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It all started after two deaths struck the family
The house was devastated it happened so quickly
They were still in mourning coping with the shock
When was heard their presence the eerie nightly knocks!

The sadness was soon replaced by a sense of horror
Footsteps were heard with none on the corridor
The lights went off their own stones pelted from nowhere
Doors banged without a gale lost things weren’t anywhere!

Ashes dumped on food filled jug was soon empty
Wastes lay littered in rooms locked and debarred entry
Nights were spent sleepless each stayed on bed awake
Praying for the knockings to stop arrival of daybreak!

The terrorized house lay numb without a key to the mists
Till they had them enough the pranks of the evil spirits
Too long was going this at their cost the ghostly ruckus
Not deterred by one’s boastful claim we got a gun with us!

When the unwanted visitors showed no signs of retreat
Priests were summoned to drive out the evil spirits
They said not one but the house is playing host
To not one evildoer but a bunch of malevolent ghosts!

They performed for three days got bagful royal treat
Then they were gone but the visitors didn’t retreat
It was by now known they would go on till
Their mission accomplished they could close the deal!

One day it all stopped as suddenly as did start
Quietly they left sprightly souls did depart
But also found were gone with the phantoms’ revelry
Grandpa’s saved gold coins all Grandma’s jewelry!
the incident not entirely fictitious, the characters not entirely imaginary.
In the drizzle I rushed as usual I was late
The 9oclock bus I had to catch at any rate
If I missed this one I had to think of a ruse
Explain late attendance make a good excuse.

It’s those moments that bring woes to men
Perils linger on the way waiting to happen
Throwing caution to wind as I blindly strode
My feet hit a cobble lying middle on the road.

The sudden pain halted me made me emit a groan
I cursed under my breath the god-forsaken stone
Abused the unseen fate that had thrown it my way
Caused me such suffering conspired to spoil the day.

But there wasn’t much time to vent more my wrath
I kicked it out of way so none else could cross its path
Hurriedly limped along for I couldn’t afford to miss
The 9oclock bus that would reach me to office.

In the bustles of life it was a small incident
Other things occupied me I forgot the event
Till one evening I saw it on a corner of the street
The stone smeared with vermillion away from unwary feet.

The cobble placed under a banyan tree had men gathered around
It lay there in austere dignity they had found it a secured ground
I asked one in the crowd ‘how came here this stone? ’
‘You can call it a miracle it’s there naturally grown’.

‘Now it’s going to stay here none can force it a shift,
It’s God among us in disguise to give our spirit a lift’
In the face of that belief I dared not on his face say
‘So this is your God who I kicked on the other day! ’

One Sunday as I was busy with the off-day’s pressing chore
I heard a din outside urgent knockings on the door
*‘It can’t be like this to leave the deity without a roof on his head
Please donate as much as you can a temple is needed to be made’.
conceived from a humorous Bengali short story
Madison Sep 2011
I see the push that starts it all,
The ready hands to catch the fall,
-crash- and burn,
Fleshy hands turned raw.
White pants turned crimson.

The one pained scream turned to words of rage,
"Don't touch her"
The slammings' of a door pulled back-then forth.
the click of the front door lock,
Fearfilled knockings.

Swear words and crashings stumbling up the steps.
Words so vile I could puke. Not now, or here.

Passing the devil on the steps.
"she's evil".
Good thing you have to pass a mirror,
see the demon staring back at you.

Run down the steps, swing open the front door.
take in the seen.
Wrist black and bulging, signs of a broken vein.
Bright red eyes, full of fury.
What do I do,
What do I say, i'm not good with words?
"Are you okay?"

More slams, more stomps.
Yeah, take your stuff.
Leave the key, even though I know you have another.
evil:"you're a ******* *****"
fear:"and she told me three years ago; no"

maybe i'm smarter than I realize.
more words,
Where's my older sister when I need her?
Oh yeah, dancing in a club no doubt.
**** her too.

Roar of an Engine,
the Slam of a broken mail box.

Walk her inside,
wet cloth,
what else?
i'm missing something.

Words of Compassion?
curling on her lap?
We lost that connection years ago.
But she needs me more than ever, and I have nothing to say.

I hope she falls asleep,
so I can end this role.
Go upstairs, curl in a ball.

Dream of something nice,
**** you.
How do you do that to someone you vowed to love.
**** you.
How can you look her in the eyes and do that.
**** you.
next time, you'll have to do that to me first.
Jack ***.

This is what alcohol does,
Won't touch that ****
Tears families apart,

go to hell.

I've lived fifteen years, and i'm already more than you'll ever become.
Face a fifteen year old.
I got more courage than you would've guessed.
Not strength.
But will.
I will keep my family going.
Without you too.

Rot in hell.
all true, none of that fake ****. I'm not really looking for words of compassion, let's get this straight. My house hold would be fine if it weren't for that Alcohol. He's a Demon, who's on his way to hell.
Life is just some work in the offing
The banging of nails in your new pinewood coffin
The last drizzling drops in a bottle of wine
And the  final knockings on the edge of all time.
For twenty five years you can wallow in pity
Get ****** in the city and think yourself pretty
Walk through the streets like a neat Walter Mitty.
After another twenty five years you start going to seed
You find that you need a hand up the ladder
Nothing is sadder.
But you struggle along trying to right any wrongs
Your reading tastes change along with the style of the songs
That you listen to now
And you know most of the why's you're just not sure of the how.
Then comes the descent
One day you stand tall the next you are crooked and bent
And everyone looks younger
But you've done all of that and you no longer hunger
For the sparkles of youth and you know that's the truth.
Because that's just some work in the offing.
No more than sawdust on the floor,
these songs of praise
this turning lathe
this shaving of humanity.
I wait to see what morning brings and what the new day has to say about these songs we sing.

Praising Kings,
all well enough but there is other stuff to do
important stuff
more than enough to make the praising of a King,seem
something more or nothing less than luxury.

And luxury is in short supply,
The Kings have taken it,
that's why, and we,
the last knockings of a fractured society
still want to sing a song of praise.

In all my days I've never seen a King nor Queen who'd want to be
the last one knocking on the doors of this,
the wooden pegs that nail us shut within the cut off,if for, but of and because humanity has ceased to give a flying fig
it's got to big for its own boots
left behind the roots that gave the feet of man
the hands to change,remodel,mould another master plan
and I am
reaching for the knotted rope to wind around my neck,I hope
you'll sing a ****** song for me
a ballad would be praise indeed for us the ones we find in need
the deed is done
The King is dead
Long live the King echoes round the rope that swings around my swinging head
in the end
because it always was the end that lent me moments to despair of rotating silent,deathly pale and wondering, was this life fair
but here or there or anywhere you care to bring,
you sing
you praise,
ferment your days and build up hope but in effect you are the ones who swing upon the rope that chafes the skin
we never win
we always break down at the altar just before a mass is said
Long live the King who lived so long and now
The King is dead.
It is
is it not
what you give
not what you've got.

we climb up the pyramid

In shallow breaths
in deep ravines
making peace with
dreams we had
but never got

It is so
is it not?

I accede to her request
when she says,
'It's cold outside put on
a woolly vest'

common sense
to do what's right
to be the best
at what you do?

I think Russell knew.

It was childhood in the neighbourhood on the last knockings of my youth
and the truth stays trapped in mittens and a bobble hatted

There the mountains rose in the mornings
and fell into fits of laughter.
In the hardening of an artery where the blood once flowed, eternity stares me in the face but between that place and here which the Devil holds dear is a sanctuary, a get away with it all before the last knockings call kind of place.

Hard walls and white walls, no satins, no lace just a safe kind of place that I like to call home.

Outclassed by being by-passed and the surgeons don't know my name but the game is the thing and the living bring hope or so it's said to the dying,

We're not dead, we're just trying it on for size, they say through the bloodshot of eyes that can't see,
I see it all in the arterial wall
you can't fool me,
Gavin Sebake Jul 2017
I collide with my dreams in a dark gloomy night,
All its premises getting wider and darker,
Wearing my sleep and falling to my nuisance,
Wearied my eyes along with my greatest fear,
My brain freezed and fails to interpret its sensations,
I rolled to one side to another,
Yet confusions spoked with its creepy voice,
I listened to the knockings on my windows,
Holding my heart as i call for protection to my Master,
I prayed yet my eyes failed to participate,
They crawled to one corner to the next,
Forming images before my presence,
I cried,
Yet my tears were clouded by fear,
There i was frozen from head to toe,
Lying helplessely on my bed,
My waterfall crawled like a piece of dirt wandering the street,
My senses broked yet the mess is already have been done,
Was i been saved from the hunger of the unraveling thirst of nightmares?
©19 July 2017 - South Africa
My First Fear
James R Clobum Jun 2018
…I awake with a jolt, lying in dying herbage. I do not know why or where or when. I see a path through the choking, perishing growth.

The earth walked upon is formless and damp. I tread here with no specific reason I can recall. The smell of rotting vegetation lies heavy. My soles sink with every step.

As I travel a figure soon approaches. Disgusting and mangled the creature shouts. “Turn back, the path is dead”. Met with silence it falls and convulses.

As I walk my soul begins to sink. Every step becoming cold and lonesome. The dank and filthy air garrotes.  I fall into a muck.

With all my strength I push myself up. Bisecting myself from this ick. It tastes of licorice and stinks of misfortune. I bellow in anguish. Unthinkingly leaving an opening for them to flock in.

The swarm, disturbed from their home, march into my lungs. Still stuck in the muck, I cough and I wheeze. They sit with ease. Internal infernal grinding. Please take this life.

I pull myself to my knees, then crawl. I begin to walk. The parasites still procreating. With every step my soul rots. The pain is slow and chewing. A figure approaches. I collapse to my knees.

An emaciated decrepit one, consuming a portion of corpse. It raises its hand. I weakly stare into its voids. Eternal happiness and misery; both in different directions, I see.

It grabs my head. Clamps my jaws, prying them open. Vomits then chants. My mouth and nose forcefully held shut. My world spins and goes to dusk.

I cough…cough again. I open one eye. Expecting to be safe. Alas I wake, feeling a shake. A thump. Then another. Internal thwacking.

I open my mouth. Fermented pulp flows forth. The hive! There they lay, each on their backs and sides, dying. Rejoice.

I shamble and shuffle. Up from my knees. Continuing forth. Feeling a random caressing breeze.

I walk further. Stumbling only once. I see a shimmer. I rush. A flattened and still calm. A hideous substance. Be this water?

The brown porridge, thick with sediment. Mire on top. It must be water! This sister to a swamp!

The fetid substance provoking knots. I navigate the shore. Until I see what I have aimlessly been looking for.

A structure floating! Thanks be to it. It reaches across, all the way. I’ll be out by the end of this ****** day. Flat and a few feet wide, it will be my perpetual ride.

Halfway done and in the thick froth I see a slither. I ignore it and press on thither. Be it my mind? Illusions being made, by the weary?

I see it again, the slinking. Long, thin, and horrid. An foul long line. Sidlingly. Soon to have me skewered with fear.

I begin jogging, then a crack. A creak! A crumble! The path disintegrates in front of me. I about-face. The damage becoming symmetrical and identical. Front to back.

I see them, the creepy living lines. One. Two. Five, then twenty. They emerge from the liquid crud. All staring.

Their eyes, tiny and cloudy, cream colored and lifeless. All staring at me. All oozing grime from their clay colored skin.

I feel the flat slab below me. Vibrations, then knockings.

Please do not let this be it.

The living lines are drumming. A solo for dinner, I know what is coming.

The slab below my feet. Breaking. I fall backwards into the liquid peat.

I begin to swim for my life, impaled by panic. The disgusting slop, nearly holds me in place. I am almost at the shore! Those things will bother me no more!!

I kick and ****** through it. Something stops me.

A dull ******* pain. Then burning and ripping. The flesh from the right of my neck, gone with a peck. One monster, slurping away my skin.

One. Two. Five, then twenty. All maws slowly filled, my body plenty. I tear one off, biting its head; my only means of attack. I will soon be dead. They slip between my bones and tendons. I am still alive. Genitalia mashed in their mouths, consumed in a flash. They squirm through my abdominal wall to feast on my gall. A beast, long famished, its appetite replacing an arm. I scream, shout; pain coursing throughout. Then a bold one, ascending through my backside. Feasting. Death imminent, I can only hope. Movement is halted. Their gluttony leaves me halved. I feel myself sinking down into the muck. One swallows my eye, continues inward through there. Another eats at my lips and tongue, more slide down into my lung.

My world finally goes black…

I awake with a jolt, lying in dying herbage. I do not know why or where or when. I see a path through the choking, perishing growth.

The earth walked upon is formless and damp. I tread here with no specific reason...

How did this make you feel?
Irena Aug 2018
When someone's gone
it doesn't matter if he ever came
I need you when you're gone
You're gone when I need you,
but that is a different story to tell
I do not believe that you will hear
beyond your hearing
I do not believe that you will see
beyond your sight
And you shall never understand
further than your own thoughts

I could have come to you,
both naked and barefoot  
With all you ever gave me,
I could just grow old
Grow cold
For a woman cannot dress herself in
She cannot put a distant touch
in her hair
A woman cannot trimm her neck
with someone else's dreams
For the eagle is an eagle
only if able to fly
I didn't come to you
for I had only what you gave
on me

There in the corner
cats make love
It is strange that  nothing is born
in this time of night
The night is the deaf time of day,
and the day is the mute time of night
What could you say today
that can last me a lifetime
What words can I shelter hidden
in the heavy cloths of the night
There is nothing  

When someone's gone  
it doesn't matter if he ever came  
All the knockings on the doors
are in vain
All the tiny stones on the windows  
All in vain
When the road always leads  
on the wrong side
Always further
Always the furthest
When you're gone
It was mid morning before it dawned on us
that we were late and what a fuss we made,

Slices of bread and marmalade
half brewed tea put the ***
in the shade.

We got there at the last knockings
when the tide was about to turn,
down went the fishing lines
up went the parasols
and we settled in
and we settled in
and not even a nibble
the tiddlers.

so we went for a swim,
last one in buys the sweets
someone shouted but we
never really heard.
The last knockings of the day
and I'm knackered,
it's been a trial and I haven't
attended one of those in quite
a while
but it's almost done
and I'm almost done
and this is done.

— The End —