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Andreina May 2016
I wish every message I receive was yours,
but that only makes me fall deeper
and deeper
into my endless sorrow.

It reminds me of what will never happen.

My heart is heavy of the "could have been's" that will never be.

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
so drunkly
pull us
of the
we found
one another
Andreina May 2016
Everytime I think of you
my heart skips a beat.
I can feel how it runs faster,
faster towards you.

But when I realize you belong to someone else
I can feel it decreasing

The beat is gone
and so are you.

It is gone
I am gone.

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
Those were the days I was the happiest, I think.
We did not need everything.
Actually, we did not have anything.
We only had each other, and that was enough.
More than enough, for:

we found peace
we found loyalty
we found love
we found each other

Andreina May 2016
It's funny.
In the exact moment I realize I am hoping for something more,
it's also the moment everything falls down
pulling me with it.

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
Maybe I was in love with what we did.

Maybe I was in love with what we went through.

Maybe I was in love with what we live.

But I was most definitely in love
with the touch he left
on my soul.
Andreina May 2016
I think this feeling, this feeling that everything is about to change, is sinking me
so deep
I can't find air to breathe even if I had a mask.

The feeling that soon some people may be here and others may not. The feeling that reality as you know it it's coming to an end and you can't do anything about it.

It feels like you were the only one that knows someone you love is going to die, but you can't find him
it is

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
What is wrong with me?

I can feel the sorrow and the pain crushing my infinite love

I think this is aching
I think this is missing

Missing something that was never
mine ...

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
I just want to find someone.

I thought I did, but then...
I realized his heart belong to someone else.

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
What happens with that person?
The one that makes the protagonist realize he is in love with someone else? The one that let's him run towards that train to catch that girl?
The one that sets him free.

Where is she now?
- *kiks
Delton Peele Dec 2021
I want to give into it .......
4 who am I to resist it ......
A humble an lowly nave...
..... That is......
Outwardly...... Not cowardly ... And secretely inside I Am EPIC   .
The shores caress my feet.
The jungles adore me ....
Oceans refreshing .... Mountains cool me .....
I drink the clouds .......
And awe the desserts     ......
My love .......
An beautiful oasis ....... Soft hot sand .. I roll naked ......
Unashamed .....
Protected ......
Warm ......
***** .....
Feels like home to me ....
Inner child like smile
Seventies ...
Long hair ......
No cell phones
No internet ...
Star jeans    ....
Transistor radio tied to the handlebars  
Still allitle mystery left   .
Brand new redline
Ride like the wind   . . ...
Cops ......friend?
No stalking .
No profile yet.
Like summer saturday morning......
Fuzzy ! .....happy?
Yup .
Oh heck yep....
Hip yup yep!
Worried ....uhhm
Well not yet .....
Why ?????
What's up?
Whad you
Mean by that.
Like smile ......
Gone ......
......clouds . ...
Winter ....
No stars   .... Wolfie  ....
Mysteries dissolved   become miseries ....
Cases solved
Cringed .
Burnt .
Turnt out  ...
Long tooth ....
Clumbzy .....
Teetering ......
Grumbling .....
One man barricade   . ..
Against mega stampede....
The entire worlds beast of field ....
People creepy crawly thing ....managing . ...
Barely ....behind me......pondering foot slips      ....
Barely ......let..........
Can't let go ......
Dont let anyyyyy..........
Sign   ..
Of.......weakness show .....
Trembling .......
What's gonna  happen me .........
Staring ........
Starry eyed kid.............
Used to .  ....
Nobody .........
Cares    bout
How    it .....
Use ta be ......
Psyche     ..... Dramatized ...
Tears .     Flow      
Forming rivers ....into oceans ... Cooling the   the raging fear and termoil inn  me ........I

I     ......
Can't ......
Let .....
I  cave ......
Let it go ......
Evolve .. .
Go with the flow ....the only thing that will forever be perpetually constant ......
Is  change........
So I say is that all you got ....
M'er F'er   ..
Heh........trigger please .......
Let it go ...
Or let's go ......
Naw baby ....
C'mon ...roll with ....
Dank swag ...
350$ bandana....
500$ kiks......
1000$ blue tooth ... ....
Inked up .
On the set ...up in the club ....
Don't you worry bout a thang .....
I got you ***** .......
Do yooooou
Know ...who you messin.
With ......
Aint nuttin but a "G" .....THANG  


— The End —