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Mariah Apr 2016
I been having a craving and guess what it was,
the dish is called Armando here what it's made of.
1 cup of sweetness, because you are beyond sweet.
So creamy and so smooth it's a rare delicate treat.
2 teaspoons of intelligence to soften the mixture,
With hint of kindeness to make it sweeter.
A flavor so rich filled with victoria secret and a red rose flower,
with a dash of hood called it Eat Egg thats a little sour.
This dish knock me off the roof,
I enjoy it so much it gave me a sweet tooth.
A tooth so sweet that my other teeth couldn't measure up, compared to the desert Armando the other deserts lost no matter what.
Out of all the dishes I had you are the sweetest to me, maybe I'm under a spell of a magician magic mystery.
I could crave it at work or sitting in a chair,
I could want it at home, I could have it anywhere.
Each bit is savory it lift me cloud high, its better than ice cream with sprinkles or a mouth full of pie.
This Armando dish is sweeter than my delicious cheesecake, I can eat it so much and never get a tummy ache.
Dimitrios Sarris Dec 2017
Heart woven from world's greatest thread
with passionate beat
love donor
kindeness donor
strength donor
a titaness of life
which warm tears shine
of love even in gloom.
A goddess of compassion
a poetess of passion.
My heart fills with gratitude
my soul fills with love.
Thank you for being my friend
thank you for you might be
the best of us all.
If more were like you
the world would be a merrier place.
This poem and a smile my humble gifts to you.
Merry Christmas.
Devoted to my sweet friend Karen.
when your soul has kindness life it is worthwhile
the kindeness that you give will aways bring a smile
something that you give your kindness it is free
deep inside of you it will always be

you can help somebody by showing that you care
if they need someone you are always there
they will sit and listen to what you have to say
kindness to  somebody goes a long long way

it dosent cost a penny kindness it is free
there inside of you where its meant to be

— The End —