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Qualyxian Quest Jan 2019
early morning quiet, cheap motel
     watching, praying, waiting
        work begins again today
              JMU in the CAA . ..

  The Colonial Assassination Association
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
There's no way to know for sure
Have to trust when I can't understand
Also need suspicion
Also need to hold your hand

Music makes me happy
I know very little Thai
This is what it sounds like
When Doves Cry

He said he saw Prince in Spain
Best show of his life
Summer of 69
Cuts Like a Knife

I like those 80s ladies
Even in 2022
Her hair is wavy black
Her eyes are ocean blue

   We are the Dukes of JMU!
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2024
Camus at JMU
19 years old
Qualyxian Quest Nov 2024
Not much going on in Harrisonburg
A good place to study
William James, Josiah Royce
Meister Eckhart, Albert Camus

Took a class on Dante and Milton
I was too young for it
Female Episcopal priest
Fondly JMU

                       ' tis true
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
tired, long and lonely
grateful for the rest
even at my best

European trains
Sunlit Italy
Latin, a little Latin
Shakespeare's tragedies

Qualyxian Quest Dec 2024
So much for lost love
Better dailiness
Take care of my sons
Try to see them through

             Fondly JMU
I'm not gonna win any awards
I sit in libraries alone
I am not a saint
I threw a Rolling Stone

Dr. Thomas was my teacher
Dr. O'Meara too
I majored in philosophy
Gracias JMU

         Susan Meek not Sue
I took a class on Dante and Milton
The Divine Comedy
And Paradise Lost
The professor was a female Episcopal priest
I was too young for it
But I think it shows
An early attraction
To religious poetry:

They also serve who only stand and wait.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2024
Dr. Thomas was quite charming
And funny. And courteous too
Gratitude for him
Gratitude for JMU

                  And for Camus
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2019
be ignited or be gone, wrote Ms. Oliver
I was hired at JMU by George Toliver
       for me philosophy’s dawn

O Mary, help me be ignited before gone.
Waitin' on JMU
Baby, please come through
Destiny for Q
Please let him in

Souped up 72
Carolina blue
Susan Meek not Sue
Where should I begin?

Qualyxian Quest Jun 2023
Probably it doesn't make sense
But I still pray
At times
Even when I can't believe in God

I like Albert Camus
My favorite French atheist
Unde Malum?
North Africa. Berber Mother.

Me at JMU
Lonely as the rain
Her boyfriends studlier than I
Might place Life of Pi

The Shinkansen is impressive
Chesterton aggressive
I tend toward confessive
Like Augustine. But still shy.

               Thank you, Ry.
Qualyxian Quest Nov 2019
staring at Guernica, focus on the flower
no man knows the day or hour

but for my friends and country I will try
prayers above Seattle's starry sky

Fr. John Grace, help me be true
decades later, I still remember you

Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
When I heard the learned ethics professor
Proclaim "There are no moral facts"
Quickly I sat up, my ears attentive,
My mind focused and even frenzied.

I listened to him lecture, turned in my paper
And then walked into society
Where I gazed in perfect silence
At all of the passing people.
See Walt Whitman, "When I heard the learned astronomer" for background inspiration.
Dr. Thomas so kind to me
Gentleman of the South
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Something brave from your mouth

Camus at JMU
Me only 19
Life is indeed Absurd
Can you see what I mean?

              Rothko blue and green
Brian McDonagh Jan 2019
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2020
I’ll never figure it out
Why don’t I just accept it?

I lay her in sweet silence
And still try to resurrect it

Think I’ll sleep till noon
Maybe dream of Susan Meek

I took history with Dr. Yoon
Little Latin, less Greek :)
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2021
I can't quite find it
Always out of reach
About to get my car
Might drive to the beach

Taipei 101
Restaurant in Cary
At times my father's voice
Deep and loud and scary

Ravenstory stamps
Carolina Inn
Get me through till Sunday
Monday begin again

I miss you, Dr. Thomas
Duke Divinity
Sweetly Southern charm
Help me Barthly see

           Mail my destiny
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2020
2:37 a.m.
    Thinking of Dr. Thomas again
             Gratitude without end

                  and Barthian.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2020
I took Existentialism at 19
First told of The Plague

Fascism is a foolish thing
Certain in this world so vague

The French language sounds so
   The cathedrals astonish too

I know that life is often Absurd
   But I wish joy to be with you

               Monsieur Camus
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2024
My son turns 18 today
Pride. Worry. Pride.
I'm amazed by him
I like Malahide

Keep him going forward
Maybe JMU
July 12, 2006
I give thanks for Q

               I truly do.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2022
All men are created equal
But all women are definitely not
Buddhamind in Bangkok
Tremendum at Angkor Wat

Me at JMU
UVA was Scott
Ry is Virginia Tech
I post and play and plot

Just a few rooms
I do not own a yacht
Als Ick Kan
Give the best I got

      2037. What?
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
Albert Camus
Now we have Plague too

With an American twist

I rebel; therefore, we exist.
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2024
Asia in my life
Rice. The Buddha too.
Thai iced tea
Merton at JMU

Hunan vegetable
Korean grocery store
Bangkok in the rain

San Francisco Zen
Two years in Taipei
Lost in Translation
Still I say xie xie

Encounters with Chinese Hermits
Red Pine's Road to Heaven
A little won ton soup
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
The gun nuts and the Trumpfucks
Freedom to destroy
In Thailand I rode an elephant
Buddhamind? Nitnoy.

Reading of James Madison
Watching the Two Towers
Oxford. Xie Xie ni.

Philosophy at JMU
Learning from Dr. Wiles
San Francisco Zen Center
The Buddha gently smiles

Religion at JMU
Dr. William Thomas
Wagering with Pascal
Help me keep my promise

Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
Waking Ned Devine
Some other time
Guilt, but I still climb

Never right without the woman
Therefore, never right
Carolina Inn
2 flights 1 night's delights

Fire on the patio
Bipolar fascination
Heraclitus more than Thales
San Francisco meditation

A Man Called Otto
Me at Angkor Wat
JMU, Albert Camus
Mi hermano Scott

      The Old Man and the Sea

                  Si. I taught.
Qualyxian Quest Nov 2024
I majored in philosophy
Religious studies minor
Carolina Inn
Nothing would be finer

I've got an atheist in me
Albert Camus at JMU
Also got a monk
Also Pondicherry Zoo

Grey day blues today
Kiss her once for me
Once Toledo, Ohio

Qualyxian Quest Apr 2024
Dr. Thomas was very caring
Years at JMU
Eine kleine nachtmusik

I'm a mess of contradictions
Carolina blue
Hath the rain a father?
Monsieur Albert Camus

Dr. Thomas so kind to me
Dawn goes down to day
              xie xie
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
Probably I've written too much
But I can't seem to stop
On my way to the psych ward again
Handcuffed by the cop

Some of the police are racists
Some are real protectors
Many vote Republican
I'm in favor of defectors

Less religious in the hospitals
Adjust my meds and go
Thomas Jefferson came to Justify
Abraham Lincoln to Overthrow!

Dr. King studied in Boston
At Harvard Cornel West
Dr. Boykin Sanders at JMU
I did alright on his tests

     Hold your picture to my chest
                (and I feel fine)
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
From Mr. Markson and Mr. Eliot
I learned the Way of Allusions
Kinda like a game
Pick out the profusions

Dylan does the same
I believe I'll Dust my Broom
Never been to Notre Dame
Do not talk on Zoom

Been to South Side Chicago
Been to Wrigley Field
Ben Stiller's Quinlin
My son too New Dealed

He plays Magic the Gathering
And also Destiny 2
Thailand for the Jai
James at JMU

               2040 blue
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
The music has to be right
So the punishments will be right.
That's what Confucius believed
I stop by Mason Nation
I am very well received

JMU is purple and gold
For me, Albert Camus
Chicago is Maroon
I'm also Carolina blue
She's UNCW

           American Cosmic!
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2023
maybe it's a diary
my life as little poems
my life as long disease
exoplanet Sky

photos of Chinese trains
not really Dr. Strange
mouse in my house
Larry Bird, not Danny Ainge

ugly American churches
all my fruitless searches
Denver, Colorado
slowly guacamole

Shakespeare in Staunton
drive by JMU
Susan Meek, not Sue
Joshua Wilton view

Qualyxian Quest Dec 2021
I am not sexually attracted
To the male body

But I notice I am deeply attracted
To the gay male mind or spirit:

A.E. Houseman
Dr. Thomas (my favorite teacher at JMU)
Richard Rodriguez
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Cardinal Newman
Ludwig Wittgenstein
George Santayana
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2024
My God, Todd, you've become a liberal
Dr. Thomas said to me
I was reading Meister Eckhart
Long before my 3

JMU was nice
But I couldn't see
Monsieur Albert Camus
Ah! Absurdity

— The End —