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Fake Name Nov 2016
Blue Bacon and Mexican Swiss Cheese with Krusty Jam

My name is Bam Da Pam
Bam da Pam my name is

Dat Bam-da-Pam-I-am
Dat Bam-da Pam!
I like Dat

Do you like blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam

I like them,
Bam da Pam
I like
Blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam

Would you still like them
In or out
Would you not like them
In a spout

I would like them
In or out
I would like them
In a spout.
I do like
Blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam
I do like them,

Would you hate them
Up or down?
Would you hate them
All around?

I like them
Up or down.
I like them
All around.
I like them
In or out.
I would still like them
In a spout.
I like blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam
I like them, Bam-da-Pam-I-am.

Would you hate them
On a platter?
Would you hate them
with a splatter?

On  a platter.
With a splatter.
In or out.
With a spout.
I would eat them up or down.
I would eat them all around.
I would eat blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam.
I do like them, Bam-da-Pam-I-am.

Would you? Could you?
in a bar?
Hate them! Hate them!
Here they are.

I would,
I could,
in a bar

You may hate them.
You will see.
You may not like them
in a bee?

I would, I could in a bee.
In a bar! You let me be.
I do like them on a platter.
I do like them with a splatter.
I do like them in or out.
I do like them in a spout.
I do like them up or down.
I do like them all around.
I do like blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam
I do like them, Bam-da-pam

A train! A train!
Could you, would you
on a train?

“On a train! In a bee!
In a bar! Bam da Pam! Let me be!”
I would, I could, on a platter.
I could, I would, with a splatter.
I will eat them with a spout
I will eat them in or out.
I will eat them up or down.
I will eat them all around.
I do like them, Bam-da-Pam-I-am.

Would you, could you, in the dark?

I would, I could,
in the dark.

Would you, could you,
in the rain?

I would, I could in the rain.
In the dark. On a train,
In a bar, in a bee.
I do like them, Bam da Pam, you see.
On a platter. With a splatter.
In a spout. In or out.
I will eat them up or down.
I do like them all around!

You do like
Blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam?

I do
like them,

Could you, would you,
on a hippo

Would you cook it with a zippo

I could and would on a hippo
I will, I will cook it with a zippo
I will eat them in the rain.
I will eat them on a train.
In the dark! In a tree!
In a bar! Please let me be!
I do like them on a platter.
I do like them with a splatter.
I will eat them in a spout.
I do like them in or out.
I do like them up or down.
I do like them ALL AROUND!

I do like blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam

I really like them,

You do like them.
SO you say.
Try them! Try them!
And I will walk away
Try them and you may I say.

If you will let me be,
I will try them.
You will see.

I hate blue bacon and mexican swiss cheese with krusty jam!
I do! I hate them, Bam da Pam
And I would not eat them on a hippo!
And I would not cook them with a zippo...
And I will not eat them in the rain.
And not in the dark. And not on a train.
And not in a bar. And not in a bee.
They are so bad, so bad you see!

So I will hate them on a platter.
And I will not eat them with a splatter.
And I will not eat them in a spout.
And I will not eat them in or out.
And I will not eat them up or down.
Say! I will not eat them ALL AROUND!

I do, I do, I hate
Blue bacon with mexican swiss cheese and krusty jam!
I HATE you!
I HATE you,
Feedback please, i am turning this in and would like some other peoples thoughts
Jedd Ong Aug 2014
I’ve been hauling a lot of baggage lately,
And they strike me as quite useless.

It’s like how Patrick brought a suitcase full of rocks
To the Krusty Tower just so that he’d have
Something to bring to the hotel
With a useless employee elevator.

The things we carry around with us
Are a lot like that—unnecessary
Backbreakers that threaten to unhinge us.

And days like this make me feel like Squidward:
Stuffy nose, heavy suction cups for feet.

Days like this make me want
To sit down.

Days like this make my food taste like they’ve
All been covered in cheese, toenail clippings,
And nose hair, which by the way reminds me—

“We shall never deny a guest,
“Even the most ridiculous request.”

(Days like this only lasts an episode.)
(Which is like, thirty minutes.)
(So keep going.)
Thomas Owen Aug 2014
I am Jack's clenched sphincter. The ******* of the world not knowing where the **** has come but continues to spew.
The love in japan with the fake cats and painted eyes will not save me nor will the things enjoyed in the wee hours of the morning. Hope for something better and go to sleep. Want for something more and turn on the television.
How I long to be an alien, wrapped up in my own things that make sense to me, the foreshadowment of this is quite appealing. When I think of my heroes, not the people that I am obligated to love, but the people who stir emotion deep and unseen, I cry inside.
I feel it in the spongy yellow marrow of my heart bones that support me. They are not there. I was never there. Laughing face of old drunken bewilderment of the entirety of humanity. Why why why why ha ha ha ha aaaand aand the utterment of unmade caracatures in such drunken old men.
Old men and snotty lads have more in common with eachother than any close knit family. Krusty, cantankerous, and spry, they laugh at each other. One feeling and the other knowing or one pretending and the other wandering.
What would my heroes think if they knew I was sober. What would they say? Certainly nothing that wouldn't make me angry or turn away. You cannot be constructive by being constructive, only in doing and in the act of doing will you beat away their snide remarks.
Live alone with others. Smile on the inside more than outside. Don't use the word ferclempt unless you don't really even mean it anyway. Own a cat.
george holman Oct 2014
the felling is as rough as sandpaper as crusty as the krusty krab as soft as a baby and is as bumpy as hills
it is as white as snow (not yellow) with blood red and lemon yellow
bumpy like hills and in half like my table
it tastes like candy tremendous candy lemon/strawberry flavoured
it smells so lemony fruity
its so chewy and squishy in my mouth and wet in my mouth
ju jubes are the best
LeRoy Williams Jun 2019
You're a sick ****** I can't take my spam cans away when I winch that I a ******* dwarf that wobbles when I pluck my pringles from the cat's ***. Fuu-huh-huck-too. I spat that kid that stole my ******* bib hurt my holler strings and caused me to chaufe. I use ecstacy are you horney. I'm so horney. will you rub my feet *****. yes or no? **** yes, you're youth reaks of fermeldahide, holla. I'd holla back straps because ******* Better still have her one tooth to crunch frozen corn off-the crop because I sold my microwave for crack ******* and hungry ***** coookurs, thier hookers bae. I love me. I love you, that's your krusty *******. Poochie ****!
LeRoy Williams Jun 2019
Call me ******* to your mother because I cuh-cuh-couldn't feel the trembling heat reaking havok on the in thigh stubble. Ow! **** sorry stub my toe. I'm moving slow enough to double dutch with a couple couple cookie crisp. Ishy on the in dispute. Grarly upon the laudry booth smoochie smooching on farting fairies flarping from the ex-haust.
Sorry my brain feels soft ffrom the rock salt. Hoochie snoochie snooting snorks slimey nap-cloth. Froze from the several palms second had palsy freezing in the eager eggnog. Ice over sire's searing sultry silken sick souly sullen franklin flame Bob. Billy will wally dilly Dally caught a fifty fatty rattle ****** daddy daddy daddy daddy, Fat Father igloos freak me father freak me father freak me father Im chuching my maugwa. Ma saws my mucho munched muddy crusty killer toes rain, *****? Are you hearing me gravel up your ****** hairs hurting from the rusty ****** clamps. I'm krusty crab freaking funk got me wondering why? okay wize guy wicked wonder wall watch my quest for questioning Ghostface Killah. I'm Slaid Cosby I ****** your daugher younger than the fury from you first tooth.
I wish you spat my drizzle from the furry foster the kids frontporch pistol grip.

Hop scotch?

...Spongebob Squarepants...what...atoll...?
plunged into where, way...toilet bowl...
supposedly, when the ghostly hand ex-toll
ling praise from his late creator, and master

meow mind of popular Stephen Hillenburg
cast said main character in clean new role,
an unexpected greasy, grimy, grisly, grouchy,
grungy gruff peagreen ******* ***** troll

snatched the unsuspecting
cheerful happy go lucky
animated fellow, who lives
in a pineapple under sea

(at 124 Conch Street) quite
self absorbed with Gary
his pet snail (not answering
questions at this time), we

understand emotional devastation,...
and possibly got flushed....sniffling
and sobbing heard...discontinuation,
this could wreak something
offal to all those avid landlubber

fans (many grownups) cling
to cautious optimism, but accept
vigilant prayers believing
quirk of fate could turn tide
of events & cannot dismiss linking

Russian collusion with attendant
rogues gallery, nor abandoning
any in house political conspiracy,
where top Navy brass calling
attention to an uncommonly

unusual migrant barnacles casing
with doddering fogey "Watergate
Plumbers" in tow absconding
before they could be apprehended
(hmm... something seems fishy)

haint no logical explanation, why
anyone would seek squeeze zing
the porous life out of such a unsinkable... accosting
...argh das **** and span hubble...

such a congenial, gentle, likable...
made himself come to life, (and
make believe to fans) achieving
he really existed, when birthed
from figment of imagination aching

tub be accepted and loved (by other
than Mister Rogers) acquiring
water world renown purportedly
slated to receive Krusty Krab shape
formica plaque engraved with his

name inlaid with finest enameling,
meanwhile...stay tuned at amazing
undrying resiliency as saturated media
updates how beloved soaking  
hero does wetter adversity!

— The End —