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banana_the_poet Nov 2009
From space you can see it
it's really that huge
a structure of cosmic dimensions,
and yet it was built before JCB
or other earth moving pretensions.

These days we may feel
we cannot make change
with mankind pitted brother 'gainst brother.
But The Great Wall of China
shows what we can do
by just putting one brick on another.

Taken from Alternative Poetry Books - Yellow edition by Michele Brenton/banana the poet - published by Endaxi Press
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
im really not good with honesty
because the truth hurts so much
so i lie and lie to those around me
to protect them from who i am
but no more lies or games

i truthfully still love him
and i ruined it because i was scared
i didnt want to hurt anymore
but i hurt so bad i want to die
Joshua i love you and im sorry
Ben Jones Apr 2013
Dennis was a citizen
A denizen, a resident
Of somewhere near a motorway
A hideaway most opulent
Ensnared amid the railway
And trail ways for motorcars
A haven from the modern day
The takeaways and trendy bars

But shattered in the summer morn
His rest was torn by hammering
Invading what was once inert
So to his curtains clamouring
He banished each to either side
He threw them wide with knuckles white
And saw in front of his abode
Across the road, a building site

A certainty within his mind
Did slowly wind his purpose tight
And with a grim determined jaw
Across the floor he took to flight
Descending stairs without a care
His morning hair resembling
A dandelion set to seed
In need of disassembling

He strode across his dining room
And snatched a broom which lay by chance
Against the table by the door
And held before him like a lance
He mounted his beloved bike
A cycle like no other made
And on a builder set his sight
With all his might and unafraid

He charged his foe at quite a rush
And with his brush, the builder smote
And leaping from his trusty steed
He did proceed to stop and gloat
Before resuming in his spate
The builders mate did turn and run
To raise the dragon, JCB
It roared with glee and wheels spun

So Dennis, though his ears resound
With just the pound of noble heart
Did firmly stand and face the beast
His brow was creased and feet apart
He struck the creature savagely
And stubbornly with just his head
And that, according to the news
Was what the paramedics said

The End
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
With a front end loader
he'd be as safe as cold be,

This is what Boris said on

He was in Dales-Ford, with
the Prince

Looking at options, before
he hit the fence.

Charles is furious at his

Girling's not enough, but
this breaking was bad.

At ninety seven behind
the wheel

The Brexit limelight, he
did steal.

The question is now, does
he remain,

A driver from hell, or should
he take the train.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
G !!


Ryan O'Leary Nov 2020
It is not a JCB
nor is it a JOB
but it is a JAB
can you see a
liquid bubble
that's the new
micro chip an
injectable blob
which is why
your personal
details will be
taken when it
is distributed.
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— The End —