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Robert Fox Nov 2013
Have you ever forgotten an appointment?

Or maybe a birthday that was full of dissapointment?

Imagine forgetting weeks?

Loseing days!

Can you comprehend the terrible ways?

The torment that ensues?

Now go one step further

Follow me a few steps more in ferver.

I dont want your sympathy.

I need you to comprehend

To simply understand

I lost ten years of my life, and i cant bring them back.

Still i forget, never do i know

If these words were mine

You all are to kind.

For kindness does nothing to help me find

The lost years or missing months

These sprinkled days filled with that ticking clock

Im talking about some serious memory loss
nate mattson Jul 2013
I can't stop , can't stop thinking , about her , the feelings are real and they just don't go away , she's the greatest person alive , I mean no one is perfect but if there was a perfect she would be pretty dam close, I can't think of her leaveing , it drives me nuts , to know that soon she will be thousands of miles away , I'm in love with this girl , and my heart is slowly shattering knowing she  is leaveing , why can't I handle this ? Or can I ? I'm so confused because real feelings don't just go away , real feelings make you feel like I do , happy , sad , confused , crazy , I don't understand love its the devil , at one moment your the happiest person alive and than your the saddest  person alive , love is a game , where you try new thingshopeing to find the right one , trying to sadisfy yourself with victory , but you don't always win , love  is great , love ***** , love is always good when its real , love is real , she is real and I love her , but I'm loseing her , the days are getting shorter and the nights not getting any longer , I wish I could just go with her , but we both need to try new people we are young , but I don't wanna try new people I have feelings and they are real , and real feelings don't just go away ! , but I have no choice and no say , mabey just mabey one day we will be together again but only time will tell if we are ment to be and I know my feelings are real and real feelings don't just go away
The mad hatter Mar 2011
into the morgue
away we go
not a word is said
even hi or hello
we stare into the devils maw
where bodies are burned
or cut with a saw
out of the corner comes a man dressed in white
a living ghoul
who gives us a fright
he goes inside to see what went wrong
and slices the body
while humming a song
im clearly on earth
but something feels wild
who can go on
after loseing a child
nate mattson Aug 2013
The thought of you almost makes me cry ,knowing I might not ever see you again , the thought of loseing you to someone else , not knowing what is gonna happen in the future, going back to memories just to be happy because none are being made, holding you in my arms untill I fall asleep, kissing your sweet lips everytime I had the chance , just seeing your face puts a smile on my face, the thought of you driveing away for the last time ..... heart breaking, knowing you won't find better dosent help the situation of you in my thoughts, familys and school causeing us to be appart, my dreams leave me lonley in the mornings because you are gone, the thought of my first love drifting into the western sunset while I sit her on the darkside of the moon trying to find insperation to cross to the otherside is like a rough rollacoster ride, the thought of you makes me feel nanny differnt ways .....
Robert Fox Sep 2013
She was neither the prettiest
Nor was she the wittiest
But heed your heart
When such a person starts
To stir your friendship
For they may posses that special bond of kinship
Yet alwaysbe wary and afraid
Of loseing that friend to love dismayed
Although your heart may be sure
For such a heartache there is no cure
The pain you will feel after such a year
Will bring you to shed many a tear
Time will pass but this love will never die
No matter how hard you try
Just seeing that person will get you high
Then saying goodbye will make you want to cry
Aztec Warrior Nov 2015
I Am Loseing Myself In Your Words

I love your words.
I often find myself lost in them,
wandering around,
watching them floating
in crystalline, Spring like pools
their colors blazing
like a mid day sun,
yet tasting like honeysuckle
as they roll off my tongue.
I love your words.

I love your words.
Enticingly exotic
syllables of Blue Orchids
scenting the jungle
in dawn’s early light,
yet lingering and weaving
themselves into Summer’s breeze.
Gentle words, yet sultry with
the rage of passion’s fire.
I love your words.

I love your words.
Warm, welcoming,
they speak to each other,
laughing at the intricacies
of life while
playfully teasing reality
with fantasy’s mystique,
with their letters littering
and blowing in the wind.
I love your words.

I love your words.
They dance with me,
swirling in my mind,
holding me close
blowing whispers warmly in my ear
making me feel young, alive.
One day, we will die.
The sun will swallow the earth
into oblivion. The stars will disappear.
But, I am in love with your words. Okay!

Aztec Warrior 11.21.15
Note: the idea for the last 4 lines
in this poem came from the movie,
“The Fault In Our Stars”.
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
Nobody knows what I'm afraid of
They think they do
I'm not afraid of snakes
Or rats
Or spiders
Or fire
Not even death scares me
There's only one thing
And that one thing could end me
Could **** me
My biggest
And only fear
Is loseing you
If I lose you
I'd go insane
Lock myself away
Put a gun in my mouth
And pull the trigger
I love you
You have no idea
It's impossible to say how much
But I'd do anything for you
Anything at all
I swear
Nothing will make me leave
I'm sorry for what I did
Baby please I'm sorry
I love you
Mariah Jun 2014
I know you love me, but i always feel like i came as such a bad time that all i want to do it walk away. But i cant face loseing you when your all that i love.
Harry clute Jul 2017
Our children gather inside games of distruction except dangerous fantasies as there realities while loseing connection of valuebility for technology has advanced beyond our children's compression poisoned tradition and masked its self more powerful then the bond of birth for if our children desenseatise themselves from there true reality then what of mankind's future if all is lost to submission

— The End —