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Andrew Rueter Jul 2020
The best way to change someone is through love
but you can use force at the price of resentment
or you can **** that person to eliminate their issues.

I wish I could love Jair Bolsonaro
the fatally unfit fascist president of Brazil
one of many idiots who benefit from anti-intellectualism.

He enjoys imposing his will—telling people how to live
so naturally he doesn’t enjoy being told how to live
like a child making rules to a game to benefit themselves.

Jair Bolsonaro doesn’t like using science or logic
so of course he doesn’t like using a face mask
saying protective equipment is “for fairies”.

Jair Bolsonaro contracted COVID-19
and shared videos of himself taking hydroxychloriquine
like a shameless snake oil salesman.

How am I supposed to love this man
when he fills me with resentment
to the point I start cheering for Covid?

People like him had me resorting to ****** at one point
until a rehab counselor brought up a Malachy McCourt quote
“Resentment is drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.”.
Journey the road of darkness to find
A missing piece
Into the abyss of eyes where what yyou seek is what you

- Os etês gostam de bunda. Foi o que captei da conversa entre as meninas, enquanto caminhava no calçadão do Liceu.
- Tem caras que não gostam, né; acho que não são chegados; comer um cuzinho será que não faz bem?!
- Cruz credo! Exclamei mentalmente, e segui meu caminho rumo ao Fórum, que fica em frente.
Elas vieram na minha direção, a passos firmes, olhar direto, "você tem fogo...", perguntou a morena pele-de-cuia, "e como tem", observou a loira de olhos azuis, típica europeia, me examinando de cima a baixo, parando os olhos, ostensivamente, na minha barriguilha; "te vejo sempre por aqui", disse a morena, enquanto eu lhe entregava o isqueiro; "é, estou sempre na cantina, tomando café; café de Fórum é choco, frio, fraco, e causa-me asia; então, venho na cantina, às vezes comer alguma coisa", concluí.
- Uma bucetinha, um cuzinho e o que mais? Indagou a loura, acendendo o cigarro.
- Você está sempre cercado de meninas! Não é à toa!! Vai ver é o maior safadão, pica doce.... Completou a morena, sempre combinando seus ataques com a colega.

O Liceu é uma escola destinada à classe média alta, concebida nos tempos do império, onde só entravam filhinhos de papai e seus apadrinhados do aparelho de estado. Mas isso dançou com o advento da república, e hoje, assim como os "Pedro II", recebem qualquer um, desde que aguentem suas provas de avaliação, pois ainda são um padrão de ensino almejado pelas camadas interessadas em ascensão social e tecnica. Seus prédios são construções coloniais, com arquitetura rebuscada, estilosos; janelões de madeira nobre, ainda insensíveis ao cupim. Uma coisa fantástica em termos de concepção, pois possuem salas espaçosas, bem arejadas, lousas imensas, mesas de cedro vernisadas, cheias de gavetas; seus corredores lembram aqueles do filme Harry Potter, sinistros de arrepiar. E no caso do Liceu Nilo Peçanha, de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, tem um sótão, que seguramente foi planejado como adega, pois tem balcãozinho cheio de compartimentos para copos, taças e talheres, à frente de um espelho na parede em moldura de mogno  e uma silhueta vitoriana; além de um velho barril de carvalho, aonde, sem dúvida, Casimiro de Abreu, Fagundes Varela, Lima Barreto e tantas outras celebridades literárias desta terra de orfandades iniciaram-se nos caminhos da radicalidade estética.

- Conhece o sótão do Liceu? Indagou a morena, quase ao pé do meu ouvido.
- É ideal para uma brincadinha... Insinuou ela. Respondi que lá eu já namorei, me embriaguei, estudei e fiz muita reunião do grêmio.
- Então é "liceano... Vamos!" Disseram ambas, quase em uníssono.
No rádio da cantina, exatamente às dez da manhã no meu Rolex, tocava uma canção, cujo trecho diz assim:" Deixa isso pra lá, vem pra cá, venha ver. Eu não tô fazendo nada, nem você também..." e seguia insinuando outras coisas, ditas pela voz de um dos meus tantos ídolos da mpb, Jair Rodrigues.

Bom, pra encurtar o lererê, a morena está aqui em casa há 32 anos. Já somos avós, e, nem os filhos nem os netos jamais saberão das nossas façanhas e quando lhe mostrei o rascunho deste texto, ela fitou-me com seu olhar fogueando e objetou: você não pôr aí os detalhes...
- Claro que não!! São nossas relíquias!

Christopher Rose Feb 2010
Sing, O Muse, of the wrath
That came from the East
To conquer our conquerors,
Of the left-handed Benjaminite, Ehud,
Chosen by G-d to free
The twelve tribes of
His chosen people.
For in his holy ******
Of Eglon, who, spurned by G-d,
Threw the chains of slavery on the
Exiles of exiles, diasporas of diasporas,
Kingdom of kingdoms trampled under
The wheel and foot, the people found
Their salvation in the crumpled body
Of an overweight king with a two-sided
Sword, fashioned by hand, in his protruded belly.


First, in the long succession of Judges,
Was Othniel, then Ehud, Shamgar,
Deborah, Barak, meaning lightning,
Followed by Gideon who destroyed
The altar of Baal, then Tola, Jair,
Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon.
Samson emerged late on the scene
And let the ***** from afar castrate his hair
And his G-dly strength.  But for all their
Effort there remained no king in Israel,
And everyone did what was right in
Their own eyes. The greatest of these
Poor souls from His chosen lot was the
Son of Gera, Ehud.  Giving his life to
Service, he offered his left hand as a
Sacrifice to Israel’s infidelities.


Sitting in his glorious throne room,
Talking of matters begot to none
But the war-chiefs who graveled at his
Every word, Eglon thought
Of his kingdom and prosperity
Allowing him and his company
To feast upon the rifled carcasses
Of the local gallopers and crawlers.
Then, not knowing where, a sickly
Perception of war entered and blew
The horn, resonating of blood and
Chariots, of men armed with spears,
Women and children weeping for their
Lost fathers and new-lovers. The sound
Reverberated; and written on the inside
Of his skull rested the words “wage war
With the kingdom of Israel.”


And not making reply, or questioning why,
He knew but his men were to do and die.
Little did he know or think to think upon
That his free agency of choice was stolen
By the children of Abraham.  So, he
Gathered the armies of Moab
Of the Ammonites and
Of the Amalekites.  With a cloud of murderous
Dust trailing behind them, and war cries
Piercing the air, they rode on to the
City of palms. “Ride, my men,” cried the king,
“Steal and plunder, destroy their gods, and
Shimmer in the glory of destruction.” His armies
Heard his cry
But did not reply.  


Eglon and his armies, treading like
The young lion and the dragon,
Casting stretching shadows,
Conquered the twelve tribes.  Not
A cry was uttered from Israel;
They tumbled and crumbled before
The mighty hand of the veracious invaders
Like reeds amongst the wind on
A March afternoon breeding daises
On the golden meadow.  For years,
They toiled under Eglon’s rule
Under his might,
Under his perpetual night.
“Deliver us from this evil,”
Prayed unthankful Israel—
Like always before in the unperturbed cycle
G-d heard their cries from the wasteland.

The existence of Ehud, G-d’s Judge,
Amalgamates at the tip of his left hand,
Would evil emanate from his finger tips?
Sinistra sinistra sinistra sinistra sinistra
Can he, caught in the grips of history,
Defy his wretched kind? With these questions
He, answering the summons of Him and
Armed with a double sided sword of two cubits
In length fashioned by his own hand, walked
Down from the mountains to the
Palace doorstep.


As the blade pierced Eglon’s belly,
G-d’s writing evaporated from his mind.
Sent to a kingdom far away to conquer
A people he knew little about, his career,
His rule, his reign, would end at the edge
Of a man from amongst the commoners.
Here he lies, the once mighty king
Laying in a pool of his own feces
Sheol awaits for him after his death
Sheol awaits for us after our deaths
And, the young man, emerging from the king’s palace
With a smirk on his condensed face;
After the battle was won,
After Israel was delivered,
After his people forgot his very name,
He, too, from the tribe of Benjamin
Had Sheol waiting on him.
Revised version. Submitted for entry in Western Illinois University Elements Literary Magazine.
Copyright 2010

— The End —