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Matt May 2015
The Lion of Panshir
United different ethnic groups
Uzbeks and Turkmen
People from Kandhar, Paktiyah, and Jalalabad
Under the Northern Alliance

He went to try to negotiate with the Taliban
He said they were "In a different world"

The Taliban are not Muslims
They are murderers and thugs
They do not serve Allah

The Lion of Panshir and the Mujahideen
Defended his native homeland from the Taliban

The Taliban could not enter the Panshir Valley
10,000 Taliban were slayed
By the Mighty Lion of Panshir and his forces

The mighty lion went to try to negotiate with the Taliban
He said they were "In a different world"
Death to the Taliban

May God continue to bless the ancestors of the mighty lion of Panshir
And the people of the Panshir Valley
The true followers of Allah
The Most High God

100,000 people gathered
For the funeral of Ahmed Massoud
Great leader, Loving father, Proud warrior
They built a musem in his honor

Your spirit lives on Ahmed Massoud
Allahu Akbar!
God is greatest
And you were one of His greatest servants
Matt Feb 2015
The Afghan army insisted things
Were more secure in 2013

But they had to close down the schools
One man said the Taliban threatened to attack the schools

Now the men fight with Soviet era weapons
The American troop levels reduced

In one village
The people can farm and work freely
Because of patrols by the Afghan police and
The police took over the patrols after the Americans left
The police report what is going on to the military

The people want clinics and schools
To be built

The army leaves day to day security
In the hands of the National Police

The Police Chief says
They have gained the trust of the local people
And they discuss how to punish the warlords

May God be with the national army and police force
May they protect the people and keep them safe

Some Afghans
Living in Pakistan
Were forced to return to Afghanistan
After a school was attacked in Peshwar, Pakistan

The Afghans suspect
That local officials are taking advantage
Of the situation
To expel unwanted refugees

More than 33,000 undocumented Afghans returned from Afghanistan
In the first six weeks of 2015

Even some registered refugees
Have been driven out of Pakistan

Many returning Afghan families have nowhere to go
In Jalalabad, the closest big city
On the Afghan side of Torkham
Families pitched tents along a canal
Lacking any other resource

Their children pulled turnips from a nearby field
The most reliable source of food

One woman is worried
How her children will fare
They no nothing of the country
And what it is like

Their is great mineral wealth in that country
Perhaps that is the main reason why
The U.S. has plans to stay there
For an extended period

I doubt life for the Afghan will ever get better
Or be more secure
The Taliban are there to stay

33% of people live below the poverty line
I doubt that figure will ever improve either
Even if the country prospers from their mineral deposits
The common man won't benefit

Well, that's just how the cookie crumbles
In Afghanistan
Haruna Garba Feb 2016
I Won't Sing A Song

I won't sing a Song,
lest I misguide the feet.
I won't sing a Song
about this unpleasant world
unpleasantness at Hiroshima,
gore all over Jalalabad.
I won't sing a Song,
lest I misguide the steps.
I won't sing a Song
about this tragic world
Tragic plane crashes,
tragic capsizing vessels.
I won't sing a Song
if craftsmen will specialize in dynamite drums
and blatantly make fire spitting flutes.
Why should I sing if craftsmen know nothing
accept to make piano keys able to spew hazards?
Can't be so dumb as to sing
while craftsmen are busy making weapon drugs.
I won't sing a song
Knowing Napoleon had fought sixty battles
and the seismic Tsunami yawns from time to time
I won't sing a song,
knowing Tsunami as I do, a convulsive eater
and water all round, she will not stop to belch
Drums of dynamites,
fire spitting flutes,
pianos of long ranging keys.
These aren't my idea of music
so I won't sing a song
With Bleeding Kansas fresh in mind
and engulfing of the Persian gulf,
how could i sing a song?
I won't sing a song
when the refugees fleeing ambush of tigers
fall victims to the pride of lions.

— The End —