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Kim Yu May 2015
Tsala e ya nnete tota
E lerato le popota
Ga e go bone makoa
Ga e go tsenye ka sekgwa.

Fa lefatshe le tlhanoga
Le ditshotlo di tlhatloga
O mongwe fela yo o gomotsang
Ke tsala e e go ratang.

Tsala ya maaka, ramatlhajana
Tsamaya le ena nakonyana
Melato a ka e go bolaisa
Fa go buiwa o a itshegisa.

O go tsenya mo kotsing
A go potise ka fa mosing,
Le phepa la gagwe leina
O le tlhatswitse la wena.

Botsala jwa nnete
Ga bo tlhwatlhwa e bokete
Bo rekwa ka setshego
Le lerato la tlholego.
Fell in love with this poem in my High school days, it's a Tswana poem about A True Friend...very beautiful.
Kgolagano Tshela Sep 2017
[Praying] Ka leina la Ntate,la Morwa le la moya o o galalelang

She cried while praying

For she never ever in her history felt this way
One could say it was tears of joy and love:
[Praying] Modimo ntate ke rata go go leboga fa okile wa ntshegofatsa ka neo ya motho yo o gapile pelo yame,ke raya sona serunkgi sa pelo yame.Ke lebogela lerato,boikobo le tlotlo yo o mo neileng yona.Ke lebogela fa o mo tlisiitse mo botshelong bame.

At the other hand one could say it was tears of fear:
[Praying]Modimo wame yo ke mo rapelang bosigo le motshegare ke wena o itseng maikaelelo a gagwe mo gonna ka jalo kopa o mpontshe tsela gore ka nnete ke ena yo a tshwanetseng pelo yame.

Since day one she made sure that she never skipped a day without looking for the answers from the one Above.

She prayed and prayed and prayed and she is still praying not only for her or him but for them:
[Praying]Modimo yo ke mo rapelang bosigo le motshegare,Modimo yo ntirelang ntho tsotlhe ke ipaya pele gago keleng ngwana wa gago mo se sebaka go go kopa gore o babalele kamano ya rona, fa ele ena motho yo ke moratang gape ke batla go tshela le ena.

She is really praying, hoping and trusting that this relationship will last.

You should see her when she talks to him
You should see her when his name lights up on her phone
You should see her when she talks about him
You should see her when she hears his name
You should see her when she sees him
You should see her smile when she thinks of him
You should see her
She becomes….
She becomes happy
She is in love
She loves him
She doesn't want to lose him

Her love for him begins at forever and ends at never.

Prayer 1: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit. Amen!

Prayer 2: Father God, I would like to thank you for the rich blessing of a sincere heartwarming soul, I am talking about the one who captured my heart. Thank you for the love, humility, and respect you’ve given him. Thank you for bringing in my life. Amen!

Prayer 3: The God I worship night and day, you the one who knows his intentions for me therefore I ask you to show me the way, if this is really the one for me. Amen!

Prayer 4: The God I worship night and day, the God who provides for me, I put myself before you as a child of God asking you to protect our relationship for he is the one I love and want to spend my life with. Amen!
MAMA, I am left speechless, I don’t know where the road leads from this point onwards. I am left hanging on a jungle in great struggle trying to save myself from falling ******* the surface.
At all times as I was about to fall from the ninth floor you saved me by holding my hand real tight and gave me enough reason to continue climbing the ladder towards success.
MAMA, during thy existence on Earth, I never received diamonds nor Golds but the tender, love and care you offered indeed became my greatest treasure and shall not be forgotten in any day.
The lessons thy offered me shall certainly build me into a better daughter, an improved friend a good wife to he who will be God sent and certainly a good parent to thy grandchildren.

MAMA, thy removal in this Earth by those whom we always thought were a shoulder to cry on when we are in pain has certainly taught me that we never had friends, pity I had to realise this without you.
I remain on Earth with heartless creatures who will do absolutely anything to knock me down to the ground but because of your emotional existence I know I will overcome anything coming my way.
Mama, thy physical absence certainly does not mean I am left alone, thy love exists in all ends of the atmosphere and I will forever feel your presence everywhere I go.
Death stepped foot between a mother and a daughter in hopes that it will separate the two but the special bond between you and I MAMA is so strong that not even death can separate us.

MAMA, I am in tears, I seem to find no reason to continue living because my soul repairer has been removed next to me for reasons of which are unknown.
It breaks my heart when I think of all that is happening, my future endeavours has been ruined because physically you won’t witness me graduating or going shopping with me in my car.
So many things will change, I can never distinguish daylight to night-time. The mouth-watering food you used to prepare for us daily will never be tasted anymore unless I think of the past.
Nonetheless, thy special recipe will forever be in my mind and I know that in one of the good days I will prepare it and let your grandchildren taste thy teachings.

Empa MAMA, kalelingwe lamatsatsi gotla loka ebile ketla kgona go amogela gore otlogile lefaseng. Madi awe asenang molato kasolofela gore magodimong odutsi stulong sa kgauta ekganyago jwale ka lerato leo ne ompha lona kamehla le matsatsi
Lerato rikky Jul 2021
Giving my heart to you Was my
Greatest flaws
Swimming in your lies of love Was
The only
Unforgivable act I didn't forgive
Myself for!

Lerato rikky Jul 2021
Dear God,
I know I have been so far away
Without words to describe my ways
But I know you care about me
When I care not about you
That's the love I can't express
Even when I was your empress
But If it means anything
I think about you every day.

I know I'm bound to lose
My glory in your throne
But you still gave me a crown.
I know my sin is as big as
The mustard seed
But still you forgave them
Like they were nothing.

I wonder what kind of God
Are you that care for the one
Who doesn't care about you
Despite making you jealous
You still overlooked those jealousy
And found me when I was lost
Out in the crowd of sins and pains
You still found a way to
Put a smile on a saddle face

It has always been about you
Even when I tried being God
Of my own. I'm sorry for
All I had to put you through
For my sake.
Please forgive me for being
A God of my own
Cause I'm lost without you
And if it means anything
I miss you Dear God

Lerato rikky Jul 2021
How marvelous is her eyes to behold!
How wonderful are those white and brown
To behold with so much glamour
That tales folk story with just staring
Into the mist.

How gorgeous are thy eye's
That the sea turbulence
That troubles the sailors
Comes to still by just
This eyes of hers staring at it.

The Beauty of creation would
Always be a mystery to describe
Because creation itself is a mystery
To describe by just mere words of mankind.

So, I can't describe this eyes
For they are more than beauty itself
Not because I lack words to describe
Just because the God of beauty
Can't be describe by words formulated by mankind.

Your eyes are beautiful

© Lerato
Lerato rikky Sep 2021
Have you ever wonder
why you feel like
nobody in the world
really cares about you and your mess

Have you ever felt
broken and crying
wasn't the only
option but you see
yourself fighting for

Have you ever long for
something so true
tht got deny at
the end of time

Have you ever been
in a terrible, horrible,
trouble bad day that
is bigger than the
oceans and seas
and you feel you
got no one to look up too.

Have you ever been in love
that wasn't so true
that left your heart
broken and given up on
life's beauty was the only

Has this statement goes:
Have you ever been,
Have you ever wonder,
Have you ever felt,
Have you ever long for?

It will keep on going
As long you keep
wondering why this? why that?
But, I'm here to tell you
No matter what the troubles are,
Or how rough the sea is or
Even How broken your heart has
taken, when it's still searching.

Just know that
You're timeless to someone
And that someone really cares

Lerato rikky Aug 2021
Her pains
Her fears
Her sorrows
were all flashing on
her eyes like there is
no tomorrow to hope and
lived for.

She has been caged in
A confined cave of loneliness
and pity from the society
she long for.
she has been made
A statue of mockery
in her own society

she has been deprived
of Her freedom, Her education
Her ways of lifestyle
she is now like a *** tools
to those hungry wolfs that
call their self taliban's
what a pity she was borne
and raised in such a society

where women are of low value
of important to them.
what a pity that
they caged them cause they
fear the lioness in them.

so I write cause I feel
their pains they would go
through even though they
don't get to see the Ray's
of the sun shining through

I write because I feel the
world is loosing it's humanity
for mankind.
I write because I feel the world
is given up on them
I write because we lost it
from the start.

© Lerato

— The End —