje impilo ingaphileka kangcono nginawe.
Ngeke ngikuqambele amanga ngithi ayikho enye into engiyicabangayo ngaphandle kwakho ekubeni kukuningi okunye engikucabangayo, ukuthi nje imicabango enawe iyintokozo nenjabulo kimina.
Ngeke ngiqambe amanga ngithi akulaleki ngicabanga wena, ukuthi nje ngilala kangcono ngicabanga wena. Ngeke ngiqamba amanga ngithi, ngendlela engikuthanda ngayo ngingatshela umhlaba wonke ngoba angeke ngikwenze lokho, kodwa umhlaba ozozibonela wona ukuthi ngiyakuthanda.
Ngalokho futhi ngizishaya isifuba. Empelini mina engizama ukukusho ukuthi ngyakuthanda.
Uyihlolo nonyoko bazala ingelosi sekusele nje ungivezele lezimpiko ozifihlile.
Sthandwa sami ngiyakuthanda, angizenzisi, kodwa kusuka ngaphakathi kimi.
Ngaso sonke isikhathi wakhumbula la mazwi ami, ngiyakuthanda.
Love expressed in isizulu.
Dorcus Ramaphala May 2017
Thula thula mtwana
Thula sana lwami
A broken heart
doesnt mean you cant stop the bleeding
A tattered soul
doesnt mean you need to stop breathing
Sometimes we need to feel like we dying
in order to keep on living
Even when shadows feel like they are creeping
Your walls feeling haunted
Like ghosts are calling out your name
Never forget to keep on breathing

Thula Thula mtwana
I know tears keep on falling
Your heart keeps on breaking
Dont mind the unfamiliar mirror
If it shows the scars
Just wear the mask
Mask the tears
No one needs to see your broken parts
Whats the use if they can never mend them
What is the use of loving him
If loving never takes away the pain
Sometimes chocolates and painkillers
work better to ease the pain
What if he is nothing but pain

Au thula thula sana lwami
Forget the night he said you were playing hard to get
forced himself on you
and asked if you liked it
Out of fear you said yes
You said yes
Chase away that memory
and remember yo are more than just a broken woman
forget the night he said
he cannot date a broken woman
that you were to broken to be loved
when his love was the one breaking you

Thula Thula Mtwana
God never forgets the broken ones
He said I needed to fix myself and shattered my mirror for good

— The End —