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Timothy Oliphant May 2015
Vegas not yet night and decades from being heat vapor high...

The word fight is a fight that is the boyish thought of who?

Tonight it is how be it where for when is it at or @...

I know you since we know him...

A fight tonight. ..

A kbow he is going to kick his ****. Because I kbow he can kick his ****.

I want him to fight but for him to win I can't watch.

But I know when and where!

I wabt to kick his ***!

I want to fight him tonight too.

I kick *** and I will keeping kicking ***.

A fight tonight is every night if 18 on the strip is a felony charge!

Softly spoken Oct 2011
I'm starting off agressive because I'm sick of this ****
You seem to have more excuses thn a crack head *****
Either your going to the store or out with your friends
And today for the 7th time you walked the dog again
Quick thought travel to the mouth and released thru the lips
As I watch ya mouth move I know its all bullshyt
No way in hell you been to work all week and your missing 2days pay
**** right I know ya hours, clock-in time, and hourly wage
Why the lies
You continuosly try to pull these wools over my eyes
Oh yea she ya cousin from ya father side
I know its bullshyt I see no resemblence at all
And I saw the look in her eyes when I kissed you as she walked off
Your lies
Has put you in a compromising position with me
Sick of your lies ya stories my once blind eyes now see
Here's wat you do take ya going out with ya friends, dog, and shopping sprees
Don't forget ya missing days paycheck, and cousin who don't like me
And step
One foot in front of the other ***** salute
March out my life cause I'm done with you
Yea I kbow its a rude way to say good bye
But you ****** up the day you thought it would be better to LIE........

— The End —