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I seem to be able to post writes on the first try these days.
How about the rest of you?
Things seem to have been reorganized to work better.
You can’t paint the Sistine Chapel with a roller
You can’t carve The Thinker with a jack hammer
You can’t write a symphony on a Kazoo
And you can’t dance Swan Lake on a trampoline

You can’t bake a cake if you have no oven
You can’t sew a gown with a knitting needle
You can’t build a house out of Lego Bricks
And you can’t win at Lotto without buying a ticket

Why do my eyes not notice the humming bird
Only that the nectar tube needs refilling
Why do I not glory in a field of orange poppies
Only struggle to walk without stepping on one

Why do I pass up small kudus when offered
So I can wallow some more in rejection
Why do I long so for the glow of acceptance
When I have no use for the face in the mirror

We all have to work with the gifts we are given
Talent is not something you can go out and buy
You can’t sigh your way into winning the race
And you can’t coerce people into your fan club

You have to dig deep if you want to find oil
You have to cast bait if you want the big fish
You have to believe that the war can be won
To put down your pen and ******* your sword
That first step is always the hardest, especially if you're not sure of the way.
Cosmic Snail Oct 2018
Noon. The desertsun is sitting at the summit of the sky,
glaring at the endless sands that span in front her firey eye
and there´s not a single cloud around her that she must condone,
just a squad of squawking storks is floating neath her golden throne.
Like a boat that´s built of birds, in search for cypresscrowns to land
which resemble scattered islands in this silent sea of sand.

At a waterhole´s a warthog, noticed by the nearest croc,
drinking calmly from the pond, but suddenly: A state of shock.
Fleeing flocks of rhimgazelles. A turtle imitates a rock.
And the victims bleeding nose is caught inside a lethal lock.
Groups of kudus, gnus, baboons who ring their roaring warning bells
and the arid air is full of fear and dust and death and yells.

In the distance sits and listens watchfully a fennec fox,
sheltered by a fence of thorns, upon a pile of desert rocks.
Covered under cactusshades decays a lonely nomads bone,
where the lazy lizards lie in cool and cosy homes of stone;
and the sun, relaxed as ever, crawls along her wonted trail,
like a glowing, cyclopean, billion-year-old cosmic snail.

— The End —