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Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
czy ty z głupim sie widziałeś? co? mordą w gnat i gwar tak nagle obojętny wgram nad młot i sierp?! co? jebaba kurwa co? nic wierszem? paciorek, lulubaj, spać? goła bryła słów warta miodú i seplenia... česka pravda, jak to huja grzechot ambicjii i to í, niby; i.e? batuk, a nie batóg... jebana mać! huja warte to tło, słowem warte: polak... po co mi to? co ja? horongiew szambo? bo tyle z mojej polshkishkishkishkishkishkishee: brat gówno, i brat gavron.*

sie pyta o pana,
kiedy sie...

             zezem w konkret 90 stopni;

co?! zdzíw?
       co kurwa kurde pięknie!? (

oh, koor'wa'h... a dianna!
í... candle in the song
in the wind in the song
in the sing along...
song? wong? ****?
supposendly twang...


   i prefer the diacritical descent
from the hebrew muddle of laughter
and catching breath of the
rubric of a rugby match,
goleposts H vs. H...

     i.e. from above...

á... )

i wanted to add this,
but i didn't manage to make
it comprehensive,
styled for school-children
to write a homework on.
Blom In Blou Aug 2020
Man hard half blind in twee verdeel
Soekend minwetend diep in sy donker
Vrou luikend sag half vergete verseël
Verlangend moker sy dorre die koker
Laat hulle liefs benader versoenend seel
Vloek roep sy soekend in almal veels te lank na waardige blaker
Hulle móét heimlik verblywend uiteindelik mekaar ontmoet
Gesplete verlede sal so saam versoen die pynlike splinter  
Skeurende skyding sal saamvoeg mens verhewe skyn in sy geheel
Minsaam niet verewig sal getroudes liefs mekaar innerlik begin betower
Vrede verligte verpligting sal egte skeiding en miskraam gevoelig streel
Mens half harts lied sal soos lente volkome vol met saamsmelt tower
So word ons eenstemmig bymekaar gevoeg harmonieus om te sing in Liefde se Heilse Groot Koor
analogous to expending precious Air Supply
embellishing, modifying, revising, et cetera
a poem crafted about fourteen months ago.

I take stock and revisit good ole days of yore
quite conscious undeclared state of war
prevails within body (Electric
Light Orchestra) of troubadour,
whereby creative juices did perforce pour
forth as if sung by one man koor;
now he haply seated at his Macbook Pro
today April 29th, 2022
accompanied with Christopher Robin,
Winnie the Pooh, and Eeyore.

Since January thirteenth of this year
(two thousand and twenty two),
yours truly suddenly feels
long in the tooth, i.e. auld,
he whose decrepit body and
gnarled hands ice cold
senility and senescence doled
rigor mortis virtuous vice grip extolled
coronavirus (COVID-19) motherlode
courtesy geomorphology dynamism fold
analogous to discovered vein of mined gold

grim reaper with scythe doth silently infold
(in Old English, scythe spelled siðe)
ore yonder church bell knolled
anonymous beat nickles less,  
dime a dozen, day late
and dollar short sexagenarian
dropped out of Culture Club
(any strong resemblance between said poet
whose Grateful Dead head lolled,
and once living person purely coincidental)
death and decay, I lichen to mold
meself finally nill and void nolde
of unwanted excessive fleshy flab
scant personal possessions outsold
to highest bidder polled.

Dead weatherbeaten and fatigued soul
with absolute zero regret
no longer being alive,
immortality impossible mission to connive,
especially when endurance and stamina
took kamikaze nose dive
formerly earthlinked buzzfeeding
desiccated honeycomb hive

in tandem with former anxiety riddled psyche
need no longer worry
his existence perfect example
how hardship did misthrive
death be not proud penultimate quest
since adolescence (think anorexia nervosa)
he did (unsuccessfully) strive.

At long last... Beatle browed
Beastie Boys attained Nirvana
routing hellish existential crisis
courtesy Earth, Wind And Fire
rendered null and void celibate Journey
knight in shining armor
forever staind and tarnished
compliments verboten extramarital whoopie.

Herewith I forthwith take poetic license
linkedin to long line
of Mamas and the Papas
whose music died
when Passenger(s) violently perished
courtesy flaming inferno
analogous to Le(a)d Zeppelin 129
christened Hindenburg.

Along similar blurred lines
foo fighter manned ****** temple pilot
Jefferson Airplane qua Starship
gracefully and slickly
deliberately maneuvered sic
Crash Test Dummies
immediately annihilated upon impact
smack dab into Puddle Of Mudd,
yet lo and behold as a Foreigner
and Survivor yours truly eluded Dire Straits.

Oz suppose during whirlwind Kansas tour,
while snatching forty winks
in toto working out Kinks,
I experienced revelation
regarding divine creator - Egypt me
never securing life, liberty
and pursuit of happiness
elusive weltanschauung as understanding,

the mysterious Sphinx,
yes essentially zilch joie de vivre
minus high jinks
aptly summarizes mein kampf methinks
my life and hard times
whereby vitriol pelted me
courtesy those rat finks.

Nihilistic zeitgeist
apocalyptic outlook sacrificed
no redemption no matter
how figuratively purposelessness sliced
unlike mum man crucified Jesus Christ.

— The End —